here is my newest quandary....currently i stand on the side of 'justified' but i have flip-flopped before and who knows, i may do so here it is.
currently, i feel it is justified because throwing rocks CAN be deadly, so of course it is justifiable to meet such a threat with equal force.
but it is not just the simple act of throwing rocks that must be considered. the letter of the law and spirit of the law are often markedly different. whatever the letter of the law says about throwing rocks, the act of the BP agent is only justifiable if his life was TRULY IN DANGER due to the throwing of the rocks, ie the spirit of the law.
for example, suppose a 7 year old girl is throwing rocks at a BP agent in 100% complete body armor....the letter of the law says that she is throwing rocks, so use deadly force. the spirit of the law dictates the officer's life is not in danger by a 7 year old throwing rocks, so deadly force is not justified.
now, let's take a look at the verifiable facts that we can discern from the video:
the agent had backup literally 12 seconds away
the agent was wearing a helmet and had a human shield protecting him from projectiles
the kid throwing the rocks was far enough away that a deadly projectile is laughable
was the agent's life TRULY in danger?
some here have tried to justify the act by citing the kid as a bad seed. this line of justification is pure bullshit, as whatever that kid had done in the past is not relevant to the justification of deadly force. to me, these false justifications smack of cognitive dissonance.
the only relevant consideration is whether this agent's life was truly in danger. i say no, but am still staying in the justified camp until more facts come out. bong time