UR both holding back! cmmon let it out.

have you seen some of the white supremacy he espouses?

It was worse before black friday. Now that it's illegal here in the states, most of those guys lost interest and it's hardcore that are left.

But yeah, look at Buck trying to defend himself for calling our guy names. If you know anything about BG or spent any time with him you know that Buck is pissing in the wind on this one. That's one he'll never live down there. One of the classiest, kindest, most philanthropic people in the business and Buck was.. well.. Buck.

is barry greenstein the one who trivialized the adversity blacks faced before civil rights?
@UncleBuck Oh look! He's totally not stalking again!

LOL dude, it's really bothering you isn't it. Meltdown!!

It's funny that you care so much what some randoms on a forum think about you. Seems you wouldn't be such a .. you.
So Holder is a racist? And by association Obama?
That's quite a conspiracy theory you got going.

If you look hard enough, you can find evil racism EVERYWHERE!!!! Why I bet there's racism in this very post somewhere!

AH-HA!!!! FOUND IT!!!!

See, racism is EVERYWHERE!!!
If you look hard enough, you can find evil racism EVERYWHERE!!!! Why I bet there's racism in this very post somewhere!

AH-HA!!!! FOUND IT!!!!

See, racism is EVERYWHERE!!!

it's always cute when a white supremacist tries to downplay his racism and a 5 year member of stormfront likes his post.