Michael Sparks
Active Member
i think this thread hardly settles the "myth" why are you adamant about this subject?
it sounds almost like your hyperventilating yourself and that's why you feel like you get higher. See, now what your doing isn't really holding it in, because your exhaling and bringing in fresh oxygen, which isn't the same as just taking a hit and holding it in for 10 seconds. Releasing some of the C02 and bringing fresh oxygen into the lungs helps with absorbing more. Once the cells absorb oxygen or THC they stop absorbing anything else until it can release the C02 and other things it needs to release.
He is. What he doesn't get is that its the friction of the smoke moving up and down your lungs NOT sitting in the lungs. You don't get higher holding your breath. And like I suggested in my first post, just hold your breath AFTER you blow it out because its safer, why wouldn't you want to do the healthier thing?
5pints? Maybe 2-3oz per jar? Only about 10weeks to go.My wife and I had just enacted a "no exhale: policy since we're now at the red line down to 5 pint sized jars left and only 1 week left before goin' into 12/12 for this cycle. Holding in does work.
5pints? Maybe 2-3oz per jar? Only about 10weeks to go.
Even if you just wait until the bowl gets passed back to you to blow out, its a hole lot better then letting it out within 3-4seconds.
By the time someone gets the bowl, finishing what their saying then lights it a good 10-15seconds goes by(sometimes even longer!).
After 15seconds you can still blow out alot of smoke that wasn't absorbed! Thats why I've been saying its such a waste.
Good luck to you, making it through your growing period without running out of weed.
no it doesn't... if you prefer it that's fine but it is definitely not the best thing ever...atleast not for the people who've tried both and still smoke... and it isn't just because they haven't used a good vape...Vaporizer= end thread
There is no point in arguing with you, cannabinoids are active in marijuana smoke. If there is smoke, then there is cannabinoids. There is even cannabinoids in the air when your done smoking. Probably not enough to get you high, but enough to alert the neighborhood that someones smoking weed.lol dude, just because you blow out smoke doesnt' mean there are lots of active cannabinoids left in that smoke..sometimes smoke is just SMOKE.
There is no point in arguing with you, cannabinoids are active in marijuana smoke. If there is smoke, then there is cannabinoids. There is even cannabinoids in the air when your done smoking. Probably not enough to get you high, but enough to alert the neighborhood that someones smoking weed.
What the hell? Now your putting words in my mouth. I never said once that 100% of smoke is cannabinoids.your logic doesn't make sense either... that's like saying 100% of smoke is cannabinoids.. if you did your research you would know that only a certain percentage of the smoke is actually cannabinoids, and the lungs absorb 90% of that within 3 seconds... sorry you think that 10% is worth SOO much more that you're willing to shut down your mind towards the scientific perspective...
Exactly! Thats all i've been saying, is that the lunges don't absorb 100% of THC instantly! So in that case, the longer you hold it in the longer you get high.he is right according to lastest reasearch published the lining of the lungs can olny absorb so much instantly of anything so holding it in helps get you high but the lack of o2 getting to the brain kills cells...