Kanye 2020?

I disagree. I believe clinical diagnosis of bipolar disorder IS a valid reason to reject his bid for office. Bipolar disorder affects ones ability to make rational, informed decisions. Not a quality suited for public office...

While in the air force I worked on the system that sent the launch codes to the surrounding silos. Of course top secret was required. The background check and psych checks were crazy. Then a year and a half of school. It's amazing we allow some of the people in power positions with very little checks. Rapid City was nice but a bit boring in the sixties. The mountains were wonderful.
Kanye is trash, so is his wife and his music. They are what people point to when they want to illustrate what is wrong with America.
yep, all of the US, all its people, all its history, it's deep fried butter at Texas county fairs, and let's not forget evil Slurpees are encapsulated in the name, Kardashian
I agree, Burt. As you said in your own little way, everything wrong with the US is summed up by Kardiashians and West. So simple even a Canadian can think it.

Oh no, you have me all wrong. There is much more than that wrong with America, they are just one glaring example of America's obsession with all things celebrity.
While in the air force I worked on the system that sent the launch codes to the surrounding silos. Of course top secret was required. The background check and psych checks were crazy. Then a year and a half of school. It's amazing we allow some of the people in power positions with very little checks. Rapid City was nice but a bit boring in the sixties. The mountains were wonderful.

the current billionaires would never get that clearance due to the fact they're all pretty much crazy..the higher you go?
I agree, Burt. As you said in your own little way, everything wrong with the US is summed up by Kardiashians and West. So simple even a Canadian can think it.

what do Canadians and their (perceived) simplicity have to do with Kanye and Kims being media whores?
what do Canadians and their (perceived) simplicity have to do with Kanye and Kims being media whores?
Ask Burt that. I was just agreeing with Burt because the "Canadian" is an ignorant nag and not worth the effort of having an honest discussion.
Anyway it goes we not having a good president 2024 put a bid on it, #45 was insane even his fans know this shit!