Well-Known Member
Am I the only stock holder of gm that didn't get a notice that the mother fuckers are giving union workers a 5,000 dollar bonus?
Yay! I'd rather see the bonuses in the hands of common working folk than CEO's who don't deserve it. Only, CEO's get multi-million dollar bonuses. The last company I worked for voted the CEO to be paid every year for 5 years after his death. This includes bonuses and stocks. Millions of dollars. For one man. Molding and rotting in a grave. Congrats to the union workers. They actually deserve it.
Am I the only stock holder of gm that didn't get a notice that the mother fuckers are giving union workers a 5,000 dollar bonus?
Doubtful you have any stock
But nice try with the anti union rhetoric
I think you missed out GM paid its loan off ahead of time
you dont own jack shit
And never did
Census 330 million? Our economy if based on the money we spend weekly daily monthly in my case: one check a month. So when Marijuana becomes legal what will our business model be? A head shop, dispensary or someone on the corner? Money is changing hands somewhere or plant community property plants in Grant park in Atlanta. Legal at the federal leval controlled at state level. Or how to get couch lock into alcohol to prevent drunk driving? Is GNP figured at the cash register? Why a new Buffet Tax get the M/Billion he OWES! i DID NOT MIND THE 29.31% THAT CAME OUT OF MY CHECK WHEN I had a job! But why should the government play with my money until they decide I did not make enough and give it back April 14. so my money gets stepped on how many times before I get what percentage back? Forget about getting interest on it. GOVERNMENT NEEDS TO BE TEN% tax every thing the same at the cash register unless food and prescriptions are manna? Where I was the "Acting Chief" you worked the hours I scheduled you for or that was your last pay check. No hours you were laid off: Good Bye Big Government: Hello 50% UNEMPLOYMENT! How many people does that put on the corner selling what?This is so true! The economic growth of a company doesn't come from the CEOs.. It comes from the workers! No value is created by administration...
OMG a 3% hike on those making over 200K is gonna destry them
Thats like what?
A penny and a half for every dollar?
And its only on income above 200k?
Oh teh Noes
The job creators who aint hiring and have historic low taxes are going to go bankrupt over a few measly pennies
No silly, what that means is instead of expansion with that 3per it will mean he lays a guy off.
Is this rocket science?
Then the guy he lays off, who is not making 200 k, doesn't have a job.
And with record foreclosures and big ears bailing out solyndra, what could POSSIBLY go wrong.
Ya whatever
Business people hire when they need more people to meet demand
If they dont sell
They dont hire
Sorry mr. moneybags aint gonna lay off a guy if it means he cant meet demand
any other idiotic economic theorys you wish to toss off to?
Raising taxes is part of lowering the deficit, I thought Republicans cared about being fiscally responsible?People look at more than what they sell. People need to make a profit. Obama raising taxes on people making 200,000$ a year is not going to make those small businesses hier employees. Raising taxes on coorporate jets is not going to create jobs. The aircraft sales industry is doing terrible already as it is. And to double tax hedge funds as a capital gains tax is not going to make people invest either.
Lol? Even if that were true, correlation does not equal causation; I'd like to see you prove the "correlation" and then I'd like to see you prove "causation", please.Every time Obama talks about raising taxes, the unemployment/jobless claims go up. Thats a fact.
Raising taxes is part of lowering the deficit, I thought Republicans cared about being fiscally responsible?
Lol? Even if that were true, correlation does not equal causation; I'd like to see you prove the "correlation" and then I'd like to see you prove "causation", please.
Lol? Even if that were true, correlation does not equal causation; I'd like to see you prove the "correlation" and then I'd like to see you prove "causation", please.