Kanye 2020?

could be a "please notice me" thing, could be a poor attempt to take votes away from Biden, could be both... him and his retard wife are both self serving media whores who are "in" with trump, so it's hard to say... people should just realize there is nothing in this and move on. with elon musk now seemingly a trump fan, and giving an endorsement to kanye, I am thinking it is probably to aid trump in some way.
Maybe Kanye sees there’s big money to be had in Washington.
I don't care if Elon could spin straw into gold, he fucking endorsed Kanye for president. He's lost it.
Some people equate success and intelligence. Henry Ford is an example. Elon I believe has what is needed to direct and force situations. He came from a wealthy family and is a spoiled brat. He is visionary but probably has deep seated mental issues. He would not be someone I could have worked for. I had a couple "Elon Musks" as managers over 40 years at aircraft engines.
Of course Elon said he was poor. They had to eat at Boston chicken for Thanksgiving because they couldn't afford a turkey.
Gotta love those rags to riches stories.
Whats funny is how many people now care about politics because Dumper has taken a GIANT shit all over our country and people. Its amazing that we have a racist, ignorant, and paranoid president in our oval office. Never would have thunk this in my life to have such a shitbag in charge. Definitely a sad, sad time. Revolution!!!!!
Especially from the guy who comes to a weed forum to talk about a rapper running for president . This site is supposed to be about weed related stories , tips, tricks. Not amateur bs petty shit like you.
Hi there new carmudgeon! If you look carefully, you will see that this is the politics section. You see, many marijuana aficionados have full, well rounded lives, unlike you. We care about many things and have diverse interests - including politics, which shapes the world we live in. If you don't like it, you are free to not post here - but you did, didn't you?

If this is not agreeable to you, maybe you should try a different drug, like crack or meff - they tend to take over pretty much every aspect of your life - as if I need to tell you.
Especially from the guy who comes to a weed forum to talk about a rapper running for president . This site is supposed to be about weed related stories , tips, tricks. Not amateur bs petty shit like you.
And yet here you are doing exactly that. I realize you have no idea how stupid you sound so I thought I should point that out.

I guess you’re in here looking for an intellectual battle. I wish you good luck. You will need all the luck you can get because you’re not well equipped for it.

As much as I’d love to continue slapping you around and making you look stupid (maybe you’re into that) you’re not much of a challenge for us. Sorry.
Whats funny is how many people now care about politics because Dumper has taken a GIANT shit all over our country and people. Its amazing that we have a racist, ignorant, and paranoid president in our oval office. Never would have thunk this in my life to have such a shitbag in charge. Definitely a sad, sad time. Revolution!!!!!
You might need a revolution to get rid of him.
Not true, and virgin air has actually put a manned flight into outer space. You know the other looney billionaire who gave himself a wedgy in front of the whole world in some stupid publicity stunt jumping off a casino in Vegas. My question is, why do these fucking billionaires even put themselves in the spotlight to make fools of themselves anyway? I guess one thing is correct, money can't buy class.

Of course Elon said he was poor. They had to eat at Boston chicken for Thanksgiving because they couldn't afford a turkey.
What the hell is Boston turkey?? If that an east coast thing I'm lost but if he's referring to Boston Market fast foodish restaurant...that shit is expensive as fuck.