Kanye 2020?

I began almost 4 years ago telling my girlfriends parents that it couldn't be that bad. Give the guy a shot...Now granted I wasn't watching much of anything in the way of politics back then. I suck up every Young Turks article and video I can get now. I can honestly say I'm ashamed of being an American with someone like that in charge. It's disgusting.

I felt the same way, But after I researched Trump I changed my tune really fast. I thought it would be good to stir up the Politics a bit, But after seeing all the horrible shit DJT has done to others without any regrets I tried to convince many that if you vote for Trump it's going to Hurt our Country really bad. This, I can't even bring myself to call him a man, So This POS only cares about one thing, His Image that's it. He doesn't care who he steps on or even Kills for that matter.

IMHO any of those that go to his Rallies should be traced and if they give COVID to anyone that Dies be held on a Murder Charge. I know it's more than likely not going to happen but that is the reality of this Virus. IT KILLS PEOPLE..
I assumed it from the way he attacked my revolution lol.

I agree with just about everything you said. I'm in the minority (I think its still that way?) that thinks police need to be defunded. Not abolished cause that's nonsense. Basically treat the people that pay taxes for all this shit that politicians spend the money on, with some dignity and respect. Starting with cutting out the revenue pirates on the streets attacking everyday tax paying citizens.

I'm definitely not both sides. Fuck republicans. Im progressive democrat
You aren't talking about revolution, you are talking about supporting long held Democratic Party policies. If you look at voting records, virtually all Democrats in Congress have very good records of supporting progressive legislation.

A revolution, a revolt against the government. would mean the deaths of tens of millions, beginning with the aged, the infirm and children. It would play into the hands of the militarized police and give the fascists the excuse they have been looking for.

The turmoil we are experiencing today is due in large part to demographic shifts that are moving the country to the left. The next four or five years will be contentious due to Republican efforts to stifle democracy in order to maintain white male rule.

What we need to do is vote and be active in politics at all local levels. We don't need no fucking revolution.
I felt the same way, But after I researched Trump I changed my tune really fast. I thought it would be good to stir up the Politics a bit, But after seeing all the horrible shit DJT has done to others without any regrets I tried to convince many that if you vote for Trump it's going to Hurt our Country really bad. This, I can't even bring myself to call him a man, So This POS only cares about one thing, His Image that's it. He doesn't care who he steps on or even Kills for that matter.

IMHO any of those that go to his Rallies should be traced and if they give COVID to anyone that Dies be held on a Murder Charge. I know it's more than likely not going to happen but that is the reality of this Virus. IT KILLS PEOPLE..
Not just Trump.

Republicans are traitors who supported Trump's acquittal in the Senate despite clear evidence of his using public funds to solicit for personal favors from foreign governments.

Vote for each and every Democrat on the ballot. Nothing will improve until Democrats are firmly in control of local, state and national government.
You aren't talking about revolution, you are talking about supporting long held Democratic Party policies. If you look at voting records, virtually all Democrats in Congress have very good records of supporting progressive legislation.

A revolution, a revolt against the government. would mean the deaths of tens of millions, beginning with the aged, the infirm and children. It would play into the hands of the militarized police and give the fascists the excuse they have been looking for.

The turmoil we are experiencing today is due in large part to demographic shifts that are moving the country to the left. The next four or five years will be contentious due to Republican efforts to stifle democracy in order to maintain white male rule.

What we need to do is vote and be active in politics at all local levels. We don't need no fucking revolution.
You are prob right. I guess I was taking the term too loosely. I don't want unnecessary death but I want radical change.
You are prob right. I guess I was taking the term too loosely. I don't want unnecessary death but I want radical change.
I think the change is coming and am optimistic for the future. The next few years are going to be dynamic and I don't mean that in a good way. I think we need to keep our heads and react deliberately when provoked by the violent and racist white male supremacists who are fighting to keep their entitled status. The murder of Floyd, for example, was a deliberate provocation for violence. I think the country responded pretty well, considering the act that we all witnessed. It's my hope that we continue to resist but do it with purpose and not let our anger become a tool for our defeat.

I live close to Portland Oregon and have been attending counter demonstrations against fascists throughout the Trump presidency. They fly in from around the country to demonstrate in this very liberal city. Their first one came just a couple weeks after three people were stabbed, two died, by a white supremacist. He killed these people for standing between him and two girls he was menacing for not being white. At the demonstrations, the fascist show up wearing armor, carrying weapons and once they even set up a snipers nest in a parking garage during one demonstration. The cops support the fascists. They did draw the line at the snipers nest but they let the fascists keep their guns when they broke up the nest.

Our tactic has been to NOT let the fascists provoke an all out riot. We stand in their way when they try to march though our streets. They are scary people, I admit but we outnumber them 5 or 10 to 1. They in the hundreds, we in the thousands. When they charge us, some brave young men and women wearing black stand to defend us. But our objective is to stand firmly in their way, not to fight. I believe that if we did engage with the numbers-advantage that we have, the police and Trump's government would use it to declare martial law. I believe that they intend to provoke us for political advantage. I think its going to get worse this summer. We have to keep our heads clear on what the objective is.

So, I have strong feelings against calls for "revolution". As I see it, that would be playing into Trump and the fascist Republican leadership's hands.
These are the ones who want a revolution. If they are for it, I'm against it.


The Boogaloo Tipping Point
What happens when a meme becomes a terrorist movement?

On may 29, two federal security officers guarding a courthouse in Oakland, California, were ambushed by machine-gun fire as elsewhere in the city demonstrators marched peacefully to protest the killing of George Floyd. One of the guards, David Patrick Underwood, died as a result of the attack, and the other was wounded. For days, conservative news broadcasters pinned the blame on “antifa,” the loosely affiliated group of anti-fascist anarchists known to attack property and far-right demonstrators at protests. But the alleged culprit, apprehended a week later, turned out to be a 32-year-old Air Force sergeant named Steven Carrillo, the head of a squadron called the Phoenix Ravens, which guards military installations from terrorist attacks.

According to prosecutors, Carrillo and an accomplice, 30-year-old Robert A. Justus Jr., were part of the “boogaloo” movement, a patchwork of right-leaning anti-government libertarians, Second Amendment advocates, and gun enthusiasts all preparing for another American civil war.

The recent killings in the name of the boogaloo appear to blend two once-distinct domestic-terrorist movements, one new, one old.

Last summer, murderers who identified as fascist “incels” (involuntary celibates) attacked synagogues and mosques, and, in one case, a Walmart. Like the boogaloos, their stated goal was to spark a larger conflict. And in addition to posting hateful manifestos on the 4chan copycat site, 8chan, some coated their automatic weapons and gear in images from memes from the chans.

But Carrillo’s crimes in Oakland are also closely related to Timothy McVeigh’s bombing of an Oklahoma federal building in 1995. McVeigh was a military veteran whose experience in the Gulf War left him radicalized and resentful of the government as a source of injustice. His hatred killed more innocents than the ATF and FBI did at Ruby Ridge or Waco, his bloody-shirt causes that have since become the boogaloos’.
These are the ones who want a revolution. If they are for it, I'm against it.

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The Boogaloo Tipping Point
What happens when a meme becomes a terrorist movement?

On may 29, two federal security officers guarding a courthouse in Oakland, California, were ambushed by machine-gun fire as elsewhere in the city demonstrators marched peacefully to protest the killing of George Floyd. One of the guards, David Patrick Underwood, died as a result of the attack, and the other was wounded. For days, conservative news broadcasters pinned the blame on “antifa,” the loosely affiliated group of anti-fascist anarchists known to attack property and far-right demonstrators at protests. But the alleged culprit, apprehended a week later, turned out to be a 32-year-old Air Force sergeant named Steven Carrillo, the head of a squadron called the Phoenix Ravens, which guards military installations from terrorist attacks.

According to prosecutors, Carrillo and an accomplice, 30-year-old Robert A. Justus Jr., were part of the “boogaloo” movement, a patchwork of right-leaning anti-government libertarians, Second Amendment advocates, and gun enthusiasts all preparing for another American civil war.

The recent killings in the name of the boogaloo appear to blend two once-distinct domestic-terrorist movements, one new, one old.

Last summer, murderers who identified as fascist “incels” (involuntary celibates) attacked synagogues and mosques, and, in one case, a Walmart. Like the boogaloos, their stated goal was to spark a larger conflict. And in addition to posting hateful manifestos on the 4chan copycat site, 8chan, some coated their automatic weapons and gear in images from memes from the chans.

But Carrillo’s crimes in Oakland are also closely related to Timothy McVeigh’s bombing of an Oklahoma federal building in 1995. McVeigh was a military veteran whose experience in the Gulf War left him radicalized and resentful of the government as a source of injustice. His hatred killed more innocents than the ATF and FBI did at Ruby Ridge or Waco, his bloody-shirt causes that have since become the boogaloos’.

nice gear.
The reason for a revolution would be to replace tyranny with democracy. If you live in a democracy you can just vote, no need for the deaths of millions.
In the U.K. we live under a monarch, it really pisses me off but when this decrepit Doris dies there will be little stomach for her successor. No need for revolution either. They are self limiting due to their crass and venal behaviour.
Fuck them, too many ordinary people have died already.