Well-Known Member
I like the idea the practice of doing what you is feel natural and comfortable to you, everyone is different and has been accustomed to a different practice or ritual. Smoke, Vape, Ingest, yourself how you wish.
My ritual is taking a deep long hit, letting out 1/4 of the smoke before I beathe in again in to full capacity. Then from that Ill repeat that until no more smoke is inside my lunges. I haven't seen a single person in my life smoke this way, I completely support it. As long as your breathing in more oxygen your not depriving yourself, so its healthier then holding it in 10-15seconds.
I only play baseball when Im smoking with 4+ people (first person hits pipe and holds it, then second person hits and holds it, then third person hits and holds it, then fourth, then when the pipe gets back to the first person HE(Only him) is allowed to release their hit and hit it again, then the second person is allowed to release their hit and hit it again, then the third, then fourth, then it repeats, if you blow out the smoke before you get the pipe back you get a strike). You can really do anything you want, usually I just tell them they have to wait until the next bowl if they blow the smoke out or cough. Im sure you can kick them out of your house if they get 3strikes, maybe even get them to go someone if everyones too stoned to go in a group(food, stores, ect).
Im just tired of people wasting my weed, letting it out after 1-2 seconds and not even coughing.