Well-Known Member
I began almost 4 years ago telling my girlfriends parents that it couldn't be that bad. Give the guy a shot...Now granted I wasn't watching much of anything in the way of politics back then. I suck up every Young Turks article and video I can get now. I can honestly say I'm ashamed of being an American with someone like that in charge. It's disgusting.
I felt the same way, But after I researched Trump I changed my tune really fast. I thought it would be good to stir up the Politics a bit, But after seeing all the horrible shit DJT has done to others without any regrets I tried to convince many that if you vote for Trump it's going to Hurt our Country really bad. This, I can't even bring myself to call him a man, So This POS only cares about one thing, His Image that's it. He doesn't care who he steps on or even Kills for that matter.
IMHO any of those that go to his Rallies should be traced and if they give COVID to anyone that Dies be held on a Murder Charge. I know it's more than likely not going to happen but that is the reality of this Virus. IT KILLS PEOPLE..