Kerry Says "The Bible" is why we must save the Muslims from Global Warming/Climate Change


Well-Known Member
You're being deliberately obtuse

Kerry is saying "Modern Muslims don't care about science, which makes Muslim majority countries less susceptible to accept inevitable climate change regulations"

I'm nearly certain he threw in the Christianity reference because of the crowd he was speaking to
LOLerskates... And the scam train rolls on...



Well-Known Member
Only in your mind would could the two be related.
i wasn't saying the two were related, i was just asking if you thought climate science was a hoax.

you have already established that you are an anti-semite who thinks the holocaust was a ruse, echelon.


Well-Known Member
i wasn't saying the two were related, i was just asking if you thought climate science was a hoax.

you have already established that you are an anti-semite who thinks the holocaust was a ruse, echelon.
Is climate science like nuclear science and physical science and chemical science?? You mean Climatology? At this time I think it is more politics than science with a little mysticism thrown in...


Well-Known Member
You had to say both twice you are so desperate. Does the alcohol help with the fact your father left?
desperation is an anti-semitic australian who claims the holocaust was a ruse done to garner sympathy for actions taken 60+ years later, echelon.

your anti-semitism and holocaust denial is nothing but pure desperation.


Well-Known Member
LOLerskates... And the scam train rolls on...

Is climate science like nuclear science and physical science and chemical science?? You mean Climatology? At this time I think it is more politics than science with a little mysticism thrown in...
Climate change regulations are inevitable, they're going to happen whether the right accept them or they have to be dragged along kicking and screaming. The same way we did when they wanted to keep creationism in public education.

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

-Mahatma Gandhi

We're just about the very end of part three in that quote

Climate science is as solid a science as mathematics. That's why the simplistic analogy "2 + 2 = 5" works when describing climate change deniers. It's as strong as the theory of evolution, not surprisingly another major part of science the same people who deny climate change (conservatives) do...

You guys ever ask yourself how these things are linked? Why you might deny them both? (rhetorical, we both know you don't otherwise you would have put 2 and 2 together.. )

What do they have in common with each other? What do they have in common with other things you deny that mainstream science accepts?



Well-Known Member
Is climate science like nuclear science and physical science and chemical science?? You mean Climatology? At this time I think it is more politics than science with a little mysticism thrown in...
tell us more about how local forest fires cool the entire globe.


Well-Known Member
Climate change regulations are inevitable, they're going to happen whether the right accept them or they have to be dragged along kicking and screaming. The same way we did when they wanted to keep creationism in public education.

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

-Mahatma Gandhi

We're just about the very end of part three in that quote

Climate science is as solid a science as mathematics. That's why the simplistic analogy "2 + 2 = 5" works when describing climate change deniers. It's as strong as the theory of evolution, not surprisingly another major part of science the same people who deny climate change (conservatives) do...

You guys ever ask yourself how these things are linked? Why you might deny them both? (rhetorical, we both know you don't otherwise you would have put 2 and 2 together.. )

What do they have in common with each other? What do they have in common with other things you deny that mainstream science accepts?

It's so solid, the scientists themselves call it a consensus...


Well-Known Member
It's so solid, the scientists themselves call it a consensus...
tell us all about this decades in the making hoax, concocted and carried out by tens of thousands of scientists across the globe, only to be foiled by the dimmest 20% of retards at fox news.


Well-Known Member
*Equals taxation... I hope you're ready to pay the tax because i ain't and i know how the lower and middle classes love tax...
are the subsidies for renewable energies, energy efficient appliances, and even things like rebates for insulation part of their scheme to take our money by letting us keep more of it, echelon?


Well-Known Member
*Equals taxation... I hope you're ready to pay the tax because i ain't and i know how the lower and middle classes love tax...
Money is the most important thing to conservatives, I already know that.

Even though you get tax incentives for switching to alternative energy sources, but believe whatever talking points you want. Like I said before, it's inevitable, just like how when the automobile was invented, we stopped using horses as the main source of transportation. You can accept it like a rational person like you would any other field of science or be dragged along kicking and screaming.


Well-Known Member
Money is the most important thing to conservatives, I already know that.

Even though you get tax incentives for switching to alternative energy sources, but believe whatever talking points you want. Like I said before, it's inevitable, just like how when the automobile was invented, we stopped using horses as the main source of transportation. You can accept it like a rational person like you would any other field of science or be dragged along kicking and screaming.
it goes beyond tax breaks for alternative energy, they even subsidize things like simple R13 fiberglass insulation. that's not new tech, it's builder basic, age old stuff.

you can get a hefty rebate when you buy the stuff if you're installing it to increase the energy efficiency of your home (grow spaces don't qualify).

it's not only the government doing this either, energy companies are getting in on it as well. if i were to insulate some part of my home, it would be the local electricity company sending me a rebate.

turns out just about everybody likes decreasing our dependence on a finite fossil fuel.

but to some idiotic individuals, they invent a conspiracy out of all this and invert reality completely to suit their foolish narratives.


Well-Known Member
Money is the most important thing to conservatives, I already know that.

Even though you get tax incentives for switching to alternative energy sources, but believe whatever talking points you want. Like I said before, it's inevitable, just like how when the automobile was invented, we stopped using horses as the main source of transportation. You can accept it like a rational person like you would any other field of science or be dragged along kicking and screaming.
The inevitability is there will be a carbon tax. You're always whinging about corporations and that bullshit, you understand that when a carbon price is introduced corporations will make you pay for it, because they ain't footing the bill.

But hey you're own government didn't want free energy otherwise all of teslas inventions would be in main stream use and not limited to military applications.


Well-Known Member
are the subsidies for renewable energies, energy efficient appliances, and even things like rebates for insulation part of their scheme to take our money by letting us keep more of it, echelon?
our money? People that pay income taxes actually give a shit where their money goes, uncle zim zam