Kicked Out

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Fluffy Kuroi pisses you off, so I will just be frank and avoid emotive language.

You're a grown man, Fdd, you are better than these games.

you got me all wrong. nice try though. :clap:

I suppose I did. Don't patronise me, your sarcasm taught me how to recognise that.

i have clearly stated numerous times that yes, i have a "thing" for carne. he is very hypocritical, he rides the coattails of a select few members in the politics section, he often talks negatively about his immediate family, he mocks others then cries when he himself gets mocked, he constantly makes himself out to be a victim, his wisecracks just aren't that funny ... i could go on if you still don't get it.

being that he does have a "backbone" i figured he could handle it, since it is all done in "good fun". apparently he can't though. he'd rather make himself out to be a victim so he can continue to gain your sympathy and support.

i give unclebuck 10X more grief than i give carne. last night UB sent me a pm opening his home and heart to me. simply out of kindness and respect. figure that one out. ;)

Carne is not playing the victim. I chose to point out your childish comment and emoticon for the independent action; provocative behavior in an unrelated topic. It has nothing to do with defending him or attacking you, however special you both are in your own ways.

As for UncleBuck, It's pretty damn obvious figuring that one out.

Anyone who gives anyone unwarranted shit has got problems.

Myself included perhaps? UncleBuck cracked and spilled his heart out ok.

Do you know how many trolls and bullying members I have dealt with, and it ends up they do the same thing with me? You won't know the half of it because I deal with them away from the forum, via email, on the phone etc. It comes back to giving people the benefit of the doubt, and knowing in your heart there is a reason for that person's behavior and they will eventually crack. Need I start about Brick Top, who UncleBuck is slowly morphing into.

So I know the difference between someone needing to be given the befit of the doubt and just being out looking to make a dig at someone.

You wanted to make a point.

Carne is not going to cone pouring out his soul to you as he has no reason, good or bad.

Someone lock this shit. Don't delete it- people need to read and learn.
sure, pay me $10 an hour donation for all the time I spent on this thread and I will happily donate it back for them *free* cookies ;)
I'm going to make Budsmoker something cool for Christmas. Poor dude.

If it's any consolation, I'd let you bunk with me and Tip Top. Might have to spoon in size order so it could get complicated 0_o
As I am a member of the set "all the grown men", I will ask you to specify my part in this:

I'll spare you the results of inventory. ;) cn

Lol you took it to literally I was just referring to the people arguing about being childish. But glad to know you looked anyways! Hope everything checked out ok!
each cookie has a half gram of bubble... ten bux a piece....

p.s. i got crack rocks too...;

serious question... do you ever hold your crack in your ass? serious. like when your out makin runs or what not? one of my boys does that and pulls the "i got the fire" line and makes ya smell his dirty ass sweat...
serious question... do you ever hold your crack in your ass? serious. like when your out makin runs or what not? one of my boys does that and pulls the "i got the fire" line and makes ya smell his dirty ass sweat...

naw i keep em in the side my mouth so i can swallow em if the police come and puke it up after they leave :].......
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