Kicked Out

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we went for a walk and when we got back we realised he wasnt with us anymore so we spent an hour looking for him. Gotta find that crack... gotta have it, hold it, need it.... totally stuck on that crack, sit on a rock, I already smoked up whats in momma purse tryin get adopted find another purse, grab that and meet you in my parked car by Micky Donalds
we went for a walk and when we got back we realised he wasnt with us anymore so we spent an hour looking for him. Gotta find that crack... gotta have it, hold it, need it.... totally stuck on that crack, sit on a rock, I already smoked up whats in momma purse tryin get adopted find another purse, grab that and meet you in my parked car by Micky Donalds

how many u want? i only want money remeber... dont be trying to trade me for a dvd player, or a stolen car stereo
naw i keep em in the side my mouth so i can swallow em if the police come and puke it up after they leave :].......

been there, done that. they got my pipe and a small bag of green but no powder... puked that up like 1/2 mile down the road. damn little zip-loc baggies are rough on the throat.
no problem :).
gotta start it with a coat hanger, it overheats if you go faster than 10 miles per hour, the heater is stuck on. The gotta pull over to slap the whore in the back every 5 miles, and if you get pulled over dont worry, its not insured or registered, its stolen and there is a kilo of coke in the truck.... just clothes your eyes and open your mouth.... they will know what to do.
serious question... do you ever hold your crack in your ass? serious. like when your out makin runs or what not? one of my boys does that and pulls the "i got the fire" line and makes ya smell his dirty ass sweat...
if you put crack in your ass, it would get you high
Can all the grown men on this thread do me a favor and reach in their pants to make sure they still have a pair? You guys sound a little bit childish.

Lol you took it to literally I was just referring to the people arguing about being childish. But glad to know you looked anyways! Hope everything checked out ok!

Yup ... super lo miles ... only used on alternating Sundays ... :( cn
Couldn't stand to read all of this. To park outside your parents house so they feel bad for kicking you out is such a bitch move. What happened to the 20 grand you saved bullshitter? My parents booted me out at 16 cause I was a piece of shit like you, thinking that they owed me something. Grow the fuck up and put your big boy pants on. If you want to party hard and piss all that money you make on the oil rig.. Then suck it up and live in your car with a smile, it's your own fault. Welcome to life. Sitting on roll it up with the lap top your parents bought you ain't gona help. Your name says 87.. So I'm assuming your a year older than me, making you 25. Thats pathetic as fuck to Expect your parents to put a roof over your head at that age.
I suppose I did. Don't patronise me, your sarcasm taught me how to recognise that.

Carne is not playing the victim. I chose to point out your childish comment and emoticon for the independent action; provocative behavior in an unrelated topic. It has nothing to do with defending him or attacking you, however special you both are in your own ways.

As for UncleBuck, It's pretty damn obvious figuring that one out.

Anyone who gives anyone unwarranted shit has got problems.

Myself included perhaps? UncleBuck cracked and spilled his heart out ok.

Do you know how many trolls and bullying members I have dealt with, and it ends up they do the same thing with me? You won't know the half of it because I deal with them away from the forum, via email, on the phone etc. It comes back to giving people the benefit of the doubt, and knowing in your heart there is a reason for that person's behavior and they will eventually crack. Need I start about Brick Top, who UncleBuck is slowly morphing into.

So I know the difference between someone needing to be given the befit of the doubt and just being out looking to make a dig at someone.

You wanted to make a point.

Carne is not going to cone pouring out his soul to you as he has no reason, good or bad.

Someone lock this shit. Don't delete it- people need to read and learn.

please stop harassing me.


Can all the grown men on this thread do me a favor and reach in their pants to make sure they still have a pair? You guys sound a little bit childish.
Nobody can resists my shweaty balls...would you like to try my shweaty balls?
ahh potheads.. a peace yet arguementative peoples....
*cough* politics section *cough*

Couldn't stand to read all of this. To park outside your parents house so they feel bad for kicking you out is such a bitch move. What happened to the 20 grand you saved bullshitter? My parents booted me out at 16 cause I was a piece of shit like you, thinking that they owed me something. Grow the fuck up and put your big boy pants on. If you want to party hard and piss all that money you make on the oil rig.. Then suck it up and live in your car with a smile, it's your own fault. Welcome to life. Sitting on roll it up with the lap top your parents bought you ain't gona help. Your name says 87.. So I'm assuming your a year older than me, making you 25. Thats pathetic as fuck to Expect your parents to put a roof over your head at that age.

*Starts slow clap*

I was trying to give the benefit of the doubt until I seen this post, and reading the past 15 pages or so, it's starting to hit me what's really going on, that and Bud seems to be elusive on telling what came up to this point, you're right tho, shit happens and to tweet about it on sole forums is not gonna change the situation and there really is no "helpful" advice here, should be pretty obvious actually. Really tho Bud, what was the meaning of making this thread?

Jibber jabber...
been there, done that. they got my pipe and a small bag of green but no powder... puked that up like 1/2 mile down the road. damn little zip-loc baggies are rough on the throat.
Fuckers had quiet a collection in the late 90's, confiscated mine too. Told us we could stay around town but to leave the green at home and don't bring it up the hill into your town from ours.
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