lol, just playin, sorry i been gone for so long. N Gyps man, i know you were havin a hard time what with recovery n all, so dont think that it was because of you at all. I actually made a desicion to grow out like 100+ plants, n wanted to just lay low n not attract attention to myself with such a big grow goin on, but i decided against that shit. I aint ready to go quite THAT big just yet, lol.
But nevertheless, i did finally decide on what im gonna do. I went up to my local dro shop with my 4x4 table n a little bit of dough, n i tried to fenangle my way into a 4x8 tray, n i was successful, getting the upgrade for an extra few buckaroos. So once i had the table problem figured out, i began to read Mel Thomas' book on how to grow cannabis. He had this great section on doing a Ebb n Flow ScrOG grow, and it just fascinated my ass so much, that i wanted to do one myself. So thats pretty much what im gonna end up doin as soon as i get the tables accessories all here n ready to go, im gonna set it all up in the basement, and take all my clones. Im gonna do one plant every 10 inches or 12 inches, so thatll give me 36-40 plants on the table, about 5-6 of each variety that i have growing right now that will take 7-8 weeks to finish up. (nope, not goin Al B.'s method just yet, i need to do a godzilla grow before i go perpetual right now. Its just what im comfy doin, lol).
So i got like 11 or 12 plants started right now for mothers, 5 of which are 4 nodes or 5 nodes developed, and ive taken starter clones to practice with so i dont fuck it up when it counts for the table. Right now i have growing: Dj short BB, Sputnik 1, Yumboldt 47, Church, Strawberry blue, Diesel, Red Diesel, NY Special, Sour P, ummmmm, fuck, i think i got a AK 48 in there, a BLACK in there too. I might be wrong on one or two of those, i havent looked at the labels for a couple weeks, lol and i think i have a double of one or two of them, hehe. Ill only be doin the BB, the Church, the Yumboldt, and the 48 on my table for this one, as theyre the quickest finishers in my line up.
I have everything goin in my spare bedroom right now, all the plants in growbags, under 1 1000w HPS for the time being, as my basement flooded and i needed to get shit waterproofed, and i had to get my 600w ballast fixed, cuz the fucker was completely submerged, and when i dried it out n fired it up it blew out a fuse, but that shit came cheap to fix, and ill be using that shit to flower out my soil plants, n leave the 1000w's for the table. Once i get all the little shit here, im gonna redo the basement setup. Im using a tent-like material (like a camping tent) for my walls to enclose the room, cuz panda was too expensive for this time around, and id rather have all the right equipment now n worry about the small shit once i have the cash to worry about it, lol. Im even using a make shift stand for the table, hookin up a couple saw horses, and a 4x6 sheet of particle board screwed to them. Ill screw the table to the horses to make it more stable, n then my dro shop is gonna lend me their conical drill bit to make the flood n drain holes that i need. Im using a 55 gallon rubbermaid tote for the res, which should be big enough, since the table is only 6" high, n im only gonna need to flood it about 4".
For the table grow itself, im using 6" net pots, with 4" growcubes inside. underneath and above the cube, im gonna stuff hydroton inside the netpots as filler so the light doesnt hit the roots too bad. n then underneath the net pots, im gonna throw down some Bcuzz slabs, for the roots to grow into, n then im gonna just fill the rest of the table up with more hydroton, so i dont have to throw down a tarp over everything. Ive done alot of reading about this, n as long as i can get over my fear of growing in rockwool, lol, i should be fine. I just hope i can pull it off man, everything ive tried to do in rockwool has failed miserably, mainly cuz i dont know how to prepare the cubes properly first, lol.
But yeah, i should be able to pull the shit off hopefully, n ill definitely be needing the help of my homies on here to guide me along the way, if you guys are still willing that is, lol
Sorry for bein away so long, i hope you guys all understand the paranoia that comes along with growing sometimes, and now that im over it, im gonna be back more n more, until i get my shit all set up n goin on, n then ill just be all over the fuckin place botherin the piss outta all you guys as usual, lol. Thanks for all the kind words everyone, it was cool as fuck to come back n read all the shit you guys wrote. Makes a motherfucker feel wanted, hehe. N yes Gypsy, you might be a gaping butthole sometimes, but thats what i love about ya man

dont ever think u got the sway to make me run away cryin cuz of somethin mean you said to me, lol.
So ill be back tomorrow guys, just been gearin up to come back on n write this shit here tonight, but im gonna crash out now. Ill try to hook up some pics of the shitty ass way i have everything set up right now, n post that shit up on here. It kinda sucks, but itll all come together eventually. Ive had my landlord come over here to fix odd shit here n there more than i wanted him to, but im pretty sure its all over with now, n i can fully commense my shit now, lol. Keep yer fingers crossed