JWH-XXX Comparison

So I called the company which I used for the first time with this win 55 order and she offered to swap me for another product.all good as long as they pull through which I'm sure they will.
ShepJ, I'm interested in trying the mix you did above, is it really better than weed? I'll check it out after I order some J-250, I think I already have J-81. The only thing that keeps me from doing it that way is the taste you mentioned, how bad is it?

It hits a really broad spectrum; the -081 makes it calming, yet not sedating, with some tranquil euphoria. The -073 makes it "sativa-dominant", as in, more energetic, cerebral high, high euphoria. The -250 is a bit empty by itself but in blends, adds effects making the whole combination hit every spectrum of weed effects. I would say it is like smoking a 60:40 Sativa:Indica, but it is more full than that. It really hits Sativa effects, Indica effects, and a hybridization of the two all at the same time.

The taste wasn't that bad really, it is just not like enjoying the taste of fine cannabis.
JWH-018 has been shown to cause profound changes in CB1 receptor density following administration, causing desensitization to its effects more rapidly than related cannabinoids.

keep smoking that shit, then weed won't get you loaded any more. lookin foreward to that?
JWH-018 is the shit if you smoke to much you trip haha but like if u dont know that u smoked too much. u will flip out! haha it happend to my friend he was freakin out
if u dont know that u smoked too much.

That is why you use a .001g scale.. btw you from Southern or Nothern NH?

JWH-018 has been shown to cause profound changes in CB1 receptor density following administration, causing desensitization to its effects more rapidly than related cannabinoids.

I don't doubt that; it is approximately four to five times stronger than THC, what did you expect? That is why you:

1) Don't smoke it daily
2) Take a break for a while to let your tolerance fall
-018 Can mind-fark hardcore. If you forget you're high, you might believe hell is where you are. -073 Comes on fast, is more tactile, enthusiastic, & makes copulation awesome. -081 Takes SWIM 12 minutes to feel the onset of effects. Strong analgesic with motivation. JWH-081 Deep Study for Intractable Pain: (SWIM started w/ 2.1 grams. Dosed daily for 6 weeks... 2100 milligrams/45 days/7 doses throughout day = Each dose was approximately 6 milligrams). That is roughly 315 doses! Each administration was prepared the same way: A consistent amount was "eye-balled" with a very small scoop (1/4 the size of a paper match-head, or 1/4 of a BB), then loaded onto a tiny spoon. Hold over flame until just melted, allow 20 seconds to cool, then collect a goober with a fine screwdriver. This can be vaporized just like hash or keif. A smoking implement with 5 layered screens prevents melt-thru. Do not inject or insufflate! The 081 has a more forgiving margin of error than 018, should a dose be over-measured. SWIM has both purposefully and accidentally consumed over-amounts to ascertain effects and risks of all three JWH's listed above (with realistic reservation), alone and in conjunction with cannabis. The JWH series are not intended to "replace" Marijuana, and should not be forced into that role. Incidentally, any JWH type will compete with any Marijuana strain for the same, limited number of receptors. If a chemical is a "full agonist" of CB1/CB2 sites, the greater affinity pushes the pot aside, effectively wasting the pot. The sudden come-down can be positive if one wanted to be straight in time for work. Once familiarized with the effects of each, consistent pain management results can be obtained. Tolerance did not seem to develop dose-by-dose or day-by-day. However, at the end of the 081 trial SWIM noticed some overall buildup, requiring slightly larger/more frequent dosing. As with any exogenous cannabinoids, the body down-regulates its' own form (anandamide) with repeated exposure, requiring some rest to normalize. As far as a smoking blend substitute, SWIM wants little or no combustible fiber. When heated properly, JWH does NOT combust and leave acetaldehide & ash behind. This is more a medicinal chemical than a party drug. Somewhat like an asthma inhaler. But, Cannabis will always have its' place and there are still ongoing, cutting-edge trials by Actual Scientists using Gas Chromatography and such. The future is bright indeed.
It hits a really broad spectrum; the -081 makes it calming, yet not sedating, with some tranquil euphoria. The -073 makes it "sativa-dominant", as in, more energetic, cerebral high, high euphoria. The -250 is a bit empty by itself but in blends, adds effects making the whole combination hit every spectrum of weed effects. I would say it is like smoking a 60:40 Sativa:Indica, but it is more full than that. It really hits Sativa effects, Indica effects, and a hybridization of the two all at the same time.

The taste wasn't that bad really, it is just not like enjoying the taste of fine cannabis.

Hey Shep, just got the J-250 in, I'll will try it out on my days off and let you know if it has the same effects on me. By the way, what scale are you using to weight out your jwh? I got an acculab, not the best, but it gets the job done ( :

i was wondering whats an average does of jwh-018? and whats a high dose(like to where i would get extremely high but nowere close to lethal) also what are some ways that you take it? and what way gives you the most effects? i pretty new to jwh
The functional dose for JWH-018 is 3 - 6 milligrams. Over 10 milligrams is where things get shaky, over 15 milli's things can get downright spooky. The LD50 is way high; don't even consider going there. If you are comfortable/familiar with occasional cannabis paranoia & elevated heart rate, you should be fine. But the real concern is the distinct possibility of FORGETTING YOU'RE HIGH! As long as you remember this at all times, you can navigate rough waters, knowing you'll come down. This JWH, you cannot just do more & more. As one fellow said, "when you're mega, you're mega", and there is no more up. I really hate to even mention PCP or Ketamine, for instance, but a JWH-018 overdose is not like "Tripping Balls". Not a few individuals have obsessed over Hell and thinking they're either already there or soon going, and acted out strangely. Vaping is the only way, and it has to be a 'goober', or the fine powder will just get sucked through the screen. Don't let flame touch it, draw slow, hold long. The chemical taste can grow on you, it's funky but gentle (K2, by comparison, feels hot on the throat). At 99% potency, if you can see the exhale, the hit was too big. Lungs only have so much surface area, so multiple hits over several minutes rather than a large hit is advisable.
The functional dose for JWH-018 is 3 - 6 milligrams. Over 10 milligrams is where things get shaky, over 15 milli's things can get downright spooky. The LD50 is way high; don't even consider going there. If you are comfortable/familiar with occasional cannabis paranoia & elevated heart rate, you should be fine. But the real concern is the distinct possibility of FORGETTING YOU'RE HIGH! As long as you remember this at all times, you can navigate rough waters, knowing you'll come down. This JWH, you cannot just do more & more. As one fellow said, "when you're mega, you're mega", and there is no more up. I really hate to even mention PCP or Ketamine, for instance, but a JWH-018 overdose is not like "Tripping Balls". Not a few individuals have obsessed over Hell and thinking they're either already there or soon going, and acted out strangely. Vaping is the only way, and it has to be a 'goober', or the fine powder will just get sucked through the screen. Don't let flame touch it, draw slow, hold long. The chemical taste can grow on you, it's funky but gentle (K2, by comparison, feels hot on the throat). At 99% potency, if you can see the exhale, the hit was too big. Lungs only have so much surface area, so multiple hits over several minutes rather than a large hit is advisable.

so i would be fine if i did somewere between 10-15 mg right?
Swim says begin with 3-5mg just to be on the safe side and swim also recommends you weight this with a 0.001 scale, not the common 0.1g scale. GL

so i would be fine if i did somewere between 10-15 mg right?

I suggest at least a dozen "safe dose" opportunities to be firmly grounded. When people say, "This XXX is more like Sativa, This XXX is more like Indica", it's a vague generalization. JWH series ARE NOT cannabinoids, or cannabinoid analogues, or "more potent that THC", blah blah. Each compound was unique enough to have earned an individual patent. It is "novel" that they bind to CB1/CB2 receptors. A metaphor could be... If I could squeeze down a narrow hallway, and a dog could squeeze down the same narrow hallway, that doesn't make us both people, or dogs, does it? Second, DO have some JWH-073 on hand when titrating your JWH-018 experience upwards. If anxiety rears its' fuggly head, it can be more calmative. Don't try to "eyeball" without sufficient experience; Much preferable is an accurate scale.
When people say, "This XXX is more like Sativa, This XXX is more like Indica", it's a vague generalization.

I really do not agree with that statement; to say that JWH-073 is sativa-like it is saying that a Sativa strain of marijuana binds to your CB1/CB2 receptors in a similar mechanism (or proportions).

JWH series ARE NOT cannabinoids, or cannabinoid analogues, or "more potent that THC", blah blah..

They are "designer cannabinoids", but to be more proper, they are "cannabinoid agonists" (well I am sure there are some antagonists out there as well). In the case of JWH-018 it is an aminoalkylindole and further more, a naphthoylindole. It binds approximately 5x stronger than THC.

What JWH gives the best funny high? The best experience I had on marijuana was watching a tv show and finding everything hilarious. I tried k2 summit and got this feeling...I'm not sure what JWH is in that though.
With due respect, JWH are not cannabinoids. They function similar to some cannabinoids. Over 400 chemicals in cannabis; NONE remotely resemble any JWH. Sativa/Indica terms are helpful, as are cannabinol, cannabidiol, tetrahydrocannabivarin etc... I've smoked the herb for over twenty years, love my medical recommendation, but I have had numerous experiences with JWH's that far exceed or differ from that of various strains of cannabis.
What JWH gives the best funny high?

I am not sure what is in K2 Summit, but in all honesty I think that the "funny high" may be dose dependent. I would guess your best chance would be with JWH-073 (as it is very euphoric), but I think you would have to find which dose produced which effect.

With due respect, JWH are not cannabinoids. They function similar to some cannabinoids.

They are categorized under cannabinoids.

It goes (JWH-018.):

Cannabinoid > Synthetic Cannabinoid Receptor Agonists > Aminoaklkylindole > Naphthoylindole

They function the same way as other cannabinoids; they affect your CB1/CB2 receptor..

Over 400 chemicals in cannabis; NONE remotely resemble any JWH.

So structural similarity determines if a substance is a cannabinoid or not?

Anandamide (N-arachidonoylethanolamine) does not share the structure of THC but is an endogenous cannabinoid agonist. What about substances like Dexanabinol (HU-211)?
I am not sure what is in K2 Summit, but in all honesty I think that the "funny high" may be dose dependent. I would guess your best chance would be with JWH-073 (as it is very euphoric), but I think you would have to find which dose produced which effect.

They are categorized under cannabinoids.

It goes (JWH-018.):

Cannabinoid > Synthetic Cannabinoid Receptor Agonists > Aminoaklkylindole > Naphthoylindole

They function the same way as other cannabinoids; they affect your CB1/CB2 receptor..

So structural similarity determines if a substance is a cannabinoid or not?

Anandamide (N-arachidonoylethanolamine) does not share the structure of THC but is an endogenous cannabinoid agonist. What about substances like Dexanabinol (HU-211)?

Wiki says THC is not a FULL agonist at either CB1, or CB2. BIG Difference.