Karma, Karma, Karma, Konfusion

Yes, email KARAM is real.. sort of..

If one lives in the world of reaction.. reactig to MIND... which 99.99995 of the poeple on earth do.. then there is a reaction..

Karma is beyond good and bad.. there is no such thing as good karma and bad karma...

Imagine karam is the fnal buffer between a world of dualism and the finite... which some call GOD..

KARMA is the law.. the science... it has no judgment....

Thoughts, intentions, and reactionary action create karma...

It is pointless to discuss or try to understand karma if one lives under the CONCEPTS of mind... short - tall , big - small, good - bad

If you wish to actually witness KARMA, and end speculation, you can do this... it just requires, surrender... surrender 100% to the moment...

What this means, is to bring your full ATTENTION to YOURSELF, YOUR BODY.. and REACT to nothing.... just keep your AWARENESS on the body....

the functions and manifestations of karma will then reveal... reveal...

There is a movie called "stranger than fiction"... it is a portrait of the entire inner working of the mind, karma, thoughts etc...


ALL CONCEPTS are a distraction from seeing karma..

ONe can transcend KARMA... and then BYE BYE


Thanks for posting GK!

Experience being the only way to understanding creates extreme conflict for me. Realizing that experiencing something is moving beyond words and I do think the best things in life have to be experienced.

On the other hand, I also realize that experiencing something/anything is another mind-trick - short of death - there is no escaping the mind. Your mind may trick you into "thinking" you have escaped it - but it is always there.
I think you're missing my point. What I'm saying is that it doesn't matter what one believes. We need the freedom of scientific inquiry and debate of moral(e) to become greater than we are. Anarchy is not the option but neither is totalitarian slavery. There needs to be a balance. Violence is the nature of maintenance of the balance.

This is just a test, just keep on going.
I think you're missing my point. What I'm saying is that it doesn't matter what one believes. We need the freedom of scientific inquiry and debate of moral(e) to become greater than we are. Anarchy is not the option but neither is totalitarian slavery. There needs to be a balance. Violence is the nature of maintenance of the balance.

This is just a test, keep on going.

I think I am missing your point.

I'm not sure where the miscommunication lies but I agree that scientific inquiry should be free to follow where the evidence leads. I don't believe I've ever stated differently.
IDK...I recently had an epiphany that I don't fully understand but it has something to do with us existing as multi-dimensional creatures.
IDK...I recently had an epiphany that I don't fully understand but it has something to do with us existing as multi-dimensional creatures.

i like the sounds of that - are you familiar with Calabi-Yau manifolds in the context of multi-verse/string theory?

it goes zooming right over my head but am trying desperately to get a handle on it.
i like the sounds of that - are you familiar with Calabi-Yau manifolds in the context of multi-verse/string theory?

it goes zooming right over my head but am trying desperately to get a handle on it.

Ditto, check this out.

Swim has been telling about his absolutely fuckd up Dex&Mary trip. Yesterday Swim went to the mall trippin balls on 800mgs of dex (9.75 mgs/kg). He had to buy a USB game pad for his emulator (Which he called a 'Controller' which was just a bit trippy). So he drinks 64 oz of WGFJ starting at about noon and dosing with the last of it at 4pm. (WALKS out to the mall at 5. As he crosses the parking lot he has an experience that he reckons to be much like a salvia trip when dexing but he felt more lucid and was through the experience much more quickly with the message sent to him.

"This is a test. Just keep on going"

This phrase repeated OVER AND OVER AND OVER again the entire time he was at the mall tripping balls. Now, Swim was trippin pretty damn hard. He's pretty sure that anyone who got a good look at his eyes could tell. Swim had to fend off paranoia from setting in by reasoning that it didnt matter squat if anyone could tell as long as he kept his bearings, people wouldnt know just how fucked up he really is. Swim cannot express the point to which that phrase helped him maintain his cool, and make decisions during his trip. It seemed to be both a deep insight to the universe as a whole as well as specific instructions for handling every moment of his experience while at the mall. It was also everything in between at the same time.

Swim theorized what the fuck was going on while he walked around the mall. He came to the conclusion that he was being contacted by fourth dimensional beings. Himself to be specific. These beings exist in the fourth dimension. We are merely 3rd dimensional projections of these beings. It gets REALLY complicated when you realize that we actually extend to an infinate number of dimensions but it really starts to lose definition at a certain point. At the third and fourth dimension we gain the most defenition before it spills out into redundancy. Tripping opened certain portions of my brain that allowed them to send messages through. Which is what the message was about, they were testing to see if they could contact me. They also needed to have me function in an interactive and dynamic environment they could manipulate to communicate with me. So they said, "This is a test, Just keep on going." I could say stuff back. One i was fond of repeating was "Roger, coming in loud and clear."
When it was dawning on swim that this is was was happening, (4th dimensional beings contacting him at strange angles) he was more than a little freaked. He thought 'This is a test just keep on going...' but recieved a new message. 'No, this is the real thing, just keep on going'. He felt as if stuff was being crammed into his brain and he felt like his head was expanding like a balloon. THen he started having epiphanies about 'them'. He realized at this point that 'they' are HIM. Swim IS 'them'. They're multiple facets of the same 4th dimensional creature looking for ways to communicate with itself across multiple dimensions. Swim realized that his body was only a projection of the 4th dimensional being on a three dimensional plane.

Tesseract - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, now that swim realizes all of this, and is sober. He's also put together a thousand connections between this and other theories as to what the hell is going on at it makes so much damn sense he feels like he's fucking insane.

Bicameralism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fortunately he's not still hearing voices in his head lol. Still, the wierd part is that it wasn't just a 'voice in his head'. The message, the words, were objects, a part of swims being, they flowed through his form and were one with im and came into understanding in his mind through his self awareness and by looking at himself in third person he could see the words spelled out with his 'astral body' if you will (for lack of any better terminology).

Anyways....make of it what you fucking will lol. Swim doesn't REALLY think he's crazy but a part of him feels that this is really REAL. Fortunately the voices in his heard aren't telling him to do crazy shit....the're not telling him to DO anything. They're just explaining to him what reality is. There is SO much more that they conveyed to me that I wish I could put down here but the ideas don't really match the words I would associate with them. When I say, 'They have extremely advanced technology' I don't think it is the same as one might think that means. It FEELS more like their 'scientific understanding of their 'world' and their ability to manipulate it is stronger than ours and they're trying to help us catch up.'

I think time IS the fourth dimension. I think that's how things happen that seem like coincidences but aren't. There is a certain lack of randomness to the world around us that seems to be couched in coincidence but never is. I think some people call it God. And maybe it is. Maybe we are God. Which is more or less the theory i hold to, and WE, never I, for I is not God. I&I is, I always like the way that was put. Anyway, there's definately something much bigger going on here.

This just in:

Time is repeated. ALMOST exactly the same every time. DEJA VU happens when they change something. This is the fifth Dimension. So on and so forth.

Angels are 4th dimensional beings. God is the 5th.

Dimensions become infinate and redundant and like the mass of an electron, require a NEGATIVE INFINITY to create balance.

If I'm getting this correctly, Self-Awareness is produced by manipulating the lesser dimension.

I may be wrong about my dimensional assignments. In Khabbalistic mythology there were eleven total dimensions If one assigns 2+Malkuth for 3D reality, 2 archangelic, 1 Voice of God, ain, ain soph, & ain soph aur, and finally, God. Now that I think of it...Didn't superstring theory say something about 11 dimensions?

Wait that's only ten...

From what I understand one can supplicate up the tree of life. The higher up one goes on the tree the larger the 'adjustments' one might request. Those who talk about crossing the abyss report it to be like crossing a void, or a huge hole in the ground. Perhaps this is another dimension, one present by proximity of nemesis adjacent to all the dimensions.

The opposite of something is nothing. Not to say that nothing is not real. Nothing is very real and can impact our lives and define our every move. Whose to say nothing isn't better. It's just a choice. It doesn't matter anyway because...this is a test, just keep on going.
OP>I don't know if I mentioned this before. I Agree, but that's not Karma btw. The prinple is true, but you and I call it Newton's Second law.
I'm both a believer and a skeptic when it comes to karma. People use the word 'karma' too often if you ask me. Simply put - bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people all the time. However, giving to someone else or doing something completely selfless can pay off big. People remember your kindness and are more likely to help you out.

My karma story is a beautiful one! ^^;

When the Baseball All-Star game was in Detroit a few years back, my whole family volunteered at what's called 'All-Star Fanfest', it's basically a kickass show put on by MLB that features awesome exhibits, former and current players, merchandise (of course), panels and even rides. We were dirt, DIRT poor at the time; we could barely pay for the parking near where Fanfest was held. We were eating bologna and chicken every day.

Now, I was on my last pack of GOOD cigarettes. After they were gone, I'd have to smoke Smoker's Choice, disgusting cigarillos that cost $0.99 a pack but are harsh, taste awful and smell worse. I was glad to have them, as they do the job to get rid of nicotine cravings. I had just opened my pack Marlboro Menthols and was standing out front of Cobo Hall when I noticed a homeless man picking through the ashtrays looking for partially smoked butts. I thought "Man, he has less than I do..." ... and I approached him and handed him my entire pack of cigarettes (I took one out for later, though). He was so happy that he almost started crying. "God will BLESS you young lady! God will BLESS you!"

After six more hours of thankless labor, we headed home to watch the game on TV. When we got home, the phone was ringing. My dad picked it up and ... we'd won two tickets to the game. At the volunteer training session, we were told that two of the over 1500 volunteers would be winning tickets. We didn't pay much attention, as we never win anything. But suddenly ... after all our hard work, even though we were poor, we were GOING to the game. My mother said my father and I should go ... and we did. We went to pick up our tickets, and we were also given $100 to buy souveniers and food. 20 of that 100 went to two packs of cigarettes each for my father and I.

Even if was just coincedence, I really do think that my completely selfless act of giving someone who had almost nothing SOMETHING made a difference.

I would say that luck made the difference. That said I think that in doing a selfless act your reward is how it makes you feel and why it is good for you to do did you not fell good from the act it self?
Years ago I went to mexico a lot not to border towns but deep into mexico one of the first places that I would stop would be a bank to exchange money and I would also get a few bags of pesos and smaller coins. The exchange rate varyed so a handfull of small coins could be as little as 10 cents US, I would bag the coins and when I noted a place that kids would play I would leave a bag or two, when I could this would be a place that I could watch and the times that I saw kids find what could a treasure to them I would get a hell of a kick out of it. I also would take jeans. shirts, shoes ect. bag or box them up and put a few pesos and or a bill or two in the pockets and stop at stick huts and ask if thay would take them for me offer to pay if they would and would always thank them. I did this after I was offered a brick of gold for a red tshirt that wasn't even new. More than a few times I have paid a dollar for a armadillo then let it loose down the road, kids running down the road with a live armadillo by the tail was a common sight. My point is I did these things because it made me feel good making someones day and I felt good because of them not because I could think that I was good or that they would think that I was, see for me that would have spoiled it. So when you do something for others always look at it as your doing it for yourself and you will be rewarded. As for karma I AM karma where I post here as I am an asshole to the assholes. LOL.

I am truly here because email asked something of me and though I did post it my dog hit a key and it was gone and I didn't have time to repost and was gone for a while, bumped into the name today. Hello Email.
I would say that luck made the difference. That said I think that in doing a selfless act your reward is how it makes you feel and why it is good for you to do did you not fell good from the act it self?
Years ago I went to mexico a lot not to border towns but deep into mexico one of the first places that I would stop would be a bank to exchange money and I would also get a few bags of pesos and smaller coins. The exchange rate varyed so a handfull of small coins could be as little as 10 cents US, I would bag the coins and when I noted a place that kids would play I would leave a bag or two, when I could this would be a place that I could watch and the times that I saw kids find what could a treasure to them I would get a hell of a kick out of it. I also would take jeans. shirts, shoes ect. bag or box them up and put a few pesos and or a bill or two in the pockets and stop at stick huts and ask if thay would take them for me offer to pay if they would and would always thank them. I did this after I was offered a brick of gold for a red tshirt that wasn't even new. More than a few times I have paid a dollar for a armadillo then let it loose down the road, kids running down the road with a live armadillo by the tail was a common sight. My point is I did these things because it made me feel good making someones day and I felt good because of them not because I could think that I was good or that they would think that I was, see for me that would have spoiled it. So when you do something for others always look at it as your doing it for yourself and you will be rewarded. As for karma I AM karma where I post here as I am an asshole to the assholes. LOL.

I am truly here because email asked something of me and though I did post it my dog hit a key and it was gone and I didn't have time to repost and was gone for a while, bumped into the name today. Hello Email.

Hey May - what's shaking?
thanks for posting!
On the other hand, I also realize that experiencing something/anything is another mind-trick - short of death.

this is a great entry way... this thought could be distilled....

WHAT is death?

Death is the opposite of BIrth...

we are not talking about SOMETHING that has opposites...

this is a great entry way... this thought could be distilled....

WHAT is death?

Death is the opposite of BIrth...

we are not talking about SOMETHING that has opposites...


i would define death as the cessation of all metabolic processes.
MP- the organic processes (in a cell or organism) that are necessary for life

What other process's are necessary for life?

Is a rock part of LIFE....?

The body is for the sprit... the body is like a book for the spirit to learn from....
It is not the other way around..

MP- the organic processes (in a cell or organism) that are necessary for life

What other process's are necessary for life?

Is a rock part of LIFE....?

The body is for the sprit... the body is like a book for the spirit to learn from....
It is not the other way around..


i would not separate the body from the spirit or the mind. Body dies, mind dies, spirit dies. And yes in death our body-mind-spirit is recycled back into part of LIFE. But I don't attribute any mysticism or spiritualism to the process.

Is a rock alive? Not by my definition. Is it a part of LIFE? Sure - I suppose everything in existence is a part of LIFE.
And what would be the opposite of -

cessation of all metabolic processes?

first i would ask why would it need an opposite?
Not everything has an opposite, right?

But if forced to respond, i might venture a tentative... the first occurrence of cell division on the way to many, many more. Or more simply, the starting up of all metabolic processes.
i would not separate the body from the spirit or the mind.

Hello EMAIL :)

To define life as "metabolic process" is DIVIDING or separating ONE from the whole. YET, The whole is LIFE. The whole does not die. There are things in the WHOLE that do not have a metabolic process... such as a rock... such as SPACE or "NO THING"

I propose that this concept of metabolic process (as used to define of death) is no different than separating mind, body and soul... SEPARATING the WHOLE into solids and space and water and fire. and things with MBP vs things that are LIFE but not alive.. etc.. is the same kind of separation..

I agree, there is nothing mystical going on... and there is no separation.

In order to get to the truth.. we must be precise, consistent and maintain continuity in our logic..

I hope I conveyed this clearly

I am trying to POINT directly at IT... b y showing both sides of YOUR thought... You are very clever and much smarter than me.... so bare with me as I try to reflect your position...

Hello EMAIL :)

To define life as "metabolic process" is DIVIDING or separating ONE from the whole. YET, The whole is LIFE. The whole does not die. There are things in the WHOLE that do not have a metabolic process... such as a rock... such as SPACE or "NO THING"

I propose that this concept of metabolic process (as used to define of death) is no different than separating mind, body and soul... SEPARATING the WHOLE into solids and space and water and fire. and things with MBP vs things that are LIFE but not alive.. etc.. is the same kind of separation..

I agree, there is nothing mystical going on... and there is no separation.

In order to get to the truth.. we must be precise, consistent and maintain continuity in our logic..

I hope I conveyed this clearly

I am trying to POINT directly at IT... b y showing both sides of YOUR thought... You are very clever and much smarter than me.... so bare with me as I try to reflect your position...


i thank you for the kind words but I'd trade some clever for knowledge...if you are pointing right at it - i can't see it!

I'll tell you what I think I see so please continue to nudge... since all of life comes from the singularity there is nothing in this entire universe that is not us. And even saying that doesn't really get to the kernel of it - just kind of nibbles at the edges? am i on the track?
YES... that is the truth...

here's the catch...

the mind is the curtain stopping us from seeing the stage...

any time we "TRY" to peak around the curtain, we just hang another curtain...

How can this be? This is so frustrating!!

WHENEVER we "TRY", or take action we ARE the mind.... THIS is different than USING the mind... THE MIND can only hang curtains... SO if WE "TRY" to see around the curtain.... then we are actually hanging another curtain...

Imagine walking in the dessert trying to erase your footsteps as you walk... it is not possible to erase all your footsteps.... UNLESS you stop walking....

DOES that make sense..? When we STOP "TRYING" the curtain vanishes...

You did speculate earlier, that the EVEN when WE do THINK we see the stage, WE are still only seeing the curtain...

This is VERY VERY CLEVER.... lol

unfortunately, I have a great video that supports your vision.....

TED | Talks | Jill Bolte Taylor: My stroke of insight (video)

YES... that is the truth...

here's the catch...

the mind is the curtain stopping us from seeing the stage...

any time we "TRY" to peak around the curtain, we just hang another curtain...

How can this be? This is so frustrating!!

WHENEVER we "TRY", or take action we ARE the mind.... THIS is different than USING the mind... THE MIND can only hang curtains... SO if WE "TRY" to see around the curtain.... then we are actually hanging another curtain...

Imagine walking in the dessert trying to erase your footsteps as you walk... it is not possible to erase all your footsteps.... UNLESS you stop walking....

DOES that make sense..? When we STOP "TRYING" the curtain vanishes...

You did speculate earlier, that the EVEN when WE do THINK we see the stage, WE are still only seeing the curtain...

This is VERY VERY CLEVER.... lol

unfortunately, I have a great video that supports your vision.....

TED | Talks | Jill Bolte Taylor: My stroke of insight (video)


I enjoyed the TED broadcast (I usually do). But she does make it seem like a "decision" to be in the moment - but it took a stroke to make her aware of it! Her description reminds me of the similarity of Near Death Experience and the jet fighter experiments causing black-outs as documented in one of the Penn&Teller Bullshit! episodes - not sure if you caught that or not.

To use the curtain analogy - it seems as soon as you forget about the curtain you realize you forgot the curtain and boom! there it is again.
First of all, this has resulted in a series of epiphanies with a little bit of calculation. Assuming their are multi dimensional beings (More specifically, beings that encomass various dimensions), I've come to consider what a fourth dimensional being would look like. Or more specifically, what WE would look like. i had the image of a tree.

WE ARE BEING GROWN. It seems to me that a 4th dimensional creature with 'technology' (Or a relative sentient ability to interact with it's environment in a meaningful way), could, easily travel to a particular planet, affect it's development at crucial points, then take advantage of a particularly fertile point in the planet's development to PLANT a new species.

If we correlate this to biblical metaphor, Then, theoretically, God COULD have created the earth in JUST SEVEN DAYS. Sure, a few hours here and a couple of changes, Poof, we have a sun. Another day, go back and put in the water. All it would take is a IMMENSE understanding of terraforming and 4th dimensional star charts and records. Find a good Sun (Day1). Affect the settling of the dust cloud into planets (Day2), Get water, (day 3) Plant Genes for life, etc. Sure, Darwinism works....but we've kinda been studying the odds...yeah sure it's a little...rare...but the universe is big, right?

The question is then, if we were 'planted,' why? Well, if we were planted with a specific purpose, and our DNA pretty well mapped out...but maybe it wasn't. Maybe they had to take steps to let A certain natural DNA develope. Making changes that boosted 'evolution' Probably only take ONE DAY to do that, considering that they probably do it in a matter of hours. Having enough statistical data on the common development of life in a certain environment. They could know when to jump to, whaty changes would need to be made. THey could easily make observations a couple of minutes of changes calculated by a comp If they screwed up they can undo, redo etc. Evolution seems like a massive process that takes a lot of time. But if you exist in the fourth dimension, then you can achieve things relatively quickly and then skip to WHEN IT COUNTS. The human race. It's like watching a tree grow. It's one of the reasons we're afraid of the APOCOLYPSE. It's sort of like a stop-run on a computer program that a software engineer is developing. So it's happen, and on a fifth dimensional scale, it's happend A LOT of times. And every time it happens, it was engineered, the flood, the meteor that destroyed the Dinosaurs. They, have to keep the race from errantly developing a destructive force before it develops the self control to not inadvertently use it before it even understood it.

Doomsday averted. Nuclear war is the kill switch. Inevitably the angels have committed genocide a million times over. But they have to go back in and fix things. Once things are they way they want them, they avert doomsday and work a little more.

Okay, the 5th dimension. So Star Trek is all in love with 'temporal paradox' and shit, I can't help but think it's not quite that complicated. 'Sliders' an old favorite TV show of mine (Season 1&2 anyway) was based on the theory that there are infinate dimensions spierwebbing out everytime an alternate possible universe is created. The thing lacking in such a theory is the question, "What defines a choice?" Or more specifically, what defines a universe split? The vibration of electrons? Human choice? etc. etc. So, what if the universe didn't split. What if it traveled on an inevitable path until something in the fourth dimension changes. This is the fifth dimension: Time in the fourth dimension. So on and so forth for the sixth dimension.

It's like looking in a mirror when there is a second behind you. This is a test, just keep on going.

There are many MIND based books with EXPLANATIONS of the earth as a farm... That creatures from another dimension are HARVESTING us.. that when we HAVE emotion, we give off energy and they harvest that energy...

the same way aphids harvest ants.. or humans harvest cows...

These creatures promote EMOTION (drama) between humans in order to cultivate BIGGER yields... war is a great yield!

I must emphasize that the "answer is not outside" and tis is just more CURTAIN building.. it is irrelevant if it is true or not.. IT is still a distraction from GOING inward..
