Kinda scared, took 3 THC pills and happiness did not ensue

I took 3 last night, I NEVER smoke or even take it, it was just new years and I wanted to feel good. The guy said they were made from some of his purple cheese and bubblelicious buds.
I took 1 at like 4 pm, didnt really get too high off of it, so I took 2 more, and wow, I was baked, I was mildly halluncinating when I closed my eyes, the room was spinning, when I woke up this morning I was still high, and as I type this at 11pm I still feel a little weird in my front cerebral area.
I've taken Vitamin C and Vitamin B because I have heard they dull the effects of THC, and I have been drinking plenty of water. Anyone know when this feeling will go away? Did I possibly fry my brain from the large amounts of THC?
For a beginner, edibles are a bit of a hard row to hoe. You will be fine. When I got back into weed at the age of forty, I would notice residual effects the next day after a more modest smoked dose ... vaguely psychedelic effects, wondering if I was speaking/acting right. You might still have faint symptoms the next day, but you'll be 100% fine. Next time, jheez, just smoke a little! ;) cn

<edit> welcome to RIU!
great place to come for this advice haha...Use your brain on this one buddy...Marijuana has never fried anyones brain, never even killed anyone. in 5000+ years of people burning it i highly doubt youll be the first. Its all good man, if its not your normal thing i understand it can be pretty intense...But did you wake up with a fat chick, or with Sharpie drawn on ya, Nah im guessing you ate some food and went to bed...Wish my high would last a day and a half. Welcome to the Club...Peace
hAD024E1D'll be alright :) I used to love that feeling I got when driving the day after smoking, everything was so quiet - kinda muffled.
A common mistake, it takes 30-45 minutes for edibles to kick in. I once saw someone eat several brownies over the course of 30 minutes saying he didn't feel anything. Then suddenly he got quiet put on his sunglasses and said he had to go home. His wife said he spent most of the night saying that the brownies were spiked with other drugs.
lolololol lucky for you OP theres no actual damage that can be done with "THC" should wear off soon if not already. good way to jumpstart your tollerence right there lol.
Don't worry about it. I watched this documentary where this british cunt volunteered to get THC injected into her. She said she felt "morbid and wierd". It's because cannabis is best with a little bit of cannabinoids.
I'd be pissed if someone let me take that much concentrated thc. I'm suprised you didn't warship the porceline goddess all night long.

thats a hell of a dose for a regular user let alone a rookie.

I find the consistancy between edibles to be the real problem. One day I can eat half brownie and feel great, the next I cannot move I am so baked.