Killing Root Rot

Rdwc with chiller. 5 gal buckets
Week 4 veg. Large healthy plants. Chin height can't get arms around.
Ph 5.8-6.2. I let I float from 5.8 to 6.2 then add down
Res temp 65
650 ppm base nutes cal mag. Eating up to 100 ppm a day mid week top off nutes with cal mag.
Advanced nutrients
Sterile res. h202 daily. Dutch master zone sm90 as needed.
Reverse osmosis

I tested using chlorine in a single dwc 5 gal plant because I like the sterile res the talk about chlorine sparked my interest. I started with very small amount of bleach 1 drop per 3gal nutes in 5gal bucket for 10 hours a day then return to the rdwc when I was done for the night. Then the following day I would double the concentration or more. After 5 days of pushing the plant in testing the plant had a sudden wilt. My last test was at less then 1 ppm chlorine. Tested with a pool testing kit. The test kit was brand new I can't vouch for the accuracy of the test. But at the finale testing stage I was able to smell chlorine in the bucket my skin was not affected by the chlorine much less potent then a swimming pool at 1-5ppm.

Just a warning to people also looking into this. From what I noticed chlorine, bleach, Clorox will hurt the plant at under 1 ppm chlorine. Sudden wilt and fine root hairs appear to be less.
It simply requires 2 ppm of residual chlorine for 20 minutes to kill all thr Pythium in water. And that is for the most resilient Pythium found in open bodies of e water. Typically all pythium as would be typically found in tap water would be readily killed by 1 ppm of chorine or less. It really does not matter what the temperature of the water is if you do not provide pythium with food such as dead decaying roots it will not multiply without an increased food supply. Yes warmer temps are preferred by pythium but it takes food for moultipication. Yes with poorly designed systems such as DWC, bubble ponic low pressure small tube constant spray aero that are dependent on reservoirs with high DO water the higher temps mean heavy root death due to the fact that water will hold less oxygen at higher temps. So those who grow with DWC, bubblepoonic, small tube constant spray aero and NTF with deep water will have increased problems with Pythium with higher temps, but it is not the higher temps that is causing the Pythium problem it is the low DO levels causing root death that is suppling food for Pythium multiplication. You would have the same problem with Pyth at lower temps if you had the same amount of dead roots caused by the low DO due to non function air pumps etc. If your roots are in good condition Pyth is not a problem regardless of the nutrient temp. Pythium does not attack healthy roots.

Many people who start seeds and clones in rock wool and leave them in the rock will later have root rot and stem rot problems as rock wool tends to become and stay water logged quite easily.

I have been fighting root rot over and over again. I am growing in DWC, I am planning on going to a flood and drain system hoping this will be better.
I have been using bleach to fight the root rot with great success except due to hi res temps and probably low DO It comes back.
I have been using 2 drops of bleach per litre and have been soaking the plants in the net cups in the solution for perhaps 2 minutes, then after washing my totes with higher bleach concentration and new nutes.
I have trimmed roots to get rid of some the rot. I have even very aggressively used a comb and combed out the major portion of the rot, my plants have always recovered. I have not used bleach as a normal procedure to keep it from returning although I am trying that now. I only get the rot in my clones near in my Flower tent which is also DWC.
lol vondank and ricky .. nice dumbasses who shoul just shut up and listen people who give em good advices .. sad world
shame fatman is not around anymore