K1Ng5p4d3's Cardboard Box Grow (hehe)


Well-Known Member
My guess is being RO helps alot to be honest. There isn't anything in there to try to grow. Just a thought. I neeeed to get an RO system, or a distiller I just can't swing the cash right now. I deffinitly noticed better growth when I watered with distilled water then when I have been watering with the filtered tap water.


Junior Creatologist
yeh basically til I get up a little more cash I'm just gonna ph n dose up each gallon individually. It works so I can't complain lol. But checkit man..

I took weedmans advice n took all my clones n put them under my two weakest blue spec cfls. Then I took all my clones out of their rockwool
Cubes, n put them back into the dwc bucket with just the hydroton holding them up. This was last night. Woke up this morning, n ALL of the clones had new tissue growth at the cut site, n some even had starter roots, lookin like one ofthose spiked balls at the end of a chain things lol(I think it's called a mace). So I'm happy as hell about that shit man. Now all I need is to get to work n finish up the basement n move everything down there, n I'll be golden. Gonna buy another active air carbon filter too (3ft), to go with the cheap 500cfm fan I got from htg for 40 bucks (which btw is quiet n works awesome). I just think that overdoing it won't hurt, if anything it'll just insure that nobody is gonna smell my grow outside or even hopefully inside the house. After that my goal is gonna be to pick up a
Big roll of IR block to line my room with. I still need to hook up the dehumidifier, n to be honest I'll probably end up using the water that comes out of that to feed my moms in the pro mix. So that'll take care of the water problem too.

Anyways, I took some pics of the spare bedroom today, n I'll post them up either in a lil bit or tomorrow morning, so be prepared to check out a dis organized mess lol. It's only temporary though :D .

I also figured out how to put pics on the pc from my phone, so I got two quick shots of the end result of my widows, n the pics suck, but you'll get the idea. I ended up with 3.5 oz from those two plants, which wasn't too bad considering the circumstances. It was a week premature but I had to take them down cuz the landlord was coming by to fix some shit. Anyways like I said I got pics lol.

I'll post again soon guys, I know it's been a LONG ass time since u seen anything from me, so it's way long past due, messy or not.


Junior Creatologist
ok, after a long, long long wait, and many, many problems, i give you some pics of the girls. Now, i just wanna say a couple things here before i show you these bitches -- Mainly that first n foremost, theyre just finally starting to recover from much topping, and ALOT of problems with PH, and a little bit of N deficiencies, but im pretty sure its all under control now, as ive given them all a top dressing of cottonseed meal, watered it all in generously, and hopefully ill see some changes.

Other than that, also bare in mind that my clones were pretty much about to die before i figured it out and they started to take root, so they look pretty awful too, lol. Hopefully once they start to grow theyll take on a more pleasant appearance. I only did one shot of them from far away :D

Also, i chucked a couple seedlings. They looked like shit, and havent grown even a cm in two weeks, so i chucked them out and will be replacing them with something that has a longer flower time, as i am keeping the shorter flowering plants for my table, which i may add i dont have the right equipment to set up yet STILL, due to the fact that the hydro shop i bought the other shit from are a bunch of dickheads, and they dont know what the fuck happened to my order, lol. But i have a contingency plan just in case.

Anyway, without further ado, pics:

Heres my Blueberry. I topped her twice so far, n now im letting her recover from it n grow out alot before i do another round of cuttings. I dont want her to end up too short, id love to see her turn into a 4ft bush :D

Next is Yumboldt 47. Shes doin pretty good, also recovering from being topped a couple times, ill be taking pics again in a week or so once they all recover. But ive had no problems with this one so far, other than the widespread PH issue, but now that thats gone, i should see some nice progress here :

Next is Sour P. Same deal, topped twice. Not many problems, pretty easy to grow out IMO:

Strawberry Blue - same deal :

The Church -- Shes gonna end up being a fuckin mean ass lookin bush man. I took cuttings from her 3 days ago, and shes already recovered n ready to grow out a shitload:

Heres my Baby Red Diesel -- I dont Know why shes growing so slow, but lately shes started to pick up a little bit, so hopefully ill see some improvement over the next 2 weeks of veg. There aint gonna be too much more vegging for these girls, so i need to figure something out to make the shit hurry the fuck up, lol.

now Sputnik #1....I dont know man. I put the germed seed into one of those new Sure2Grow cubes - its more like pillow stuffing type cotton, n people are sayin its gonna replace rockwool, but i dont see it completely yet. I fuckin hate rockwool, and yeah, its easier to get something to sprout with these things, but the growth is so damn slow man. I dont know what it is. I have a couple of the other girls in the same cubes, and they grew pretty normal, but this one is pretty much confusing the shit out of me, lol.

N here we have G13 labs durban poison. I mean, you guys have had luck with her, so i left her in the mix, hoping that shell perk up n sprout out soon. I dont know what else to do man, i got rid of 3 plants already because they looked like they were about to die and i didnt have the time to revive them and then wait for them to turn into something great. I have more of their genetics, and next time around ill have more patience, but i need to get this grow on the damn move, n fast. But this one ill give a shot, at least for a little longer anyways.

N finally my NL from G13. I cant believe that these two seedlings are so damn small annd growing so slow. I should have planted something else for this time around, i didnt really wanna plant anything from G13, i wanted something that was gona be quick to finish, but i said fuck it n did it anyways.

Heres a decent shot of the spare bedroom im using as a temporary grow setup until i get my basement under control:

old cloning station:

New Cloning station:

N finally, my contingency plan in case i cant get all my shit together in time to set up the Ebb table. I got a shitload of Bcuzz promix and i stuffed some 2 n 3 n 5 gallon bags with the mix. So if i cant use the table this time around, n ill be fuckin heartbroken mind you, then ill be able to grow out 48 plants to almost their full potential. Im shooting for 3-4 lbs this time around, including the mothers, and all 48 of the other clones im gonna do.

--I also just recently ordered a ten pack of Dutch Passions new Taiga autoflowering femmed strain. apparently DP has done some breeding projects, trying to increase yield and potency, and still keep that ruderalis quick finishing autoflower characteristic. Ill be throwin all 10 down into the dirt to veg n flower along side with everything else. I figure worst comes to worst ill be able to at least have some good ass smoke while i wait on my mothers to finish flowering, n then i can smoke on my moms while i wait on the big crop to finish flowering, lol. Hopefully thisll all work out man. Its a big ass jump from 5 plants to 50. fuck it though man, if i can get 1/2 lb from 5, then hopefully ill be able to do somethin awesome with this many. Well see man. Keep your fingers crossed :D

Ill be using the two 1000w lights for my big crop, the 600 to flower out the moms, and im probably gonna end up getting another 1000w to put in with the moms so i can flower the autos with the moms too. Ill be pickin up another ActiveAir 3ft filter from my hydro shop within the next two weeks so i can keep shit odor free, and im probably gonna pick up another 500cfm can shaped fan from HTG for 40 bucks to go along with the one i already have, just so i have enough air circulating through my ducting to cool all lights and properly exhaust the room through my house heating ducts. I still dont know what im gonna do about intake yet, but ill figure it out im sure. Maybe ill get some venetian style blinds, n fenangle my window in some way so i can hook up ducting to it to suck air in without any light escaping. I dunno, well see. I got a couple ideas...

So thats it man. anything you guys see that i can improve on, please lemme know. I know shit is a mess in there right now, but like i said, ill have everything properly outfitted here really soon god willing, lol, so bare with me on that shit.

Thanks for lookin as usual,



Junior Creatologist
Oh yeah, i almost fogot. I got 3 pics of the widows here man. You never really got to see what they looked like flowering out, or what they looked like after they got cut down. A TEEEEEENY bit premature, but the nugs were still dank as fuck, and it was a pleasure smokin on them bitches, lol. I wasnt pleased with the results man, i wanted a bigger yield, but i paid more attention to the other plants while these were growing, and i didnt top them at all either, so i guess you reap what you sow, quite literally!!, lol.

Here ya go:

--These werre taken with my iphone, so the resolution aint as good as what ida liked it to be, but you can see the nugs, thats all that matters, lol.


Well-Known Member
Hey King I'd like to know how that Taiga is when it's finished...I was gonna get that but ended up getting some White Dwarf by Buddha Seeds, and Afghan Kush Ryder by World of Seeds (which I'm really excited about).


Well-Known Member
mmmm.... that big azz ww bud had me droolin for a minute there :D

here's my prophecy: that you have a bit of trouble jumping from 5 to 50... but i look to your having things well dialed in by the second go round with that setup :weed:


Junior Creatologist
thanks guys. It's been a frustrating month n a half I'll tell u that much lol. But shit is actually lookin better now than it was when I took those pics man.
It's just a process of reminding yourself over n over no matter how many grows u dl, that starting from scratch is a bitch. But it'll all be under control now hopefully -- I started giving full doses of nutes today with full gallon feedings rather than my usual half gallon, so hopefully that'll pull some much needed oxygen into the soil n into the root systems, that it didn't have before, n I can cut back on the doses of h2o2 that I've been givin.

I'll do regular updates from here on out, so stay tuned for progress reports. Hopefully by the next one I'll have some clones thrown down onto a flood table, n have my basement up n running.


Well-Known Member
so right now ur pretty much just trying to get your numbers up to like 49 right?

will you hold off on flowering any of them until you reach your target number?


Junior Creatologist
Everything thats going to go on the table aint getting flowered until the last plant is in place. As for the mothers, Im pretty sure what im gonna do is take the 4 strains that are 8 week finishers, and do ten clones from each plant. So Im gonna flower the rest of the moms that i have that arent quick finishers (so i guess theyre not moms, theyre just plants, lol), n keep the mothers that i still need to take clones from under whatever light im not using at the time to keep them in veg until i get what i need, lol. But even once i have all the clones i need, im still gonna veg the table until the youngest clone is 3 weeks old from when i threw her down onto it. So it could be a while before im done with tthis grow, lol.

But like i said though, im waiting on the Taiga to show up from Dutch Passion, n thats 8 weeks from seed, so im sure to have smoke by the end of june for sure, which makes my ass happy cuz its my bday in june :D -- wether it be the Taiga or some of my mothers, which to be honest i should be flowering my Sour P, my Durban, and two others right now, but im gonna wait a week or two until they get a little more height to them, n a couple more branches too ;), but yeah, no matter what it is, im going to be flowering something within two weeks, that way i can take my time doing the big grow the way its supposed to be done. I dont have a set date to flower, or anything like that, so im not gonna give an estimate.

N ill also say this -- I basically wasnt gonna put this grow on blast in RIU, because i wanted to stay off the radar so to speak, and try my best to divert attention from myself, as this is my first attempt at something serious, and i want to have at least one successful big scale grow under my belt before anything bad happens to me, lol..plus i wanna get through this n earn my next tattoo aswell ;). So i dont know how accurate of a timeline or the numbers im gonna be growing that im gonna keep record of in here. Ill definitely be sharing pics n giving updates, but i dont think anybody is gonna know its harvest time until everything is all chopped down. i hate bein paranoid as fuck man. :-?


Well-Known Member
heheh. i'm far more worried about what happens in the 'real world'. that's where i feel that i really have my ass (occasionally) hanging in the breeze.



Well-Known Member
thats a nice widow cola man :)
good luck with your dro setup !
i cant even think about taking that project on yet
i chopped down like half the stuff in my room this month.... and a couple more clones last nite.... ill have pulled out around 3.5zs for march .... best harvest so far cuz it includes all my good strains


Well-Known Member
Whats your next tat gonna be King, you know yet? I just got a THC molecule on my chest about a month ago, and I'm gonna get a psilocybin molecule on the other side of my chest hopefully in another couple weeks.


Junior Creatologist
Gambler-- as far as the real world goes, I think covering my ass pretty well, so it's just a matter of keeping it covered on here, I've had my ass in a sling a couple times man, n I can't stand not being in control of the situations I put myself in, so with this, I'm doin everything in my power to make sure I don't lose control here, lol.

Weedman-- I never thought I'd be ready to take on a big project this zoo either man, but I just decided kind of on a whim to try it, pretty much just like I did when I decided for the first time I wanted to become a grower. Somethin just clicks. As far as wether YOUR ready or not to beef it up yet dude, I'd have to say you are for sure. You grow some bomb ass dank my friend. You got cloning down to a science, n it just looks like you pull it off pretty effortlessly man. If I was you I'd consider takin the next step for sure. I mean, don't take on more than u can handle for sure, but you'll never know what your real limitations are unless you push them every now n the ;) lol.

Thunder-- yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna pick out the best two flowering close ups from this grow that I just finished, and from the one doing now, n get one tattooed on each calf. N I may or may not get cultivator under one, and then leave a space under the other, for when ivereached the level and have earned the right to fill it in with the word Master, lol. That could be years down the road, but I'm not gonna stop goin down this road until I deserve the title, so I figure I may as well comemorate it by wearing that badge of honor on my skin too :D

-- either that, or I have a beautiful pic of my northern soul plant in a wide shot, about a week before I chopped her down. I might get a back piece with that shit just stretched out, lookin all dank as fuck, with 100% Homegrown underneath, or smething to that effect. I got a guy who's really good with portaits and tats with a shitload of detail in it, n I'm gonna have this dude put some serious hours in no matter what I get, so I make sure it looks as real as possible. I got a couple different ideas I'm throwing around, so well see. I just figure that if I get one of my own plants inked up on me, then I know it's completely original, lol. I know the first idea is cheesy and jumpin the gun a bit, so I'll probably go with the second option. We shall see... :D


Well-Known Member
Sounds sweet man, I think I dig the second idea more as well. I've been throwing around different ideas for a back piece that will incorporate my mushrooms, and buds into it. I love my molecule I got, and can't wait for my other one. I'm gonna do something behind them to tie them together, just not sure what yet.


Junior Creatologist
This is one of my favorite plant shots that i took of last grow. I think itd make a pretty decent back piece...

Maybe if i close up on it a little bit n tweek it out, itll be a little more detailed. Plus, i need to blow it up anyways so it fits my back :D

or this one..

or one of these..

err....i mean..

I got a bunch of good pics i could use man. I just realized i have almost 700 pics from my last grow, lolol


Well-Known Member
This is one of my favorite plant shots that i took of last grow. I think itd make a pretty decent back piece...

Maybe if i close up on it a little bit n tweek it out, itll be a little more detailed. Plus, i need to blow it up anyways so it fits my back :D
nice tight nugs :weed: