Kite High Memorial Cinderella 99 Grow


Well-Known Member
very nice pap!

Keep it going in this thread anyone who wants to post..

I have a problem guys, I have lost my lead that connects my phone to my laptop :( I am on day 52 and have turned the light off for the last time today, will give her 1 or 2 days in the dark.

She lost a lot of her beauty anyway as the issues i had progressed, but I will give her a haircut and take a few pics and if i find my lead i will post them up.

I've been sampling the popcorn and the high is REALLY strong. All in the head but no paranoia, the smoke hits smooth as silk, the buds smell of both pineapple AND grapefruit .. sort of like, if you sniff the bud you get pineapple, but if you squeeze it and smell your finger it's grapefruit. Buzz last around 2 hours, pretty severe munchies on the comedown and then a race to get into bed and straight out like a light. Only negative is feeling groggy the next day..

But I can't wait to see how strong the proper buds are with a few weeks in glass...


Well-Known Member
Very nice job for a first grow man! There's definitely room for some improvement in your scrog but the screen is almost completely filled and your canopy is mostly quite level. Keep it up for another 4.5-5 weeks and she'll teeat you very well!
Bummer about the cable Puff!
Thanks guys,the grow wasnt very smooth..
First i was atacked by thrips.Transplanted too many (3) times.Underfed,overfed.Made a screen only on day 10 of flowering.And today i lolipopped lowest budsites , i red its way too late,but the stems are looking so thin,interseting how much it will yield...

Second C99 sprouted yesterday,hope second grow will be even better.But i cant complain its 19 days and its already white from sugar :)
Great strain, absolutely no odour inside closed.


Well-Known Member
Spewin about your lead Puff, would love to see how she turned out! Hope you can find it man. Sounds like you still got some really nice bud though bro which is the main thing :D


Well-Known Member
thanks mo, I'm ripping about it myself.. either my 2 year old has stuffed it somewhere. or me in my old age (27) have done something stupid with it. I fear for my mind when i really am old ,as i do stupid things all the time now, like put milk in the cupboard, cheese in the freezer.. all sorts of shit, I hope i didn't bin it .. but i have searched this place up and down can't fkn find it!

The buds are very similar deal to my last cindy journal.. though they are a bit more leafy and a LOT more frosty. Though smaller in size. I took on sunday night, 52 days.. maybe a bit early but still it's red hairs left not white.. the high is really great, and the smell is very strong of fruit/ pineapple/ grapefruit/ weed . I got sooo para chopping she litteraly stunk like a field of dope as soon as i took the scissors to her. You gotta watch that, low smell during grow but reeks really bad during chop.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
nice grow puff! still loving my cindy buds. your first cindy journal convinced me to grow them and i'm really glad. enjoy the smoke!


Well-Known Member
thanks mo, I'm ripping about it myself.. either my 2 year old has stuffed it somewhere. or me in my old age (27) have done something stupid with it. I fear for my mind when i really am old ,as i do stupid things all the time now, like put milk in the cupboard, cheese in the freezer.. all sorts of shit, I hope i didn't bin it .. but i have searched this place up and down can't fkn find it!

The buds are very similar deal to my last cindy journal.. though they are a bit more leafy and a LOT more frosty. Though smaller in size. I took on sunday night, 52 days.. maybe a bit early but still it's red hairs left not white.. the high is really great, and the smell is very strong of fruit/ pineapple/ grapefruit/ weed . I got sooo para chopping she litteraly stunk like a field of dope as soon as i took the scissors to her. You gotta watch that, low smell during grow but reeks really bad during chop.
Ha ha LOL bro, i feel your pain, my kids make my shit disappear all the bloody time, and then theres my mind makin me lose shit too haha. God help me in another 30 years when im pushing 65 ha ha ha.

Damn though mate, your cindy sounds like some pure primo shit...well done mate, so glad she worked out well for you!! Mmmm pineapple fruity goodness :D


Well-Known Member
well done man!

i saw your previous cindy grows, all of them outstanding.
cindy is my all time favourite. the smell, the social uplifting energetic buzz... as you said through the grow, you would not think that someone's growing weed, but when she becomes frosty, damn, she hits with some real weed thing.. although i noticed one thing, that eating her cookies gives way nicier effect than smoking it, it takes two hours to kick in, but damn, me and my friends do not smoke c99 cause eating it is sooo much nicer.. last few times i was laughing till literally i had to hold on my own cheeks... they were hurting like mad...
even my friends got spoiled and do not want any other except for that

enjoy ur harvest man and keep it green!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys thanks for all the positive words. If any of you wanna add any pictures to commemorate kite then go ahead.

Sim you have given me an idea. going to try eating some tonight!

I can't find my cable at all .. didn't wanna send any plant pcs through email.. but i did take one last pic safe enough to email just now...

Got 2 jars of this...


Think i have around 2 zips give or take, that's my usual harvest with a 250 watt light.

The smell is absolutley incredible. It's so hard to describe, but i've smelt this smell before on really good weed. I'm sure we all have.. it's like a citrusy, minty, spicy dank smell. It's just the smell of really great dank with hints of like tropical fruits, which must be the combo of pineapple and grapefruit.. every night when i'm high i find myself spending about 15 mins just smelling a bud.. it's so good : )

The high is very good, no couchlock at all, but i find myself every night now playng gtav and looking at the clock and it's like 4 am and i'm like HUH, where the fuck did 4 hours just go? lol

The munchies are the worst i've ever experienced.

All in all very good stuff, you just can't buy stuff this good where i'm from, which sucks because i can't share it or people would know i grew it . Oh well more for me.

Medically speaking this is very good herb too. I'm noticing anti depressant effects after a few days use, i'm sleeping great with very vivid dreams, and the other night after i trimmed it, my back was fucking aching and 2 hits completely cured it.


Well-Known Member
very nice report man, confirms most of the things i felt about it. Just never had a back pain release. Can't wait to hear about your edible report. I find cookies of c99 being more interesting than smoking her. Get more trippyness out of it.. It's just that it takes quite a while for it to start working.. e.g. Super lemon haze cookies hits me within 1-1.5hour. C99 takes 2-2.5 hours to reach it's peak and last like 2 hours min. bigger cookie tickles my balls for at least 3 hours.. Currently my C99 finished 4 weeks of flowering. Can't wait to have it back in stash..

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
C99 I've been looking for good seed representation for this one. Can't find good info on who's version is closest. I know g13 version isn't no wear near the real mcoy. Any one can chime in?

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Hey guys thanks for all the positive words. If any of you wanna add any pictures to commemorate kite then go ahead.

Sim you have given me an idea. going to try eating some tonight!

I can't find my cable at all .. didn't wanna send any plant pcs through email.. but i did take one last pic safe enough to email just now...

Got 2 jars of this...

View attachment 2928409

Think i have around 2 zips give or take, that's my usual harvest with a 250 watt light.

The smell is absolutley incredible. It's so hard to describe, but i've smelt this smell before on really good weed. I'm sure we all have.. it's like a citrusy, minty, spicy dank smell. It's just the smell of really great dank with hints of like tropical fruits, which must be the combo of pineapple and grapefruit.. every night when i'm high i find myself spending about 15 mins just smelling a bud.. it's so good : )

The high is very good, no couchlock at all, but i find myself every night now playng gtav and looking at the clock and it's like 4 am and i'm like HUH, where the fuck did 4 hours just go? lol

The munchies are the worst i've ever experienced.

All in all very good stuff, you just can't buy stuff this good where i'm from, which sucks because i can't share it or people would know i grew it . Oh well more for me.

Medically speaking this is very good herb too. I'm noticing anti depressant effects after a few days use, i'm sleeping great with very vivid dreams, and the other night after i trimmed it, my back was fucking aching and 2 hits completely cured it.
Gotta leave a bowls worth for Kite High and not smoke it for a year in his honor.


Well-Known Member
Nah dude G13 version seems weird, way to indica to be good c99.

Female seeds is the best version there is. Theres a story about it on icmag somewhere. Aparently gypsy nirvana was given the original c99 beans and he gave a share to the breeder of female seeds , so female seeds version has been created with the original seeds. I think it's legit.

simis, dude... wow.

Went to the store last night got a packet of crackers and some peanut butter. Went home, grinded up 2 small nugs about enough for 2 joints. mixed it into peanut butter, spread it on the crackers , wrapped it in tinfoil and put in the oven at 180c for 20 mins.

once they were cooked and cooled, i started eating them, problem, they are fucking rank. and the dry cracker just means having to chew ths horrible taste more. So i made a few bits of toast , scraped the peanut butter inside, put some jam on it, and ate it that way.

I had never eaten dank before and i heard it was quite heavy... so i was sort of prepared for the worse. Good thing i was because an hour later i start to get extremely stoned, then about an hour later i am fully fucking tripping out. Really really intense, paranoid, spacey. It as like being on a different drug.

I was sitting and hearing every noise my neighbours made like magnified 100 x. Everything my girlfriend did was frying my head, a sng she liked came on and she stared dancing and i was just sitting there trying to understand what the hell was going on.. that sort of high. And thankfully i was able to control the paranoia by telling myself, " you ate it remember, the house doesn't stink of weed, no one knows your high" lol

This lasted for a good 4 hours, then I had a top up joint.. was mega stoned all night.

Definiteley a treat for the weekend though, way too heavy for every night.


Well-Known Member
KH sent you this trip I guess so you could feel the "tripping balls" term he was using so much.. :D

He grew Female Seeds version even if he had BroGrims original ones..
I'm a rare smoker, toking like once per 1-2 weeks. My tolerance is quite low. But DUDE.. I melt 120g of butter, grind 1.8g of weed and heat in the pan for like 8min on a low-medium until the butter becomes sort of brown, but more golden. Then drop it in the fridge and after 2 hours take it out, melt it again and run through the mesh. Then I have canna butter and I don't need to eat those straws and such lol. Then I make 16 chocolate cookies from a very simple recipe using cannabutter instead of butter. and take them to friends... One cookie per person and we end up laughing our asses with a clear creative racy positive TRIPPY high. It takes 2 hours to reach it's peak, but once you there, you there.. that lasts for 3 hours. I never felt this effect from cindy while smoking, only when eating. You prob had way more if that got you to paranoia etc.
We were laughing with my friends that no matter we take half of it, or whole, we trip the same.. Maybe heart is a bit less racing when taking less.

Anyway, thanks for the report!


Well-Known Member
Top notch buds brother, well done hey!!

All these reports of tripping balls on C99 makes me really want to grow one out. I really have to get this back crossing done first before i do though :(


Well-Known Member
thanks a lot guys... yeah i think this was defo the work of kite, me getting a taste of the trippyness that he always raved about, I never got it on the first run. This is my favorite strain ever, don't think i would want anything else. This stuff has smelt good , no grass smell at all. I dried with the sugger leaves on, and dry trimmed. I think that this has kept the smell a lot better. She is starting to cure up real nice, the smell is just strong incredible dank, getting stronger by the day! I did notice i built up a tolerance after eating it, but 3 days off and i'm as baked as ever on a few bong hits.
