Cuz as of right now, my trays cover all of 3' by 6' of space, lol. I hardly thnk that once i get the light mover up that ill even be able to fit another light in there. Plus, itll free up another light for me to get some more plants goin in my tent - like 10 moms or somethin would morre than likely be the most sensible next step for me. Either way, im takin my lights up to the Moon tomorrow to check my ballasts n bulbs out, n find out WHY THE FUCK my 1000w's aint as bright as my 600. Hopefully theyll just tell me the same thing that im assuming - Growbright MH Conversion bulbs (and most Growbright shit), are pieces of shit, lol. BUT, it might be my ballasts, in which case ima have to spend 50 bucks to ship each ballast back to HTG, n get them to send me new ones or repair the old ones. Either way im gettin this shit fixed man. I didnt spend 700 bucks on the equivalent of two 400w systems damnit. We'll see man. hopefully this shit will be way more simple than im hoping.
Pro - Lemme know how the Double Gum is. I still have 7 DG seeds from WOS, n i didnt like how they germed out for me. Once they popped, they just grew like an inch n stopped, lol. so i chucked them bitches n grew out THE BLACK. BUT, if yours turn out better, then ill probably give it another shot
- Im gonna plant my other 8 seeds tomorrow, since i have another 2 1/2 weeks before i flower the trays, i may as well get as much shit on there as possible

- im putting a trellis net overtop of the plants, and am gonna do a ScrOG with all single cola plants. It should turn out pretty decent, since half the table is growing at the same rate, n the other half are all like 2 wks behind them, but i figure that in another 2 wks, everything will be big enough for me to get like an oz per plant if i put the netting up. We shall see.. I just wanna get one massive yield before i go ABF n do the perpetual clone thing man. I wanna know what it feels like to get at LEAST 1g/watt from a grow, hopefully double that

- but regardless of the outcome, im growin out my mothers so ill be able to do the damn thing once i have all 4 tables up n running. All i need is another light mover, n two more trays, n ill pretty much be set.
When i hook up the pics of the grow this week, you guys will see what im talkin about with the plants man. Shit has doubled at least in size on the one tray since last pic sesh, n if i leave them for any longer than 2 wks im gonna have a problem on my hands with vertical space. Even if my seedlings are still kinda small come time to flower, theyll still produce a decent amount of bud - i mean, ive seen some plants that've went 12/12 from seed, and have gotten good results, so a seedling or young plant thats been vegging for 2-3 wks and then flowered out should stilll give off a decent yield right? bah, fuck it. I guess the proof's in the puddin, right?
My clones are doin fuckin AWESOME. i cant wait to take some pics of them shits man. Theres some nice LONG furry roots comnin out of all of them, to the point where im givin them another week, n then into flower they go. I even cut 4 more cuttings, this time from my BB plant which is doin pretty damn well in the tray, to get some Blueberry bud in with this coming harvest too - i was fuckin bummed out when i realized i wasnt gonna be able to pull any BB from the batch, but im confident now in what im doin i think, n ill be able to get them bitches to root. I mean, the Yumboldt plant was a week n a half into flower, and she took 5 or 6 days to root. The BB is still vegging out, so hopefully if anything shell be easier.
BTW -- how long after roots are established in a clone, do they start foliar growth again? im giving them a wk before i flower, but thats really IF a week is enough time to get them on the road to growing out again. If they dont have much more growth than they do now, i think ill end up waiting a little longer man. I dont wanna end up with a Quarter oz per clone man. I'd be pissed, lol.
Anyways, im off to check out TC's journal. I posted here last night on my iphone but it obviously didnt take, so ima go check it out now. Ill catch you guys tomorrow. Pics on Thurs probably