Well-Known Member
That's neither arbitrary or for no reason. Your father had a reason. It was fucked up but it was still a reason.
Difference in opinion I guess. Not that it matters. Either way I'm better off without em.
That's neither arbitrary or for no reason. Your father had a reason. It was fucked up but it was still a reason.
Difference in opinion I guess. Not that it matters. Either way I'm better off without em.
my prerogative is to have a different perspective than yours. I think the same goes for us all.... who understands any reason behind the emotional response of another person....?
its all in good fun for me. I really dont know what your beef is between you... I have none with no one,
When I was going through all that last year, yes I desperately sought to reach out and express myself and get all the support and help and advice that I could. I felt the need to express myself on RIU, but realised it was inappropriate for my situation. Im glad I detached myself from RIU at the time so I could focus on the issues that needed to be dealt with.
i recently got MYSELF into a pretty fucked up situation. A LOT of people from this forum came to me and my family with prayers and support. even though it was all my fault, people had my back. i can't be appreciative enough to find a way to thank them all. someday, somehow i will repay them all.
i don't understand why are so many people are being a dick towards the OP?
get a job freeloader, then invite them to a holiday dinner , kick them out right before dinner is servednaturally, that's the first question anybody would ask, to try and "find the other side of the story"
they had said one week from the start, I could live at home. I guess cuz "I'm very difficult to live with"
yea happy holidays
i recently got MYSELF into a pretty fucked up situation. A LOT of people from this forum came to me and my family with prayers and support. even though it was all my fault, people had my back. i can't be appreciative enough to find a way to thank them all. someday, somehow i will repay them all.
i don't understand why are so many people are being a dick towards the OP?
I'm glad you got out of that situation forced or not. Have you ever tried contacting them again or have interacted with them in any way?
I see them around town and they will chat me up and shit but at this point don't even care to "fix" anything with them. I'm still really close with my younger brother tho and do see him pretty often. He sees our parents here and there but he didn't receive our father's anger like I did. My dad was a hitter of both of us but once I was his size ( age 15 or so) and able to defend myself I did and it pretty much stopped that shit for my brother and I and our younger sister never saw any of it. I have a lot of resentment towards my parents for a lot of reasons and maybe one day ill be able to forgive but for now I'm not the slightest interested. But hey........being kicked out so young has made me the hard working independent man I am today. I suppose in a way I should thank them.
I am blessed to have the parents that I have, they are amazing wonderful people!
When I was 13 I put some clothes in a bag, grabbed an oz of some dank, an oz of some shrooms, had 300 bucks and i hit the road with my thumb flying.
Anytime I have had hard times in my life, been right smack in the middle of a stewing pot of shit for circumstances, I would step out in the sunshine and take a deep breath, I would look around and be thankful to just be alive and be able bodied to move forward, thankful for that opportunity. Looking around with my eyes and soul open to any beauty or goodness for me to enjoy. trees, flowers, plants, shrubs, smiles, pictures, architecture.... you always have to look for positive and put positive out. Feeding negativity breeds negativity, in situations, and with people.
letting go of everything can feel sooooo good sometimes![]()
i should have said "some of you all ..."
i do see a lot of "good advice". which is probably all the OP was looking for. i really don't see what good blasting the guy does. it seems to me it is simply is to make the person doing the blasting feel better about themselves. how does calling someone a failure help in any way? i don't understand peoples motivation.
carne came in with guns blazing. talking about all the money the OP had, when the OP doesn't even have all that money yet. did carne apologize or even acknowledge his error? no, he simply went on in a new direction making more assumptions in an attempt to discredit the OP. why do people do this?![]()
Come now, You know the issue is not with people in a low spot not being given the benefit of the doubt. Of all people I know to give people the benefit of the doubt because how many times have I been blasted on this forum? How many 'I've been kicked out' threads have they been? How many times has the same advice been given? Only yesterday or the day before did I ask Busmoker I he had any savings because he DID have a very well-paying job, just spent all his free time chasing pussy. I still love him, it's just clear that this situation is sad and avoidable.
We know you did a silly thing and got stung for it, and hate to see anyone kicked whilst they are down. I know your situation has changed you because there are many members here with 'beef to settle' with you that you haven't said a bad word against since coming back. I do not forget.
However, this thread has been more healthy suggestions than personal attacks, despite bud having squandered his money and being the age he is. I've seen the underage kids given far more crap.
It isn't favouritism either, because I care deeply for Bud and would take him in if I could, any day of the week. I know plenty of others in a similar sticky spot too.
Other people have said far harsher things on this thread. I conclude you are looking for an excuse to have a dig at Carne, because you do not like him.
Before you say anything, I'd readily defend any one of you three if I deemed it warranted.
what kind of person calls their mom a "bitch"?
and you all wonder why ...
If you knew the man like I do you'd realize he has an almost unnatural reverence for his mother and respect for all women.
Yet the way other members have spoken about their mothers or women goes unnoticed.
For Carne to use such language, it is always in the context of humor/ satire/ only highlights the way the other boys here speak,
You only pick up on it because it is the exception, not the rule- an anomaly. Now if Thump Easy called his mother a bitch you wouldn't give a flying fuck.
If you knew the man like I do you'd realize he has an almost unnatural reverence for his mother and respect for all women.
Yet the way other members have spoken about their mothers or women goes unnoticed.
For Carne to use such language, it is always in the context of humor/ satire/ only highlights the way the other boys here speak,
You only pick up on it because it is the exception, not the rule- an anomaly. Now if Thump Easy called his mother a bitch you wouldn't give a flying fuck.
carne harasses people on here every day. yet he cries when i harass him. why?
i give other people here a hard time, none of them are crying about it. why?
carne has a thing against me. i simply play into it. simply for "shit-n-giggles".