Justice department opening civil rights investigation against Ferguson Police Dept

there's something wrong with you, like seriously wrong.

Does stalking people online get you off or something?

And how does posting peoples personal info here result in you not getting a ban?

ginwilly was stupid enough to use the same name here that he uses all across the web, including his dating profile.

that's his fault.

if you were really interested in outing rats, you'd be more focused on OP and ginwilly.

Your IP address has been logged over at p5s and this is the only warning you'll get. Stop the stalking or shit goes next level.
The FBI was suggested

and OP:

I am a home inspector and I would out your shit in a second.
Hopefully you get your ass thrown into the street with the cops waiting.

why not focus on actual rats, echelon?
There is a HUGE difference between saying "I would do this IF..." and actually doing it. YOU went out of your way to expose more than one person here. It wasn't a threat or a wish or a hypothetical situation. It was a REAL LIFE thing. YOU ratted. You have the balls to do it yet you don't have the balls to proudly stand up and claim ownership of it. Not only are you a rat but you're chickenshit as well.
He was telling us all the other day how he gets info from admin too...

actually, it was potroast that identified you as beenthere, washere.
and not a single citation to back up all the shit mouth.

nice two post, by the way, echelon.

by your own standard, you are mad.

notice how i typed that without the need for anti-semitism? that's probably why i never got an invitation to all those holocaust denial neo-nazi groups you joined.
when unclebuck is asked why he feels it nessecary to post other users personal information here his response was

"and i'll do it again!"

no doubt he'll continue to ask for proof though being the drunken BUCK* he is...

That guy would need about an hour in jonestown before spilling his guts for a fix...
why are you trying to protect a formerly banned member who is a holocaust denying, white supremacist anti semite?

Do you have that on a clip board you can copy/paste or do you type it out 100 times a day. Just wondering... suggesting the clipboard for ya. It would get tedious to me typing the same thing 100 times a day.
Do you have that on a clip board you can copy/paste or do you type it out 100 times a day. Just wondering... suggesting the clipboard for ya. It would get tedious to me typing the same thing 100 times a day.

just curious as to why you want to defend a guy like that.