lol yeah i made sure that i saved at least a seed or two of everything i planted, so the genetics will not die with this harvest
As for the clones, i soaked some rockwool plugs in a clonex solution (i think the ppm was around 350 after i phd it n all that), and then i put them back into my mini greenhouse under the humidity dome. Underneath each plug is a little bit of promix for the roots to grow into, should they get to that point. I mist them every day with a diluted solution of clonex n spring water, and i make sure that the dome is heavily condensed. As far as checking them for roots, all i have to do is open the plug up - theres a slit all the way through half of the plug, so it just opens like a book basically. N i dont open it to th point to where heavy light gets to the stems, i just crack it open to see whats goin on in there, lol.
So, rockwool slabs are fuckin HELLA expensive, lol, and i WAS gonna get a Sure2Grow blanket instead, but buying one of those is more expensive that pickin up 6 slabs. So i went with a sensible, reusable alternative, and bought a big ass bag o' hydroton, enough to fill both tables 3". So im just gonna put my mesh bottom pots amidst the hydroton, and inside the pot ill have one delta block, and a shitload of Bcuzz croutons (rockwool floc)
-I guess its what i shoulda done from the getgo, but i was lookin to do a setup the way that ive read ALOT about, so i could reference my books if i have any problems. But the hydroton shouldnt be that much of a problem i dont think. It provides an adequate amount of light blockage for the roots, and plenty of space for them to grow into, and form a nice immobile blanket.
After i find out if im able to clone well or not, i think i might also skip doin the 1 pot per square foot shpiel for the time being, and just fill both tables up with a shitload of clones. I got a bunch of 6" square plastic pots on the way (36), just in case i decided that i want to flower clones immediately, i can stuff 36 side by side in the tables, n hopefully come off with a really decent yield. Well see within the next week what the results are, and wether or not ill be waiting to put shit into the table, until i have enough clones to do the deed. That would however leave me with almost 20 seedlings that i wouldnt be able to do shit with but grow in soil, lol.
--BUT, i DID see some really interesting shit on youtube. It was this guy who grew out a blueberry plant through the entire veg phase of its life, in soil. the day before he was ready to flower, he took his plant out of the soil, and put it in a 5gal bucket of ph balanced water (he took the entire rootball, soil n all, n just put everything in there). He let it sit for a whole day n the soil came right off of all of the roots with no problems, n saved the entire rootball, n he put it right into a flood table from there, n flowered the next day. From there was a time lapse video of the flowering process, and there was no droop,, no shock, no nothin. It turned out beautiful, and high yielding man. It was pretty fuckin impressive, n i wouldnt mind giving something like that a shot one day. Apparently its more than possible to transfer from soil to dro, you just have to know what your doin

- if i can find the video again, ill post it up for you to check out.