kitty's flower garden part 2

yeah, i think they're a combination of wild rabbits and feral (released pets gone wild) - most of them are that mouse-brown colour but there's the occasional litter of pretty ones - although tbh they don't seem to make it as long as the others......

lol @ rabbit stew. only if mr kitty guts 'em for me first. :fire:
We have that tobacco growing the yard. There is a tree tobacco with yellow flowers and is perennial, too.
I think it is an introduced or invading species.

a word of caution about Mammoth Sunflowers....had some a few years back. Got 12 feet tall and bloomed, hooking themselves on the power line into my house.
It's fun watching the birds swing upside down to pick the seeds from the head.
here's a few from today fiddlehead [I think]and a better shot of fleabane...still nothing more than lore/legend on it's repellant properties...and a stickery thing and sorgum?. I had to work to get these pix to upload. 3's a charm.
Is that some sort of agave or something? I'm not so much up to date on my desert succulents - more like the tropical ones.
Hi mugan
#1 looks like standard "Sweet Basil". I'm not familiar with the other....sorry having a hard time concentrating. I got sawdust in one of my eyes while cutting wood yesterday. Here's the pear tree. It popped a few flowere just in time to get snowed on...we'll see.I might get lucky and the forecast is wrong.
Hi mugan,
I have no idea. Can't be more the 40yr. It came with the house and that wasn't built until the mid 1960's....the main part of the tree stands dead, but thanks to the shallow soil, we have 'em popping up all over the "yard", them and jujube trees. Wish I'd taken my camera with me when I went ot. The willow and cottonwoods got their leave [for a minute, anyway] and a lot of little things are in bloom. The wind was a bit of a problem, gusting to 30+mph, and I'm surprised I got as clear a pic of the pear as I did.

Does that second basil have a distinct fragrance? That should give a clue as to variety. Sweet basil has an anise type smell.
Hi mugan,
I have no idea. Can't be more the 40yr. It came with the house and that wasn't built until the mid 1960's....the main part of the tree stands dead, but thanks to the shallow soil, we have 'em popping up all over the "yard", them and jujube trees. Wish I'd taken my camera with me when I went ot. The willow and cottonwoods got their leave [for a minute, anyway] and a lot of little things are in bloom. The wind was a bit of a problem, gusting to 30+mph, and I'm surprised I got as clear a pic of the pear as I did.

Does that second basil have a distinct fragrance? That should give a clue as to variety. Sweet basil has an anise type smell.

they both smell a lil like mixed spices :) , but the one with the big leaves is more intense , so much so its hard to keep smelling it, i was told not to let it flower but i want the seeds to spread it .
You can take cuttings from basil - and still leave the seeds to ripen so you'll have your cutting taking off when you get your seeds!

I love hot pesto.
kewl, i was about to do that but i read some where that once the basil is flowering you shouldn't clone :(
you can always go with plan B. Let 'em go to seed and stagger your next plantings. Basil retains a good part of its flavor when dried....not like cilantro. Cilantro loses everything when dried. You might as well use lawn clippings.

Hey there Kitty! How's that sweet ass basement doin ya?! LOL. Hellooooooo everybody! Glad to see we have some well rounded gardeners on this site! I have been growing near the equator for about a decade and a half. My mum is a master gardener and has taught me everything i have come to understand about Botany. I hope to share my love for all plants with YOU all. Enjoy!


The bloom of an Aloe Vera variety.


My greenhouse full of Cacti, Succulents and other oddities. Sweet.


This is a Bonsai society in the town were i live and grew up. These guys are awesome! Japanese Maples, Crate Myrtles, Japanese Boxwoods oh my!
I'm glad I didn't get my skills from my mom....the only thing she didn't kill is this one pothos. I swear, she could kill a silk plant.