

Well-Known Member
The problem with militarizing a border is that people who want to cross with use military style tatics to get across which include deadly force.
Yes make no mistake about it, this is a war, and a military presence is needed, it cannot be ignored.


Well-Known Member
learn a lesson from this one kids....dont fuck with someone who has a gun!!

well if someone was throwin rocks at me i may fire a few warning shots, but as far as blastin the kid....i dont know, i think that was pretty fuckin extreme but thats the power we entrust into these people, they are in the situation and we arent so who are we to say if its extreme or not.


THIS IS MURDER! no other way to look at it, a little boy shot dead for trying to better his life, on witch your country was build apon, imagrents crossing boarders and oceans to better there lifes! this can not be justifed just becuse the kid is not amreican!!!

in northen Ireland neary 30 year ago on BLOODY SUNDAY bristh soldiers open fire on a civil rights march killing 14 poeple most where teenagers and injuring 30poeple, the inquiry into the nazi styled attack has taking 12 years and has cost the britsh state neary 200 millon, 14 deaths 30injuers 200 millon pound all over kids throwing rocks and trigger happie (britsh soldiers who acted like nazi stormtrops)= A quote from a britsh commonder whome was persent at blood sunday!!


Well-Known Member
THIS IS MURDER! no other way to look at it, a little boy shot dead for trying to better his life, on witch your country was build apon, imagrents crossing boarders and oceans to better there lifes! this can not be justifed just becuse the kid is not amreican!!!

in northen Ireland neary 30 year ago on BLOODY SUNDAY bristh soldiers open fire on a civil rights march killing 14 poeple most where teenagers and injuring 30poeple, the inquiry into the nazi styled attack has taking 12 years and has cost the britsh state neary 200 millon, 14 deaths 30injuers 200 millon pound all over kids throwing rocks and trigger happie (britsh soldiers who acted like nazi stormtrops)= A quote from a britsh commonder whome was persent at blood sunday!!
religious fracas is different than a border fracas.


no its state murder, its nothing to do with religon are boareds, human rights are international my friend, murder is muder the only way a human can justifly murder is if there life is in danger in witch case rock throwing in not justifable for murder!!
wat kinda of cort would sentens death for trowing a rock from at a police man 35 yards away! stop smoking meth dude


Well-Known Member
April 6th, 2010 04:26pm
S.C. woman killed by rock thrown from overpass; teen faces murder charge

by Mike Voorheis
Alicia Thomas, a 23-year-old passenger in a vehicle driven by her mother, was killed by a rock thrown from a U.S. 74 overpass in Rockingham, authorities told the Richmond County Daily Journal.
Cody Chavis, a 16-year-old, and a 15-year-old from Rockingham face first-degree murder charges in the incident, which occurred around 11 p.m. Sunday. Richmond County Sheriff Dale Furr told the Daily Journal called the incident a senseless act. “It is unbelievable that anyone could be that insensitive to human life,” he said.
Thomas’ mother and three other passengers were not injured in the incident.
– Mike Voorheis



Well-Known Member
Thrown rock killed climbing leader in Wyoming

A 15- to 20-pound rock that killed the Rocky Mountain regional director of the National Outdoor Leadership School as he was climbing near...
The Associated Press

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — A 15- to 20-pound rock that killed the Rocky Mountain regional director of the National Outdoor Leadership School as he was climbing near Lander last weekend was thrown by a 23-year-old Wyoming man, a prosecutor said Tuesday.
Fremont County Attorney Ed Newell said he would speak with relatives and friends of the victim, Pete Absolon, before deciding whether to file charges.
Newell declined to identify the rock thrower. But he said that judging from a sheriff's investigation, the man hadn't known that people were climbing below him.
"Apparently there were several individuals above the folks that were climbing that were unaware of the climbers below," he said. "It appears that there wasn't any deliberate attempt to strike the climbers with a rock or anything of that nature."
He said a report he received from the sheriff's office Tuesday afternoon said the man who threw the rock was "remorseful" and fully cooperative.
"It's just a sad thing both for Mr. Absolon and the individual who threw the rock, and their family," he said.
Absolon was climbing with a companion Saturday in the Leg Lake area of the Wind River Range west of Lander. The man who threw the rock was hiking above the climbers.
The rock struck Absolon in the head, shattering his helmet and killing him instantly.
County Coroner Ed McAuslan said Absolon's climbing partner was unable to lower Absolon's body. A team removed Absolon's body Sunday using a helicopter.
Absolon, 47, had been the Rocky Mountain director of NOLS since May. The school offers training in outdoor activities and survival and has 14 branches worldwide.
The Rocky Mountain branch, based in Lander, is NOLS' largest branch.
Absolon began working at the school as an instructor in 1990. He is survived by his wife, Molly, and a young daughter.
Newell said that while he would consult with family and friends before deciding whether to file charges, he would be the person to decide whether charges will be filed.
"At this juncture, we don't know what, if anything, might be done about it," he said.

Copyright © 2007 The Seattle Times Company


Well-Known Member
so if ur next door neigbuors kid throws a rock at you (you would kill him) california sounds a nice place 2 live
yes, i would kill him dead. but only if he was an illegal immigrant. which gives me about a 9 outta 10 odds to go for it. :fire:


illegal are not, simply dose not justify murder! a human life is worth more than stupid boarders and laws my bother!