Kens GDP Changed to Dungeon Vault Genetics

Now,where can I buy the funk,with your DVG packaging ?
So I can feel better about my purchase,I know what you said,but I want them in a DVG pack.
its not just to feel better.

its smart for DVG to re-tool his brand with proper packaging, a thread, customer service, photos, etc.

id never buy anything not in the proper breeders pack. its not one pack every year.
peeps i know buy packs on packs on packs. stash them. buy more.

cant stress it enough stoners aint stupid. u have to be biz minded at certain point.

the funk looks killer.
love that first photo. sexy as hell DVG.

if i used an appy male, a b-man mother, some subby jtr in a cross.... i would give proper credit.
wouldnt you? unless u ken estes.

like dvg notes... how u do so much work, testing, more testing, and designs, photos?
shit, also growing dank for clients, ive been working on ONE tested legit strain for 5 years.
& still giving credit to outlaw genetics. cause his gear was a blessing to me at the time.
think about it.

if ken could come to ur grow lab, blow some pollen inside your room, you making seeds anyway and go head harvest that gear ...dude try and sue you for infringements.

sounds alot like monsanto.
they did similar w/ gmo pollen around spain to small corn farmers.
trying to put out mom/pops to take over a market cause they growing "monsanto corn".

all creeps.
Hey @Dungeons_Vault, as long as you are around at the moment, can you give us an idea when some of these crosses will drop? Specifically wondering about the pink champagne x candyland.
That was a small drop on NGR, and theres enough seeds for me to play with and F2 and so on...

its not just to feel better.

its smart for DVG to re-tool his brand with proper packaging, a thread, customer service, photos, etc.

id never buy anything not in the proper breeders pack. its not one pack every year.
peeps i know buy packs on packs on packs. stash them. buy more.

cant stress it enough stoners aint stupid. u have to be biz minded at certain point.

the funk looks killer.
love that first photo. sexy as hell DVG.

if i used an appy male, a b-man mother, some subby jtr in a cross.... i would give proper credit.
wouldnt you? unless u ken estes.

like dvg notes... how u do so much work, testing, more testing, and designs, photos?
shit, also growing dank for clients, ive been working on ONE tested legit strain for 5 years.
& still giving credit to outlaw genetics. cause his gear was a blessing to me at the time.
So are you saying I should give Ken credit? I mean I am very thankful for him giving me the opportunities he did, but he took advantage of me so bad I just have a bd taste from it all.
I'm a guy who loves this trade, and is passionate about it. Not looking to become rich and famous. If I can produce some strains that make people excited to grow, and grow them again, then I am happy and feel accomplished enough. I will never screw people out of their hard earned money just so I can be $100 richer.
I also want to make a point here...
Abe supercrop quoted me and really took me out of context or misunderstood what I was saying.

Someone mentioned that the situation between Ken and I is a lot like what happened with Arjan and Shanti as well as many other people in this industry. I in NO WAY think I'm anything close to Shanti, be it reputation, skill as a breeder, whatever. I am just a guy who loves this plant and has been into making seeds, growing from seed, and collecting them since I was young.
right u give credit.
he should give credit.

unless there's a contract indicating u just a "quiet" subcontractor.
and if there is... you fucking up. if there isnt you free to do whatever.
i cant see how ken could prove in court gdp is his proprietary.

im thankful for cut i get, they come with rules... i follow my friends rules.

ur situation is more complicated.
you dont need to defend to me... shit i do my own thing always.

& as far as $ , make that paper.
if u got a bomb product, id like to know about it.

im a lover of strains... espcially if they good & make me feel sexy ;-)
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shanti is a liar too.
dude has faults like everybody.

& he's no fucking saint ...with anything i think is special.

he never created white widow.
& arjan is right to call him a water boy.
who was shanti before greenhouse anyway? nobody.

ingmar created widow... de'shaman seeds (spell). fact.
Someone asked if anyone here has grown my gear? Just cause there arent a ton of journals floating around here doesnt mean people arent growing my gear. Do a quick internet search for my strains and see what pops up. I can and will post more pictures, but i mentioned before that the mods deleted me multiple times and I'm not trying to come across as advertising.

That was me and the same thing was being said about Kens gear. I've seen all the breeder pictures but nothing from customers. If it matters for Kens gear, it matters for yours.

I dont know how I seem shady when i went public and said my side of the story. I have answered all questions directed at me and have never had to back peddle or change my answer/response. I'm an honest person and stand by my story. Ken is desperate and will do anything for money. I don't see how I'm wrong for anything. Ken is known for being shady. I have always had a good reputation online. Only recently with all the confusion have I ridden a slippery slope. I wish I had more than just a video to show, but even that is something people would have to take my word on

I find you shady because your marketing is based on creating drama and tearing down a brand to build yourself up. You expect people to take everything you say as the truth without any proof to back it up.

You keep talking about this video evidence of Kens outdoor breeding but again we just have to take your word on that as well.

Instead of distancing yourself from Kens GDP you switch up the brand name, keep the same strain names and tell a story to drive business your way. Hell, people are ordering your gear and getting seeds in GDP packaging.

Anyone that's not blinded by having their head up your ass would find you and the drama surrounding your seeds shady.
That was me and the same thing was being said about Kens gear. I've seen all the breeder pictures but nothing from customers. If it matters for Kens gear, it matters for yours.

I find you shady because your marketing is based on creating drama and tearing down a brand to build yourself up. You expect people to take everything you say as the truth without any proof to back it up.

You keep talking about this video evidence of Kens outdoor breeding but again we just have to take your word on that as well.

Instead of distancing yourself from Kens GDP you switch up the brand name, keep the same strain names and tell a story to drive business your way. Hell, people are ordering your gear and getting seeds in GDP packaging.

Anyone that's not blinded by having their head up your ass would find you and the drama surrounding your seeds shady.
I posted pics that I personally grew and then most the others have all been customer grown. Again, I'll ask, does it only matter if people on this site specifically grow/have grown my gear? I have MANY people growing/testing, doing journals elsewhere.

I haven't torn Ken down. He did that to himself. He is a known liar among the community. You must not have read all the drama behind him.
How should someone go about leaving a company that robbed them? Should I throw away all my seed stock along with not getting paid? I don't think so. From the start, it was well documented that bred the strains in question. I had pics along the way of the process. I did the same with all my new gear as well.
As far as people ordering my gear and getting it in Grand Daddy packaging...
That only because I had sent in stock to some vendors before parting ways and once they heard about the news, they changed the name of the stock they had. I have since restocked those people, or sent them my new packaging to swap out.
slap an old lady at random for those ghost pie x animal cookies :-) LOL.

thedankteam is the shit.
you may have pushed some legal buttons... after ken had a say.
ngr & the rest of us just want good seeds, to the door, fair $ , & zero drama.

id love the tahoe x but man giving my $ to you guys is like a running joke.

just give ken's shit away w/ new gear you made.
that's how you do that, not get me at $100 for 10.
wtf bro we aint stupid stoners. even if that coogies make my dick hard.

so glad i never jumped on the gdp wagon.
ill stay looking after wifi , sfv, and stuff my people want.

you seed makers are all bent.

vivia la chuck nation !
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slap an old lady at random for those ghost pie x animal cookies :-) LOL.
I wouldn't...
I know in house genetics and hes a pollen chucker of the n'th degree.
He has released over 25 new strains in the last 6 months and grows out of a tent. You figure that one out. Most of what he releases is fem, but theres no way its all being tested. Looks like he got a taste of the money too.
THATS part of the problem there too...
NGR changes the name to C's grand OG?? Holds onto old stock even after getting replacement packaging... I'm not working with him anymore.
That's basically my whole point,I never had an itch to buy kens seeds befor,they did look damn good just never had that itch,then I seen some of the pics you posted,and was like yup,I want....then I got what you see,I'm not tripping,it's one lame poster,trying to talk shit...kangaroo A