Ghost Train Haze #1 + Bagseed + Growing Dream Herbs + Stress

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If anyone wants to help get all this done faster I will post a DVC wallet that people can send DVC if they want. And you can get Free DVC through Devtome, so it doesn't have to cost you anything.

You can also just troll me and attack me for posting this if you want.

DVC Wallet
I have been looking for "Non-Polar Solvents" to make "Concrete", to make Absolute for perfume.

I was sitting here for like 30 minutes, and all I could find was like Benzene, Hexane and Chloroform, and I was just thinking "If I order any of that, they are going to think I am trying to do something WAY different than perfuming".

Then I decided to do a search for "Lemonene Polarity" and all the sudden, I realized why it is such a good solvent for extraction. This is going to make Polarized hash making EASY AS SHIT.

So, what the plan for hash making is now.
I am going to get some d-Lemonene and use it to do a COMPLETE non-polar, full spectrum extract on the Cannabis trim.

Then I will add a polar substance to it, like some kind of alcohol. Then I will keep the Alcohol layer, and toss the Lemonene layer, sine it will contain all the resins and waxes, while the alcohol will contain all the Cannabinoids. You can probably also smoke the Lemonene layer to get extra terpenes.

This should make Clinical Grade full spectrum hash, and if I Isomerize it, it would be TRUE clinical grade, with NOTHING but Delta-9-THC in it.
I just found out that the Butter mixture is known as "Enfleurage". Which is the process of capturing plant fragrances in fats and oils.

You can do it cold or hot. And people do it in Tallow and Lard. But I am going to continue to use Butter for Cannabutter, and I will use Coconut Oil if I am going to make anything meant to go on the skin.

But this opens up a new route of Application for Oilahuasca. You can extract the plant essence in fat or oil, just like when making Cannabutter. Then you can use the Enfluerage of the certain plants needed in order to get the Oilahuasca to work.

From what I can tell, this is also one of the best ways to extract the Terpene called "Ionone", which according to perfumers, does not extract well in to alcohol.

But I bet if you made Enflourage or used Lemonene, then went and separated via Alcohol and Polarization, you could probably get a good Alcohol Ionone extract.
By only using a single solvent, you are making what is known in the Perfume world as "Concrete". This would include everything from Cannabutter, to BHO. Even if you use water, you are making a single solvent hash, known as "Concrete". Which is usually only sold as incense in the perfume world, and with any other plant it would NEVER be considered "medical grade".

You have to do the second step. The first step is best if you use a Non-Polar Solvent like Butane, Lemonene, Hexane, Bezene or Butter.

Then, you either want to let that dry out and do a "wash", or you add some kind of 99% alcohol (Ethanol, Isopropyl or Methanol) and let it separate. Then you will get the 2 layers, which you can gather the alcohol layer of.

This is known as "Absolute" in the perfume world, and IS perfume grade. And with various plants, this would be known as "Medical Grade". With no contaminants.
If anyone knows anything about the THC Isomer called THC 5 aka THCV, not the same as THCv I don't think.

This Isomer could actually have some Amazing medical application, it is like 100x stronger than THC or something like that, and you can make it from a THC molecule. It just has to do something with the structure being able to cross the blood brain barrier. If anyone has any info on this, please share it.
Just btw:

This is only the beginning of this. I am still growing herbs, many of which have Terpenes that will be useful in some "Marijuasca" mixtures.

Then I will still be cross breeding different plants in the mint family with each other to see if I can make any Intergenetic Hybrids.

While I do that, I will also be making some "Hybrid Species" so that we have have some new Cultivars, maybe even Cultivars of things like Catnip, which is know to have psychoacitve effects in humans and cats.

While getting terpenes from home grown plants, and trying to make new species. I will also be making my own essential oils of different plants, so that I can have more Terpenes than just the ones I grow.

And somewhere early on in there, I only put it last because it was discovered by myself last, I will be getting the ingredients for Oilahuasca and testing it.

And something I have been wanting to do for a while, but won't have the weed or the money for for a few months, is making polarized hash. That will probably be the very last thing to get done, and it should be some time in the first 6 months of 2015.
I will be doing my live show in December again just btw. I can't post live on my main channel until then because I was posting Call of Duty videos and the theme song got me tagged.
After hearing about Oilahuasca, then more-so after learning about Enfleurage, I thought about something I read in the past.

My mom is kind of in to witch stuff, so she has a magic book. And there are some werewolf "spells". One time I looked some of them up, and there is one that I can't find the source of, but it seems to be pretty widespread as "A Werewolf Transformation Potion that Witches Used". Again, I can't find the source, but if you search "Cat Fat Wolf Skin Belt Parsley" on Google, you will find various websites that talk about this "Spell".

And the reason I specifically remember this spell is because the first time I read about it, I was reading that it was strange that parsley would be an ingredient, because it is NOT Psychoactive. The other ingredients were psychoactive, but should not have made anyone feel like a werewolf. But it is possible that the Apiole could have been activated into an ancient form of Werewolf Ecstasy.

Here is the "Spell" aka Ritual:
opium, poppy seeds, aloe, henbane, hemlock, parsley, solanine (an extract of night shade), and asafetida (a gum resin). After stirring all the components together , he will allow the contents to simmer. When flames leap up, he will begin his incantation: “Elect of all devilish host, I pray you send hither, the great gray shape that makes men shiver. Come! Come! Come!"
Having removed his clothing and put on a wolf-skin girdle, the devotee now rubs his entire body with a salve.

And now that I know about Oilahuasca, I am pretty sure that this is what the witches were brewing.Parsley contain Apiole, which is not active by itself, but when taken with the right Enzyme inhibitors, it is possible that it could be activated. And it is possible that it is an Enzyme inhibitor itself.

So basically, what I think was happening is, the witches would get someone REALLY worked up about the full moon, like really make them antsy about it. Like tell them that that is when the freaks come out and stuff. Then, once the person is worked up, the full moon comes along. You give them a belt made of wolf, or have them kill a wolf to make it. Then you have them kill a cat to get fat to mix with the plants so you can rub the oils all over your skin. So, doing this, while in the light of the full moon that you are worked up about. Might make the ecstasy effects kind of turn you into a mental "Werewolf".
Someone asked me some stuff on another website, and I thought all the Oilahuasca threads should have it. So here it is.

I never said anything about not doing drugs because of food. I said these oils will last longer than "drugs" like ecstasy, because instead of $10 for 1 tab, you are spending $10 (or less) on a bottle, and you have like 5 bottles that will last a LONG time.

I have not heard of it making people sick, and you can apply it on your arm. I have heard of people getting sick from eating lots of Nutmeg, but some people have tried Nutmeg Oilahuasca drops and I have not heard of them getting sick even. If you deactivate everything properly, and activate the right thing, people say it gets visual.

My religion is that of the Aboriginals. I call it "The Tree of Life School" they call it "Dream Time", and there is even "Dream Time Archaeology" you can research.

I grow Marijuana, and I have been growing spices forever. And I understand how esoteric oil making seems to people, but I have been making hash since I was 14 and I take very easily to new oil making methods, and I have been studying the perfumery methods for about a year now, and at this point they seem "simple" to me.
If anyone is scared of Ebola, we should all start letting food rot in composts and growing bacteria from it in petri dishes, this is how Penicillin was discovered. The way you can tell if one bacteria is good at killing things, is by having it in the Petri dish and watching it eat all the other bacteria. That is how Penicillin was discovered.
More plant updates today or tomorrow, I am going to start making the videos now but I might now finish editing until tomorrow.
And just btw, anyone that thinks I am into "Quantum" things and Depac Chopra. You are very wrong. I have never read anything of his, and I am pretty sure the only time I have seen him speak was when he talked about Neuropeptides, which he called "Chemical Emotions". Unless that was someone else.

It seems that anytime someone hears anything about Egypt or Dreams, they automatically want to pretend that they are talking to a certain kind of person.

I also do not believe aliens are God. Actually, I think the Ancient Alien Theory is racist because it says that if white people didn't build it, grey people must have come and helped.
And for anyone that hates me for not being Atheist.

I would like to point out that Doctors still say the Hippocratic oath, which is 2000 years old. And before their were labs, Science was done in Temples. Just because you have a bad taste in your mouth from Christianity does not mean you figured out EVERYTHING about religion.
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