im watching bro, its so hard, i come home or wake up and theres 15 threads and as i answer or read them, every time i go back to my rollitup, theres more and more, and more, LMAO.
Thanx guys. I look forward to everyone adding their 2 cent. I kinda depend on it to know if I'm doing okay or not. All advice is welcome. They look pretty good to me now, I'm just trying to keep it that wayfor another couple months till all is harvested. On the breeder site it says that the BBG matures in 50 days. That should mean that it will be done in about 5 weeks. That's soon! I tried to give rep to all 3 of ya and it wouldn't let me bless anyone. Oh well. Merry Christmas everyone!
One of my WW's is a dark green and the other one is a very light green. Since they are the same strain from the same breeder shouldn't they look alike as far as color goes? Just a thought.
Makes sense. One seems to be a few days farther along in flowering to. I found a branch that snuck up from the bottom of the plant and has just made it out from underneath the canopy and is just now starting to make a bud on it's top (late bloomer I guess). Anyway it has a leaf that grew normally then split at the end and grew 2 perfectly formed leaf tips. How crazy is that! I'll go see if I can get a pic of it.
That looks like it's gonna be a lotta pot! And it's 4 dif strains. I can't wait till it's all harvested. I won't be paying for weed anymore 4 a while! My wife will be siked about that, lol!
I was moving the paper clip on one of the BBG's branches and tradgedy struck! POP WENT THE TOP! Fortunately I'm rearly on in flowering and have like 20 other tops on this plant but it still sux! I figure it'll just turn all the sites below the break into bigger, badder tops now. Anyway, heres some pics of my fuck-up.
Yes but you need some type of rooting gel or powder. Cut the bud off, make your cuts, put the gel on and stick it in your medium The 2 KK clones I have growing right now are from around 50 days or so into flowering
dam mass, that really sucks, its worth a try though, you know, i think in wally's thread maybe, they talking about taking clones and just pttuing them straight into soil??? and i think the putting them into a glass of water deal also. ive always used schultz take root powder.
ok, just looked and its non-haters thread, there talking about it right now. heres the link, Water Clones
I have no kind of rooting gel. I'll probably just end up throwing it out. I'm really not too bumbed about it cause theres so much there. I haven't spent anytime educating myself about cloning so i'm not sure it's something i wanna even dive n2 right now. When my big plants get harvested all the grow stuff is going to my attic in boxes cause my parents are coming to stay with me for a week sometime in March and they don't know anything about what I do. The 3 lil guys (blueberry kush) will be moved to a buddies house to finish if they aren't done by the time my folks are coming.