Ghost Train Haze #1 + Bagseed + Growing Dream Herbs + Stress

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I'm not sure. I only know the little bit that I came across looking at its effects with Imodium.
And no I didn't tell you to eat anything. lol
Polysorbate 80 is found in soft serve ice cream, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, medicines, vaccines and a lot of other things.
I do know that.
I'm not sure. I only know the little bit that I came across looking at its effects with Imodium.
And no I didn't tell you to eat anything. lol
Polysorbate 80 is found in soft serve ice cream, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, medicines, vaccines and a lot of other things.
I do know that.
What does it do with Imodium?
Helps the main ingredient loperamide cross the BBB so you can get high off the opiate that loperamide is.
Helps the main ingredient loperamide cross the BBB so you can get high off the opiate that loperamide is.
That could have applications with Thyme extract. Thyme extract contains a lot of "Thymol" and Thymol is closely related to Propofol, but it is broken down by the body, so does not have similar effects when eaten.
Since I am using the FinShaggy username again on Youtube, I just figured I would share the reason I came to the internet in the first place.

I am from Texas, which is a very right wing, Christian state. I was born in Dallas and lived in Texas until I was 19. I am not Christian though. I decided this when I was about 14, because the church I went to simply was not a community, it was a club. It was all about dressing up and socializing, which is fine, but it's not God.

When I was 14 I felt a strong connection to Marijuana, and started learning more about it. And eventually I stopped being Atheist (which I was for only a short while) and started studying Shiva and reading the Rig Veda and stuff, and I continued to use Marijuana. Then when I was 14 I was arrested and got put sent to a place where we were not allowed to leave and we had to wear collard shirts and follow rules like turning left and right at 90 degree angles and carrying a water bottle around. There were a few books there, but all the ones about religions like mine were more in a historical context. But I knew Hindus and stuff existed still.

Then when I came back to Texas I started studying Hindu communes around the country and sent some emails trying to get in touch with some, but I was like 15 and had no way to do any of this. Then I got arrested again and put on probation again. I lived in Texas, so smoking Marijuana was not acceptable according to them, even religiously. I would tell them it was my religion all the way to the cell, then when I was in juvy I would tell all the other kids about different entheogens and research chemicals. The probation officer and guards probably remember me.

I got put on probation again when I came out, and I continued to express to my probation officer that it was my religion, but I didn't smoke because I wanted to pass piss tests. And eventually I ran away from home so I could just go do things freely out in the boons. But they found me and took me back to Juvy.

Then I got out and the court ordered that I had to have a Psychologist. And the Psychologist said I was not being challenged in Highschool and I needed to go to college. So my probation officer had a judge sign off on it and I went to the community college in town, and the first weekend I was there I got someone to take me even further out into the boons and I ran away from home again.

So they put me back in jail. And that time I was there for like 7 months. I graduated Highschool while I was there, because it wasn't classroom based, it was workbooks. So it was really easy. So I graduated a year early, so my probation officer let me out of jail (by talking to the judge) and let me off probation.

But they knew I smoked Marijuana religiously. So one day they noticed that my sister and her friends were not at school. So they came to the house with NO WARRANT, thinking they were going to find them all hanging out at our house. But they went to a lake, and I was asleep in the backyard with a friend who was there watching TV. They arrested me for 1 gram of weed my sister had left in the yard, and charged me with Paraphenalia for some pipes her friends had brought over and let their before.

Since this event, which happened in 2010, I have left Texas and still can get arrested if I go there again, but not anywhere else because it is not a Felony. But I have been doing tons of legal research since I left, and in the state of Texas you are NOT allowed to enter a property without a warrant, no matter what is happening there. And there are TONS of laws that defend the religious rights of Texans, more-so than most states. So I could probably legalized Marijuana in Texas. If you know how common law works, then you know that if I get a county judge to say that the police broke the law, then Marijuana is legal to posses at your house in that county (Collin County). And if I get a state judge to say the police broke the law, then it is legal to posses Marijuana in your house in all of Texas. At least religiously. I am in Colorado now and have a medical card, just btw.
If anyone wants some tips for stuff to do when the Christmas lights aren't up, there are still plenty of things to do.

You can:
Find a fire pit or a grill or something and make a fire if you have a yard, or are at a campsite. Fire is great when using mushrooms or anything like that.

Watch Marijuana Dry, either after a harvest, or by putting some orange peels in with dry weed. If you do it with Oranges it can make your bud taste better and you can choose the dryness by just taking the orange peels out and then sealing it in a plastic bag when it dries to where you want it.

Go to Church, don't do anything stupid, but go to church and act like you have some holy spirit in you or something. Church gatherings were meant to be done on Mushrooms. They take communion and sing with their hands in the air and stuff. It's definitely a mushroom ceremony.

This seems to be the most popular among people who use Psychedelics for enlightenment, but try tripping all alone in a dimly lit room. Listen to music and eat food and have some different textures to feel. And pick a movie that you can watch or something if you get bored, like have one planned. Even if it's on Netflix or something. Fear and Loathing is good, Dazed and Confused is good, Fight Club is good, I Heart Huckabees is good and strangely the Futurama movies are good for this also.
He's not a troll he's a fucking idiot and you would do well to remember that before he get's you killed with one of his science experiment's If you aren't fin talking to himself??? Here's a NOTE: Your the only guy talking to this cat

this is a grow journal, not a Chat Box/Troll Box.
Sorry I have not been taking anything at night the past few days, I have been captivated by some research and have been up late everynight not wanting to take sleep aids that would make me tired.

And since I have been doing that, now I will share with you what I learned.

Caryophyllene, was mentioned earlier. It is a Marijuana Terpene used in the Perfume industry to give things a Marijuana smell, and recently I learned that it actually connects with the CB2 (Cannabinoid) receptor, even without any Cannabinoiids. So Caryophyllene has cannabis effects, even when taken outside or without Cannabis. Sources of Carryophyllene include Uziza Pepper 50% of Essential oil) and Indian Bay Leaves (25% of Essential Oil). So taking either of these things can and will increase the effects of the Cannabinoids.

Indole-3-Carbinol can be found in many common vegetables, and it breaks down to activate the CB2 receptor.

Common Rue Essential Oil activates the CB2 receptor.

Then I also learned more about Hash making. Remember when I said that you could use the Concrete making method and the Absolute making method from Dr. Atomic and the Perfume world? Well, there are steps you can take after that to ensure that your Cannabinoids are the BEST they can be.

First you do just like before. Using Lemonene or some other non-Polar solvent, make your Cannabis extract. Then add some kind of Alcohol (Ethanol, Isopropyl or Methanol) let that sit and eventually the Lemonene and Alcohol will separate. Use a Separatory funnel to separate these layers. St this point you have Cannabis absolute, aka medical grade hash in alcohol.

If you add a few drops of Sulfuric acid at this time, all the Cannabinoids will turn into THC Cannabinoids, and all the THC cannabinoids will become pure Delta-9-THC. That method was in the Dr. Atiomic book, I just did not add it before.

There are 2 other methods you can use at this point that I recently found out about.

When you have the medical grade hash, you can treat it with Acetic Acid instead of Sulfuric acid, and this will make THC-0-Acetate, which is a little bit stronger than THC.

or, You can extract the THC in Pyridine instead of alcohol, the add Phosphoryl Chloride, this will make THC-O-Phosphate which is weaker than THC, but can be used in hospitals easier, because it is water soluble which makes it injectable.

I will stop here now because I have made a wall of text, but I have been doing research for like 2 straight days with only like 8 hours of sleep total. So I can continue with this in a few days or weeks.
You cannt grow weed sp you say you aredoing "stress tests" all the time, why though for your seed stash for you opocalyptic future, why don't you stop westing time and just grow plants without torture and killing them and then you will get to smoke something idk
You cannt grow weed sp you say you aredoing "stress tests" all the time, why though for your seed stash for you opocalyptic future, why don't you stop westing time and just grow plants without torture and killing them and then you will get to smoke something idk
Thanks. I needed a laugh.

I can't believe you guys still can't wrap your head around the idea of stressing for higher hormone content. And I have plenty of smoke, lol. I was thinking of even starting a Toke n Talk video series thing today.
I decided not to wait a few days or weeks, I am going to continue the Chemistry stuff now.

When I was researching Nootropics a while ago I found what is called "Picamilon", this is a Nootropic which you can buy in America and they actually prescribe it to people in Russia. What it is is GABA powder and Niacin powder, these are both Amino Acids so they both have the properties of both an acid and a base depending on the situation. So during my research over the past few days, I decided to find out how Picamilon is made, and I found something out that may lead to some new Nootropics. Picamilon is just about the easiest Chemical reaction in the world. From what I learned, when you mix to Amino Acids together and apply heat, they will release H20 and form what is called a "Peptide Bond". So simply by putting GABA powder and Niacin powder in water (in equal amounts) and evaporating all the water away, you are creating "Picamilon". This substance has the ability to cross the blood brain barrier better than regular GABA, so it has a much stronger effect on those receptors. But it's not hard to make at all. So I am going to make some of that, and then maybe get some other Amino Acids and see what happens. Usually people wouldn't "invent" new molecules and eat them, but I am following in the footsteps of Sasha Shulgin. I will get some Amino Acids sometime in the next month or 2. Oilahuasca and Marijuasca come first.

I will continue this again later with Hydrogen Bonds and stuff.
I just want to say something that might help people understand this better. And I will help people understand even more when I get into the bonds. But if you want to understand Chemistry at its most BASIC, here is a good thought exercise.

First, accept that Chemical reactions are all just Magnets figuring out what they are attracted to. Chemistry is ALL ABOUT magnets, everything is polar or non-polar, acid or base, etc. and these things are basically all just magnetic responses that chemicals have to each other.

Now, understanding that it is all about Magnets, let's make it more clear with an example. Water. H2O. If you were to take 1 Hydrogen from H2O, suddenly it would be Hydroxide which is pretty much the STRONGEST most reactive base known to man. If you add a Hydroxide material (ex: Calcium Hydroxide) to water, the Hydrogen in the water becomes charged with a negative polarity and can be used to do things like extractions or pickling. Acids are the opposite of that. their Hydrogen is positively charged and is waiting connect to some other molecule. Acids usually have lots of Oxygen ready to attach magnetically to Hydrogen, Hydroxide or Hydrocarbons. If you add an acid to water, it charges the hydrogen in the water with a positive charge, and this can be used for extractions or as cleaning agents.

And when an acid and a base come together, they form a salt. Salts are usually neutral. And water is kind of like a salt, since it is Hydrogen and Oxygen in a higher concentration that in OH (Hydroxide). It is "acidic" hydrogen mixed with "basic" oxygen. It is not actually a salt, but noticing what it is made of can help you understand the magnet concept.
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