Active Member
hell, i give you 10X more shit than i give carne and UB put together. yet there is nothing but love between us.
i'm starting to think this is someone else's problem. i'm just being me.![]()
lets go half on a 8 ball.....
if it weren't for the drug tests ...![]()
Fluffy Kuroi pisses you off, so I will just be frank and avoid emotive language.
You're a grown man, Fdd, you are better than these games.
you got me all wrong. nice try though.![]()
i have clearly stated numerous times that yes, i have a "thing" for carne. he is very hypocritical, he rides the coattails of a select few members in the politics section, he often talks negatively about his immediate family, he mocks others then cries when he himself gets mocked, he constantly makes himself out to be a victim, his wisecracks just aren't that funny ... i could go on if you still don't get it.
being that he does have a "backbone" i figured he could handle it, since it is all done in "good fun". apparently he can't though. he'd rather make himself out to be a victim so he can continue to gain your sympathy and support.
i give unclebuck 10X more grief than i give carne. last night UB sent me a pm opening his home and heart to me. simply out of kindness and respect. figure that one out.![]()
but I thought this is where the free cookies are???
Lol Spiked gauntlet?! I have no idea what you are talking about Sir!
Can all the grown men on this thread do me a favor and reach in their pants to make sure they still have a pair? You guys sound a little bit childish.
As I am a member of the set "all the grown men", I will ask you to specify my part in this:
I'll spare you the results of inventory.cn
sure, pay me $10 an hour donation for all the time I spent on this thread and I will happily donate it back for them *free* cookies![]()
I been trying to find my buddies crack for years!!!
gotta grab up on some o dat...
each cookie has a half gram of bubble... ten bux a piece....
p.s. i got crack rocks too...;
serious question... do you ever hold your crack in your ass? serious. like when your out makin runs or what not? one of my boys does that and pulls the "i got the fire" line and makes ya smell his dirty ass sweat...
Lol Spiked gauntlet?! I have no idea what you are talking about Sir!