keeping rots in perfect health

ShoAL paTroL

Well-Known Member
when roots are unhealthy (or not as healthy as they could be)the overall plant health will diminish.depending on the phase of growth the plants are in,the over all yield will suffer.growers often think they are growing strong healthy plants with a healthy root zone,but many of them have neveractually seen a healthy root zone and have nothing to compare health to.all,as in life boils down to perspective.eventually after enough growing cycles,most growers develp a more expansive perspective and have the experience necessary to beable to find if their plants are healthy and flourishing,or sickly and not doing so takes a keen eye to tel when plants are beginning to take a dive for the need to be able to see thier issues early on and steer them through their stress and put them back on course.the best thing to do of course,is to build a system which will plan for and aviod these problems from the beginning. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Oh healthy roots are good?? Can anybody else confirm this?? It seems so counter intuitive..
Anyways, if that really is the case, do you have any techniques or advice you might wanna toss into the thread??

ShoAL paTroL

Well-Known Member
yeah sorry i only have so much time..ok well iam pretty sure the more o2 provided at the root zone,the faster plants will grow,the healther they will remain and the more overall weight they will yield at harvest time.thats why we use mediums that porous and aerated.(i like hygromite). coco holds a good a great air/to water ratio at almost all air stone in ur res is a given.also drip systems provide more aeration tan almost any other system.Next stuff like roots excel promotes unbelievalby healthy root growth.this stuff is worth every dolla!it works with any and all nutes & enzymes,beneficials,no long as it is not a "sterilizing"product like hydro peroxide,or dutchmasters zone.Water chillers are expensive but nothig works better controlling water temps.its of critical importance for a healthy root zone,that water temp stay at 66-68F.u dont have to be right on these temps but its really about consistently staying at these temps the nute solution holds a good amount of O2 within it,and the nute absorption rates are still high enough for most plants.lower water temps contain more O2 but mess with nute absorption rates.thats why water chillers work so good,they keep res temp consistent.also lower water temps promote more aerobic microbial life(the good guys)and discourage anaerobic microbial (bad guys-pathogens)life from out colonizing the aerobic ones.lower water temps help prevent probs and help solve existing ones.the beneficial microbes are a complex relationship between the microbes that live in ur res.theres alot to be said about beneficial microbes and how they help root growth and make for a happy plants indoors.there are many products like piranha,voodoo juice,hydroguard.or u can brew ur own.

ShoAL paTroL

Well-Known Member
then enzyme solutions are awesome stuff for a healty root zone.there many types with different functions.we only really care about two.ones thta accelerate suger /resin production and work to create flavor and aroma.then ththere are those that break down dying and dead plant proteins(dead leafs &roots)into their component parts -amino acids,lipids and smaller molecules can b reabsorbed by the plant and the beneficial microbes.this also prevents those proteisns from being food for pathogens.stuff like i like HYGROZYME (for better,faster overall growth),Sensizyme,cannazyme and multizyme for their enzymatic breakdown of dying roots tissue capabilties.i could go on about the bennys of this drip system setps are awesome for healthy roots because roots are never sumerged,but never aloud to dry out.they also pull O2 rich water down to the roots and nourishes them.i like flood and drain or drain to waste but that costs alot in nutes but is the so worth it because the nutes are used once there by eliminating a whole host of probs.flood/drain imo grow healthier root zones which means faster plant really fast.i dont have to veg with some of my strains cause there roots grow so damn fast in my bloom room i have to do hell of trimming in the first couple weeks of 12/ really blows soil away..imo
RO water is also a way to promote a healthy zon.tap water isnt all that great for hydro.imo for one using it gives me more "headroom" that can be used for more additives or base nutes.usually every 300ppms of nutes that u can further feed ur plants will allow for a 10-15
% more yield.most tap water is around 300- 500+ ppms with RO its down to like 25ppm,leaving way more room for nutes.also tap water has chlorine which is very strong and will KILL off beneficial microbes.bad thing


Well-Known Member
hey SP, this is a solid thread, im a big time advocate for hygrozyme and i dont think i seen a thread for the newbs who dont take these things into consideration when putting together a hydro setup

ShoAL paTroL

Well-Known Member
hey SP, this is a solid thread, im a big time advocate for hygrozyme and i dont think i seen a thread for the newbs who dont take these things into consideration when putting together a hydro setup
thanks bra!my first thread. Miss spelled some words tho.haha was late night style.hygrozyme is SO key in my book.breaking down old root mass to allow for and stimulate new growth.what a good thing!!

ShoAL paTroL

Well-Known Member
i use hygrozyme.. waiting on the effects, but its suppose to be some good shit, better be for the price of it
hygrozyme is awesome stuff!!trust me, its all about the roots.anyboby can get a plant to grow up but imo i care more about my roots then how big my plants are getting.if ur roots arent screaming out the bottom then u need to do more research on healthy plants.the only thing about hygrozme is if u are useing tap water with high levels of chorline its a waste of time,sorry same with organic nutes.

ShoAL paTroL

Well-Known Member
ive seen the light
i went to the petshop and got that shit that removes chorline.i would try that or the best is r/o water if u can get it.iam getting like 5 5 gallon bottles and gunna fill them up on my own,i dont have the dollas for a r/o system but thats the way to go.bottled water works good to(better then tap)


New Member
I looked it up, hygrozyme doesn't use beneficial bacteria and funghi it just provides enzymes.

nice info but
its really hard
to read the way
it is formatted
into big blocks.


Well-Known Member
i went to the petshop and got that shit that removes chorline.i would try that or the best is r/o water if u can get it.iam getting like 5 5 gallon bottles and gunna fill them up on my own,i dont have the dollas for a r/o system but thats the way to go.bottled water works good to(better then tap)
You may need nothing to remove chlorine from your water, but store ppl aren't going to tell you that if its the case obviously..
Ppl concerned with Cl should contact their local water utility company and find out if they add actual chlorine to the supply, or chloramine instead.. (Actually more than a few have switched to UVC or ozone treatment as well)..
Anyways, if they add actual chlorine then a few hours of sunlight will remove it.. That can be sped up with addition of weak oxidizing acids or H2O2 etc.. Chloramine is tougher, those products they sell for removing chloramine are actually necessary if you need it gone..


Well-Known Member
Heat tends to speed up all chemical reactions, but the boiling itself doesn't accomplish the job, it just gets things bustling around..