Justice department opening civil rights investigation against Ferguson Police Dept


Well-Known Member
Before the department investigation and the incident investigation is completed. And there is that paste eating fuck Eric Holder insinuating the cops are dirty.

I think the Justice Department is purposely influencing the course of the investigation by sticking their damn nose in before all the facts are even out... Pretty disgusting if you ask me.

Who would ever want to be a cop if nobody has your back even your employer??
An investigation by Holder has become necessary. If I were an honest cop, I would want that investigation and I would want Holder's office to lead it.

The bucktards and Sharptons of the world would not accept an investigation by anyone else (unless the results were what they wanted).
An investigation by Holder has become necessary. If I were an honest cop, I would want that investigation and I would want Holder's office to lead it.

The bucktards and Sharptons of the world would not accept an investigation by anyone else (unless the results were what they wanted).

sharpton! sharpton! sharpton!

you're the one who needs to mention him every time you open your mouth, sistah!

am i ever gonna get that apology by the way? or are you that small of a "man"?
Sure, I'm sorry for whatever you have cooked up in your head.

What do I owe you an apology for? I never stalked you or posted personal info about you on this site.
think along the lines of your uber-obsession with sharpton.

All right man, I have to run out. Either you tell me or you don't. If I said something against you that turned out to be untrue, I apologize. If it's your typical making shit up line, then fuck off.

Btw, did I ever get an apology from you for stalking me across web sites and posting all of the personal info here you could find? I don't remember...
All right man, I have to run out. Either you tell me or you don't. If I said something against you that turned out to be untrue, I apologize. If it's your typical making shit up line, then fuck off.

Btw, did I ever get an apology from you for stalking me across web sites and posting all of the personal info here you could find? I don't remember...
are you serious? he posted your personal info here?
All right man, I have to run out. Either you tell me or you don't. If I said something against you that turned out to be untrue, I apologize. If it's your typical making shit up line, then fuck off.

Btw, did I ever get an apology from you for stalking me across web sites and posting all of the personal info here you could find? I don't remember...

you promised me you were going to stick 4chan on me for posting here what anyone could find simply by googling "ginwilly". you lied. you should probably apologize for that as well.
are you serious? he posted your personal info here?

and i'll do it again!


i like where this thread is going.

it started off well enough with one of the resident simpletons expressing his disdain for giving extra scrutiny to police brutality and excess, then it took a turn for the SHARPTON! and now previously banned sketchy etchy thinks he has a feeding fest on his hands.
Damn are we still talking bout ferguson? If dude was white nobody say nothing.....I live relatively close to ferg and I am so tired of hearin bout it ....Every new's station has it covered...Let's all "Come together STL" can't even come to the sanctuary w/o hearin bout it...IME out here the cop's are pretty fair ....I can go to ESL and get fucked up by black cop's or stay here and get fucked up by white cop's .....It's the same vice versa......How come nobody is shouting about the cat's in cali gettin f'd up by cop's on the reg?