Ghost Train Haze #1 + Bagseed + Growing Dream Herbs + Stress

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Random thought:

If anyone thinks technology is not natural enough, or that people are destroying the natural world. Someone needs to figure out how to use Drug Test Technology (Electro-Chemical reactions) to run a computer, we will be moving in the right direction.

If someone can create a computer that runs not on Electricity, but Bio-Electric activity (Like the activity that happens in someone's brain when they get high), I am pretty sure we will be in a new era of technology.
If any Christians or any other religious people that don't agree with modern science are reading this, if you don't believe in Evolution via Natural Selection, please look up "Ebola Survivors". Anyone that survives is Immune, and this kind of thing can be found in the human genome. We have had big diseases before and they left scars on the genes.
And just btw, if anyone here wants to say "I have never seen a God", you simply don't understand the world around you. If you REALLY don't know of any Gods, then you can go ahead and stop considering different rotations of the Earth to be "Months", because that is all based on Mnemonic God mapping. March = Mars, June = Jupiter/Zues etc.

And have you ever heard of a Movie? Most if not ALL movies are based on Greek and Roman Plays (which were all based on the stars in the sky, and how they interact with the sun and the Earth's rotation) The most "in your face" example of this is the movie "Prometheus", they took the story of Prometheus, and put it in space. So when you watch a movie, you are usually watching a new interpretation of an ancient story. Even when it's just explosions. War has always been a theme, and their are different situations that happen to Mars in the sky that were interpreted by ancient actors in the sky. So without "God", Media would get pretty boring. We would just have the news then.

And you can go ahead and stop using clocks. Because those are both based on Automatons that people made 2000 years ago (so they must be useless right?) and they are based on "Chronos" aka "The Measuring of Time" aka Chronology, Chronology MEANS "From Chronos" or "The Study of Chronos".

And if you have ever heard of "The Scientific Method". That comes out of what is known as "Philosophy", which is where Demonstrations and Debate come from. Sophy in "Philosophy" comes from the Goddess "Sophie" she is the Goddess of Wisdom. When you "Philosophize" you are "Loving Sophie Actively". And since Science only exists because of the "Philosophy of Science", in extension, you are "Loving Sophie Actively" when you do science.

I could keep going, but these are some REAL Gods you can see on Earth or being Interpreted on Earth, if you wanted a magic man in the sky that in kinda your own problem.
I don't know who did it, but someone false flagged my Youtube channel. It is down for at least 2 days, but I am just assuming it is down forever, even though I didn't do anything wrong.

I still have my old gaming channel, it has just as many views as my regular channel did. But not as many Subscribers. If you want to help me get my subs back up, or if you liked the channel previously. Here it is.

I had some videos saved in a cache, so I uploaded those to the channel. I have an edited video cache, and I will be going through that tonight and putting those on my gaming channel.
Lucid Dreaming is "Real"
Do people really doubt lucid dreaming?
Was able to do this almost every night as a kid.
Would wake up in my dreams, knowing I was dreaming.
Sometimes I'd wake myself up to go use the bathroom then go lay back down and have the dream start back up where I left off.
I have also had one and only one OBE,and it scared the shit out of me.
I 'woke up' so I thought, and went to step out my bed and realized I was floating.
I instantly got that impending doom / felt like I knew I was dead. So I screamed out loud "NOPE" and instantly fell back into my bad and woke up in panic.
Just so happened to be the same day I felt my first earthquake here in Maine, which I thought was a weird coincidence.
Also, if anyone wants to add me on Skype, I am "Kemetichindu" and on Xbox Live I am "Hannibalimhotep".
Do people really doubt lucid dreaming?
Was able to do this almost every night as a kid.
Would wake up in my dreams, knowing I was dreaming.
Sometimes I'd wake myself up to go use the bathroom then go lay back down and have the dream start back up where I left off.
I have also had one and only one OBE,and it scared the shit out of me.
I 'woke up' so I thought, and went to step out my bed and realized I was floating.
I instantly got that impending doom / felt like I knew I was dead. So I screamed out loud "NOPE" and instantly fell back into my bad and woke up in panic.
Just so happened to be the same day I felt my first earthquake here in Maine, which I thought was a weird coincidence.

I think people doubt how real it is. Like if you are real conscious in the dream.

Lol. That is a funny story.
Anyone that subbed to me on Youtube (I got at least 5 last night) feel free to post your Youtube channel here so I can sub to you too.
Also, just a random little bit of information. Now that my name is FinShaggy again on Youtube, my Youtube account is now associated with my main online username, which is FinShaggy.

I changed my username because there are people that jack off to pictures of my family and post pictures of their cum on the pictures. And they pretend I am a troll as they do it. But they are the real trolls, obviously.

But now my Youtube is associated with the things like the Urban Dictionary Definition of me, and all the Google images people tied to my username.
Anyone that subbed to me on Youtube (I got at least 5 last night) feel free to post your Youtube channel here so I can sub to you too.
I subbed, but don't upload anything on my channel..
You still growing the mystery seeds from the coco?
You don't seem to be a troll or bullshitter like most on here claim.
Yes your threads with a lot of txt are kind of more like notes and hard for peopel to follow.
Could use some structure, but I do enjoy your videos.
I like the positive vibes.
I subbed, but don't upload anything on my channel..
You still growing the mystery seeds from the coco?
Yeah, they seem to not be doing too well though. They are getting pretty dry and not any bigger, and I have been watering. I think they liked the extreme Humidity.
Just in case anyone is looking specifically for the Oilahuasca video, here it is on the new channel.
You should look into polysorbate 80 which supposedly helps defeats the Blood brain barrier.
Found this out while searching ways to cope with opiate withdrawals.
With Imodium (Loperamide, an opiod), polysorbate80 attaches to the loperamide and helps it cross the BBB.
Imodium BTW helps withdrawals and can be used for 'opiate maintence', if you run out of your script early.
You should look into polysorbate 80 which supposedly helps defeats the Blood brain barrier.
Found this out while searching ways to cope with opiate withdrawals.
With Imodium (Loperamide, an opiod), polysorbate80 attaches to the loperamide and helps it cross the BBB.
Imodium BTW helps withdrawals and can be used for 'opiate maintence', if you run out of your script early.
I don't want to mix anything weird with Oilahuasca. It is shutting down your liver, so things are already crossing the blood brain barrier better than usual because they are not broken down before they enter the bloodstream.
I was just throwing it out there.
Thought maybe the BBB effects of polysorbate80 might interest you.
Synchronized Hyperspace Event (S.H.E.)

I am going to continue updating this thread and the new channel, but my plan is now to wait until after Halloween (I don't have anything for this Halloween, but I will try to have something for next Halloween). But I have been specifically doing a lot of Research on the Mediterranean "Paganism", from Europe to Africa, and I have been studying Egyptian Myth and History, as well as Australian Aboriginal Myth and History.

So together, those have led me to know more about "Dream Time" and Christmas/Easter stuff, which is Time to plant and Time to Harvest. But Halloween (Samhain) is also a harvest festival, hence the Pumpkins. So I will start growing Pumpkin seeds or something, but next year I will have more Ritual. But there are already other people who advocate Samhain (maybe not with Psychedelics though), so this year I want to bring to light the ancient Christmas ideas.

I am going to be making a thread using this thread (but with all the videos replaced with videos that work) and by the time I make the thread I will have some Terpenes and maybe all the stuff for Oilahuasca. But what the focus of the thread will be is (besides continuing the Dream rituals) is to share the idea of the "Synchronized Hyperspace Event", so I am going to go ahead and explain that here.

Every year for Christmas (at least in America) people just randomly put lights up on their houses. Other people come and look at the lights and are like "Wow". But in the past, people used to take Mushrooms for Christmas. If you have ever wondered why you bring a tree in your house, and why you put presents under it, you are about to find out.

You have probably heard of the Red Mushrooms with the white Spots and the white Stalk. They grow under... Pine trees. They use the nutrients from the Pine to survive. And when they are not actually mushrooms yet, they look kind of like little white pine cones under the tree. In the past, people used to call this Mushroom "Mythras" and they called the little white pinecone a "Cosmic Egg". And every year they would find a tree that had Cosmic Eggs at the bottom, and they would decorate the tree and wait for the "Egg" to become a mushroom.

So if you are going to put lights up on your house, or other people are, then why not do what they used to do. Everyone should try to find some Mushrooms, and take them when the lights are on the houses. This is the "Synchronized Hyperspace Event". We are reopening the Christmas season to its TRUE potential. And if you can not find Mushrooms, I will have tutorials for anyone in the Tree of Life School, so that you can learn to do Oilahuasca and learn about different plants that contain DMT (DMT is what gives the Tree of Life/The Acacia Tree it's "power").

So like right after Halloween I will make a new thread with the focus being more on Holidays, year round, and the dream stuff will basically just be something for people to read between Holidays.
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