JWH-XXX Comparison

gonna eat some jwh chocolates later, got 15-18 mg of jwh 018 in each chocolate.

How did this work out for you? I've been meaning to try jwh orally, but haven't had the chance. How much do you normally smoke at a time? I can't wait to hear your response!
oh man i forgot to eat them, haha, I will soon probably tonight, uhm im hoping there gonna be awsome, i've yet to take jwh orally, but i've read 10-15 mg is good starting point

i almost never smoke it, when i do its on spice made with about 40 grams of mullien/damina with 2 grams of jwh... then i only smoke a bowl or two to get high.
i just ate 26 mg of jwh about an hour ago. I don;t feel much, if anything at this point. I'm going to give it another 45 minutes, then re dose.

UPDATE: It is now 1:30. I have consumed 50mg of jwh18 over the past hour and a half, and i don't really feel too much. Especially considering that if I had smoked this amount, I'd be crazy high.

UPDATE: its about 230, and i do feel high. Similar to have eating about .4 ish of some marijuana edibles. I took one hit of MJ from my volcano, and now I'm pretty damn stoned.

The cost of jwh is low enough that if i were to find the appropriate dose, it would still be worth consuming this chemical orally. I just haven't found that dosage yet.
I dont smoke it or use it regularly, and i found that about 20-25 mg is about perfect for me, or about 15-17 mg if im gonna smoke real weed while on it.

the combo of eating jwh and smoking real weed, knocked me on my ass the last two nights, on its own the jwh felt sorta hollow, cant tell your high the hole time, mix with real weed, and man i was sooo high
I vaporized about 50 mg and had intense high with lots of confusion and the world looked very close and unfamiliar has anyone had similar dose?
yeah what he said. 50mg is alot if its something like 018. i dont even fuck with my jwh's i just like them for when im out in public. i can lace some rolly cigs and sit at the casino and get baked right in front of everyone and noone is none the wiser
I am going to try some JWH-018 in my e-cig I just picked up.

I have some ejuice coming, flavoured nicotine. But I figure JWH should work, but its very possible that I will try it with freebase DMT. Let yea'll know how it goes.
i never tried the 210. the only reason i even bothered with them was because i was still on parole. now that i can smoke the real stuff i just keep it on hand for public events and incase i ever want to change jobs. the 073 is very nice with mxe tho but so is the real deal. has anyone tried snorting a jwh? was thinking of making a 073 mxe blend. might as well fig something out to do with it as i have about a lifetime supply of each. well maybe not lifetime but im sure 25g's of each will go along way