JWH-XXX Comparison

this jwh is it possible to overdose on it an die?
Well you'd have to be stupid to do that, but from what i've seen so far, over the couple dozen people that i know that have tried it, 2 people were very sensitive to it, and had VERY intense experiences to say the least...moderation + knowledge are key
hmm seems to have a very good response from you guys...im not too thrilled about smoking it like meth or crack though it is very cheap I think if i bought it id put it on some herbs and sell it
my question really should be could you die if you smoked a gram of it?

I would imagine the LD50 is very high. If you smoke a gram you deserve to die regardless of if it kills you or not, the active dosage is probably >1mg (.001g).
time to review my first phenylacetylindole...


  • Indica-like high *the sedating effects vary on dosage (low dosages aren't sedating, high dosages are)
  • Produces anxiolytic effects (although not as pronounced nor as efficient as JWH-081)
  • Light-euphoriant effects (the least pronounced of the JWH-xxx's I have tried)
  • Semi-narcotic high (I find the narcotic feelings to be about as pronounced as the marijuana-like feelings)

I feel that this substance needs at least a partial writeup to make the review complete. I have heard many a person mention that JWH-250 is not as potent as some of the other JWH-xxx compounds, I personally do not agree with that statement. I found the effects to be pronounced at approximately 5 milligrams (which fits right in with most of the other JWH-xxx's), so the potency does not lack. I think that people get the actual potency mixed up with the euphoriant effects.. as JWH-250 is not nearly as strong of a euphoriant as JWH-081, I think people automatically lable it as a weak substance. If you are looking for a euphoriant, then maybe JWH-250 is not for you; although, if you are looking for something that is functional and relaxing or a nice sleep-aid, maybe this is one to keep in mind.

So far, I have not found this substance to have any exciting features. It's not that it isn't enjoyable, simply in comparison to the other JWH-xxx's I do not think JWH-250 holds up. Most definitely this is not a novel substance, if you are a connoisseur or looking to compare all the synthetic cannabinoid-like compounds, then this may be worth your time... but if you are looking for the next best thing, or an alternative to JWH-018 or JWH-073, your best bet would be to keep looking.​
Shepj you gotta pick up an oil pipe from a headshop, the only way to dose this stuff. You have to melt it good first, and then roll your little glob around, passing it over glass which is hot enough to vaporize it. Otherwise, it is probably best to "make your own spice" and then smoke that in a traditional vaporizer.

JWH-200 is "weaker" than -250. Its effects are even more subtle, however for this it is more novel than -250?
Shepj you gotta pick up an oil pipe from a headshop

Is there a chance you could post a picture of one? I usually chase the dragon with a little modification (which works very well, but it would be really nice to have a pipe that did it properly).

JWH-200 is "weaker" than -250. Its effects are even more subtle, however for this it is more novel than -250?

I have yet to try JWH-200 (although I should be getting an array of exotic cannabinoid-like substances in the near future), so I can not compare it yet.

I tried a dosage (estimated 10mg's) JWH-250 the other day.. I have to say, the potency was almost uncomfortably strong, so another +1 against it being "weak"... it is simply bland. The effects are not really captivating. When I get some JWH-200 I will update my comparison.
Thanks for the pic beakback, I will see if I can find one.. headshops usually carry them?

No problem, I will have more on the way! I should be getting a couple WIN compounds fairly soon and if people are interested in hearing about the CP's I am sure I can work soemthing out.
So Shepj I want to know your opinion on supposed evidence of the Napthlene ring in JWH-018 to be linked to malignant tumors, supposedly tested by a pharmaceutical lab for future testing as a transdermal(?) patch. I found an article about it on BL... and as i've seen from your posts your quite a spice head. Care to lay down some info.?
So Shepj I want to know your opinion on supposed evidence of the Napthlene ring in JWH-018 to be linked to malignant tumors, supposedly tested by a pharmaceutical lab for future testing as a transdermal(?) patch. I found an article about it on BL... and as i've seen from your posts your quite a spice head. Care to lay down some info.?

I urge you to reread the original article:


JWH-018 has never been tested on humans, but drugs in the same family have been studied on mice.

They did not say JWH-018 caused malignant tumors in mice; they said drugs in the same family as JWH-018 caused malignant tumors in mice. I am not sure if they are directing the "same family" portion towards aminoalkylindoles or naphthoylindoles though..

I think they may be referencing JWH-015 when they mention carcinogenicity:

Epoxidation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons can produce carcinogenic metabolites

Here is a little something you should read about JWH-018 if you are interested in the toxicity:


is that shit good to mix with tobacco in a jay/bong?

It is best (imho) when it is vaporized. If you have interest in putting it on something like tobacco I would recommend making a solution of JWH-018 dissolved in acetone to apply it to the tobacco. Although personally, I do not recommend smoking tobacco.​
I don't know if you included this but with my experience JWH is like taking a bong rip of dank to the face and then after about 25-30 minutes you say "wait wasn't I just stoned?". It reminds me of cocaine in that sense but it has weed effects to it.I guess that's why I kind of strayed away from it. I ended up selling half the bag I had left to a friend but he left it at my house and I smoked the rest in 4 days. It raised my cannabinoid tolerance through the roof so I was smoking 2-3x the amount then when I started and it only lasted 30 minutes. I guess I just have an addictive personality... but I believe there could be a higher potential for abuse with JWH then pot just for the fact it's stronger and shorter lived, just as people are more inclined to get addicted to crack then cocaine. Though they effect 2 different receptors in the body so weither the same mental addiction could occur is debatable.
Swag, I have not noticed a short lasting buzz except for JWH-250 (which is very up and down). If you are comparing JWH-infused-blends, that is totally different than a straight
JWH-xxx. In all honesty, I see no difference in smoking JWH-xxx's and refined cannabis products (hash, hash oil, budder, etc.) as they are of increased potency; you simply have to adjust your dosage to fit accordingly. If you can get addicted to JWH-xxx's you can get addicted to marijuana, it is the same two receptors (CB1/CB2).

It is best (imho) when it is vaporized. If you have interest in putting it on something like tobacco I would recommend making a solution of JWH-018 dissolved in acetone to apply it to the tobacco. Although personally, I do not recommend smoking tobacco.​

I tried extraction of JWH-018 by evaporating about a 1/4 gram Acetone and then letting about 8-10 grams of marshmellow soak in the acetone in a coffee filter. I used this method as I believed it would be the best to even out the dosing and not risk getting dangerous large amounts of JWH in specific areas of the material. I let the material soak for about 3-4 hours and then allowed the Marshmellow leaf to dry at room temperature for about 10-12 hours. The resulting product I got was acetone smelling Marshmellow leaf. There was sparkles of what looked like green kief on the bottom of the bowl I had the stuff sitting in... I was reluctant to smoke it but that what friends are for hah, so one of my friends smoked it he said it got him high like JWH normally does but there was definetly less JWH on the bottom of the bowl then I had originally put in. I'm guessing the Naptha wasn't able to pass through the coffee filter causing the JWH to sink to the bottom of the bowl, or maybe I was supposed to stir it. I was looking to get another g of it before the DEA came down with the hammer on it, I was just hoping for a better method of extracting it into material.
Seriously, if anyone did actually smoke a gram of jwh, besides probably really wanting to die, you should probably be shot for being an idiot. Anyone that doesn't realize that jwh and marijuana are completely different in every way..... smell, sight, effect, duration, etc you should not be smoking it and definitely not in the same amounts! Plain and simple. Come on, you need to somewhat educated at least to the correct dosage. If not, don't complain about almost dying and don't start saying the stuff should be banned.

I have no affiliation with them, but I found a site that sells a kit to make your own jwh incense called the "Spice K2 Style Incense Blend Kit". The reason im writing about it is, since I now make my own jwh incense, I know exactly what ingredients go in to my blends. I don't worry anymore about what kind of weird shit is in my incense. I use to get headaches after smoking retail spice blends, but since I've been making my own, the headaches have gone away. I don't know why, but they're gone. Only thing I can think of is that these retail blends put in filler chemicals & herbs that gave me headaches. When I say filler, I mean stuff that probably has no mind effect, but takes up space and weight. But now that I only use three ingredients in my spice, they're gone. The way I make my blends is simple, 2oz. of foliage, 1 gram jwh, and flavoring extract. That's it! It's just like K2, Spice Gold or any of the other blends in the stores. One of my nerd friends says my blends are about 15mg/g, which is fairly close to the effects of K2 Summit. Other people use a combination of foliage like marshmallow, mullein, damiana,etc etc. Ya Whatever. I've found the type of foliage really doesn't matter all that much. Combining the different types together is cool, but it really doesn't effect much of anything, not even the taste. The taste is effected by the flavoring extracts and how much jwh is in it. That's it. So if you like spice style incense blends, but worry about what goes into them, you might wanna start making your own like me.
Nice link Juju Bee, I think it is a great idea to have someone offering everything you need to make your own blend.. it eliminates all the "How much of ____ do I use for this (amount) of ____?" and makes it clear cut for people. Also, it allows you to know exactly how much of what is going into you and the purity of the JWH's you're using.

Also, I think I have found a purpose for JWH-250! It serves very well when "blending" jwh's. I did a bowl of:

  • 10mg's JWH-073
  • 4mg's JWH-081
  • 1mg JWH-250

(all numbers are approximate)

it was better than most weed I have smoked (minus the flavor.. now only if I can get cannabis flavor extract).​
I have tried 7 research chem's here's my personal list of potency.
Jw:18,jw73,jw81,win 55 212-2.
The win55 is the weakest and imho a worthless chem. Up to 25mg so far with a very very weak calming type of high. The other jw's were dosed @ 10-15mg.
There was a vendor selling WIN 55212-2 and essentially it has two active isomers (I think) that cancelled each other out. You could have shitty stock.
I've had 10mg J-018 and 10mg J-073, and that sure did the job for me :) -

ShepJ, I'm interested in trying the mix you did above, is it really better than weed? I'll check it out after I order some J-250, I think I already have J-81. The only thing that keeps me from doing it that way is the taste you mentioned, how bad is it?
