Just want easy to make vape liquid

RSO is just QWET/QWISO/etc that is cooked (in a rice cooker usually) to get rid of the solvent used. I have stated my views on what works and what doesn't and differences between PG, PEG, EJ Mix, and VG. Obviously pictures don't prove it out and you have decided for whatever reason that my experience is worthless.

With that said, the second half of my run is done. This was the dark QWET using some ethanol I used to clean up atomizers, pyrex, etc from past use. In the past, I always used that second run with the reclaim for RSO and noticed no difference. This time I air dried it. It was interesting. It was very "slick", almost slimy but not really. Kind of a cross between a plastic and taffy. There was also some liquid that was not water you an see in the pic (I dabbed it out). I assume this is from the PG and other stuff that would have gotten into the ethanol during the cleanings. So a little harder to scrape but worked fine. Technique exactly the same as yesterday. Recipe this time was: 4.5 ml of oil, 8 ml of PG, 8 drops of EJ Mix.

Once again, further pushing the boundaries of how little EJ Mix can be used to keep it in solution, using mostly PG. 8 drops appears to be about .2 ml. from dumping into a syringe. So down to 1.5% of the final mix and it is holding perfectly. Amazing! Extra ethanol is still evaporating out per my method, but excited to taste it. The one I made yesterday is great. It started getting back the natural oil flavor I like with minimal of the EJ Mix yuck for me.

Second Run.jpg CIMG1297.JPG
RSO is just QWET/QWISO/etc that is cooked (in a rice cooker usually) to get rid of the solvent used. I have stated my views on what works and what doesn't and differences between PG, PEG, EJ Mix, and VG. Obviously pictures don't prove it out and you have decided for whatever reason that my experience is worthless.

With that said, the second half of my run is done. This was the dark QWET using some ethanol I used to clean up atomizers, pyrex, etc from past use. In the past, I always used that second run with the reclaim for RSO and noticed no difference. This time I air dried it. It was interesting. It was very "slick", almost slimy but not really. Kind of a cross between a plastic and taffy. There was also some liquid that was not water you an see in the pic (I dabbed it out). I assume this is from the PG and other stuff that would have gotten into the ethanol during the cleanings. So a little harder to scrape but worked fine. Technique exactly the same as yesterday. Recipe this time was: 4.5 ml of oil, 8 ml of PG, 8 drops of EJ Mix.

Once again, further pushing the boundaries of how little EJ Mix can be used to keep it in solution, using mostly PG. 8 drops appears to be about .2 ml. from dumping into a syringe. So down to 1.5% of the final mix and it is holding perfectly. Amazing! Extra ethanol is still evaporating out per my method, but excited to taste it. The one I made yesterday is great. It started getting back the natural oil flavor I like with minimal of the EJ Mix yuck for me.

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Thanks for the help.
Seems EJmix is a rip off to me. 20 + bucks for a little bottle of a mix that is really just a combonation of easy to find or not so easy to find PG/peg400/300/whatever. Just the last little thing is what is the mix in the premixed oils, either hash oil, honey oil, ISO, BHO, RSO, Shatter, etcetcetc, in one of the retail stores that sell cannabis mixed vape juice.? What is the mix? If PG is the only thing you need to add to make ISO mix and put in tanks to vape and it will work then if it is good enough for a nicotene mixture dilivery system then it should be good enough to puff with herb extracted oils. If not and only EJmix works then what has this really been all about? No sure now. Just one easy mix with a non questioned or poo pooed formula would be so so nice.
So Mix and vape what formula that is not EJmix if any real experiance with one way or another.
Yes I have read your posts. Yes I have seen you say this then that but you never once have said this is an easy, good, no problem formula. With ISO of course. Don't give a shit about the other BHO etc 200proof booze way or vg/pg soak for a month or any of that other crap. JUST ISO, or as it is written, QWISO. Seems LWISO is stupid. LOL.
LONG WASH. So redundant if you ask me to say Quick Wash. ISO should be done the trics are desolved and if that takes 15 seconds no need or desire to flush out all the waxes and green nasties washing for longer. I am going to do QWISO, after my tric desolving test time, guessing 20 seconds, all freezing temped 99%iso, and bud chopped and cooled with ISO for 2 hours, longer is not going to make the shit colder by the way. Take it all out, jar flowers, cover with ISO, shake gently for 20 seconds, poor over metal mesh strainer, then poor that through one coffee filter, white with no bleach fear at all. Take all that came out and put it into a double boiler set up with the jar of extract sitting in it with a small fan to help. Wait till it is done then add some water, few drops to clear last iso and I guess what I get will be goo, or shattter, or "white" powder or whatever then mix that with PG, I guess, at 50/50 ratio volume and I don't know if heat is required there but anyway then pull into one of many a syringe I have and then I guess somehow put it into some tank? and try to vape it in a cheap nic pen. Or not real expensive one anyway.

See any issue with this or tweeks I need to do then chime in. If this won't work then there is nothing on this site that makes sense so far except the premixedripoff EJmix....
The EJ Mix vs straight PG IMHO is about it not separating. It still works when separated in a tank, but better when not. Capiche?

Not sure why the double boiler but it should work. A coffee warmer works fine and easier to look at. You will have oil with that technique. It only turns to powder when air dried. Really, and I know this will confuse or upset you, you will end up with RSO.

Can not say what the commercial places use. Yes, PG and VG are bases for normal ecig juice. But they are not trying to bind oils.

Yes, the EJ Mix is expensive. But it does as promised and in the tiny amounts I am having success with, not an issue. What does 2 drops per ml really cost.

ISO and ethanol - no difference in method. The only thing I would rec differently is extra caution in doing a full debarb (after solvent is gone, heating up until bubbles cease) to make sure ISO is all gone.

And i have been vaping my juice as I typed this :-)
Wow I can't believe this thread lol.

I've made my own ejuices (non THC) for the last few months.

I made a QWISO run using OAKLEYS tutorial found on RIU in the extracts section.

I yielded around 0.4g of oil.

I added 4ml of straight PG and double boiled to mix it all together.

Once it had cooled I added it into my ecig.
My ecig consists of this.
EGO CTWIST 1100mah battery.
Kangertech protank3
Charger for battery.

It worked and worked well.

I didn't have enough of the juice to find out when separation occurs but what I can say is that it didn't seperate within 4 days of being mixed.

I've seen that EJMIX is a combination of PEG400/300/200 and normal PG.

However it what ratios I do not know.

I'm sure on OAKLEYS thread someone there shows a picture of an MMJ cartridge they've bought that says ingredients
THC concentrate.

From the information I've read PEG400 will keep the concentrate mixed for longer when used on its own.

One thing I can tell you.

If you mix your concentrate with PG until dissolved and then add VG it becomes very creamy looking.
As soon as it cools it begins to seperate. Looking like you have a very contaminated fluid.

This is what happens when you add VG. This is still pretty potent but needs warming up before use to allow all the deposits to kind of dissolve again.


This is the result of decarbing your herb and stewing it in some PG/VG Mixture. I followed a tutorial on youtube by LETS VAPE to make this. It is not very potent.
Interesting. Not at all what I have seen when trying VG. Mine just separated big time after sitting. Will post pic when I can...
WoW! To say anything on here says it all, how to make it really work and that I am "overthinking" this. WOW!! What did you find from these last posts that makes sense? All say it don't work right. I give up trying to find what really works. No one Has a formula that says it works right. All say they have issues. Always bs on here....
Interesting. Not at all what I have seen when trying VG. Mine just separated big time after sitting. Will post pic when I can...

It was double boiled with PG and QWISO until mixed. Then the VG was added only after the qwiso had dissolved into the PG.

After it had cooled I also added some blueberry PG flavour.

I'm Going to give the stewing decarbed herb another shot as the bud I made it with was some low grade auto that I threw in my room during veg of some photos.

WoW! To say anything on here says it all, how to make it really work and that I am "overthinking" this. WOW!! What did you find from these last posts that makes sense? All say it don't work right. I give up trying to find what really works. No one Has a formula that says it works right. All say they have issues. Always bs on here....

You've had the direct it works answer from snaps.


Ego twist battery + kangertech protank 3 + USB charger = working ecig.

I highly doubt anyone will find out the true mix ratio of EJMIX or why it stays mixed so well.

Do you not understand the concept of a collaborative group of stangers working together to share their experiences and learn from one another? Isn't that what sites like this are all about? There is no bs. We all have slightly different methods that work.

This is new stuff here, not like brewing an ale that people have been doing forever. There is no patented technique.
Below is a pic of some separated oil. It was my first batch using EJ Mix (1:1 mix per the bottle) and for me tasted like absolute crap. I first added in a little PG (after the EJ Mix) to see if it would hold and it did. Then I tried adding a flavored VG mix to see what would happen and it separated immediately. I sucked as much of the oil out of it as I could and the pic below is what was left.

I don't think I have tried to use VG with RSO. But as I have said, RSO vs air dried holds in straight PG for me. So I am thinking that the double boil (vs a coffee burner) may be essentially doing whatever to the oil that happens to RSO. So maybe some VG can hold when the oil has been "cooked". VG does hit a little smoother with more vapor, though I don't see a ton of upside from it for THC juice that you don't hit as much.

The EJ Mix is a mystery. I am down to using next to none of it and seeing the benefit in it keeping a "heated only for melt" oil in solution. We know it is not the PG in it that is helping. And really we know it is not the PEG400, as it alone helps but still not perfect and I am confident saying that 1 drop of PEG400 per ml of oil (using PG for the rest) would not help much vs straight PG. So that leaves the PEG 300 and 200 (or some magic that happens when these things get mixed) that is the driving force in how it does what it does.

My brain is not good at science. I would love for someone with a better brain for it to dig in to what separates the PEGs from one another and how that might impact our hobby.

I think the stewed stuff is going to be a real challenge to get strong enough. One idea just popped into my crazy brain... The challenge is the amount of VG needed to immerse the weed. That is what throws it out of whack - you need too much VG. I wonder what would happen if you took a page out of the cannabutter playbook. Add water to it to add volume. In theory, the VG would take in the fat solubles like with butter as it stewed. After you strain it, I doubt a fridge would solidify the VG but then again, I have never refrigerated VG. But I would think you could boil it off or just put back in an open crock pot for some time to get the water out without getting the mix too hot.

In any case, separated E-Juice I keep for a rainy day...

separated oil.JPG
So I made some QWISO oil today.

I kind of rushed it as I didn't freeze anything and usually I do freeze for around 5 days.

I used 10g of dried buds.

2x quick washes and yielded 1.5g of QWISO weighed on digital scales in a 20g pyrex dish.

I then hot oil bathed the pyrex to remove any residual ISO.

Added 6ml of PROPYLENE GLYCOL to the 1.5g of QWISO and kept it in the oil bath until dissolved.

Once cooled I've added 3ml of PROPYLENE GLYCOL BLUEBERRY flavouring as the buds were BLUE DREAM so thought it would compliment quite well.

Here's the result.



We should see how long until separation occurs as I'm not going to be vaping this very much.

It's a pretty potent mix to be fair. Lol.

Thanks for all the info guys. I'm new to e juice, but I've been working on making my own for a minute now. I've purchased a bottle of EJ mix after reading about how easy it is to use and foolproof and what not, and have now tried several times to blend it with my extract. I'm surprised to find it separates within minutes each time. I'm heating up 35 ml EJ mix in a shot glass in hot water bath, then adding 1 g extract, stirring, adding more ej mix to thin just like it says on the bottle. It looks good at first, but once I take it off the heat little droplets of oil form after a couple minutes, and it's totally broken into oil floating on the ejmix after a day. WTF? I'm not a TOTAL moron, so I'm a bit confused as to what I'm doing wrong. I also tried adding my extract to everclear 190, which turned into a lovely clear golden liquid, then blending that with EJ mix - but to the same end. My only thought is, and I didn't see it addressed here, I'm using CO2 oil. But that shouldn't make a difference...??
Yeah Snaps, I have read it. I agree, lotsof potentially great info for someone who understands science better than I.

Damage, I have never used CO2 oil. I add my EJ to the oil, not the other way around. was that supposed to be 3.5ml not 35?
Sorry, right, 3.5 ml. I will try another batch adding the EJ mix to the oil... I guess I'll also try another type of extract, although I'm hoping to make it work with the co2 product as it is the most inexpensive and easily available. Then I'm gonna have to make a pan of knockout brownies with the 3 or 4 batches of failed e juice stirred in!
Jondamon, I just reread your post about VG and hadn't realized before that was stewing decarbed herb, not using a concentrate. So no surprise that it held and that it isn't very potent. I bet it didn't taste so good either. I made some of it once for edible use but tried vaping it - yuck :-) When I used the protank mini and had e-juice that would separate, it did it quickly in the tank once I started to hit it. I'm telling you though, one drop of EJ Mix added in per ml of oil, mixed together, and then adding PG keeps it in solution. The batches I posted look exactly the same today as when I made them.

damage, I am guessing that issue was the oil not being in liquid form (assuming that was the case) when you added it to the EJ Mix. If what you made is separating big time, if you have a syringe with a blunt tip needle you may be able to suck the oil out and try again.
Jondamon, I just reread your post about VG and hadn't realized before that was stewing decarbed herb, not using a concentrate. So no surprise that it held and that it isn't very potent. I bet it didn't taste so good either. I made some of it once for edible use but tried vaping it - yuck :-) When I used the protank mini and had e-juice that would separate, it did it quickly in the tank once I started to hit it. I'm telling you though, one drop of EJ Mix added in per ml of oil, mixed together, and then adding PG keeps it in solution. The batches I posted look exactly the same today as when I made them.

damage, I am guessing that issue was the oil not being in liquid form (assuming that was the case) when you added it to the EJ Mix. If what you made is separating big time, if you have a syringe with a blunt tip needle you may be able to suck the oil out and try again.

It was pretty rank to be fair lol.

Here's a pic of my PG/QWISO Mix still mixed.

2 days and no separation yet.

I've ordered some PEG400 too as its a pretty harsh smoke with straight PG.

Couple of guys I know have had a free cartomizer full up of the mix.

One guy vapes 6mg ejuice normally at 50/50 PG/VG and found it sent him into coughing fits.

Another vapes 24mg and he thought it was ok.

I'm hoping the PEG400 removes the coughing from my juice when mixed.

