kitty's flower garden part 2

Sorry to hear that. Sure woulda been fun. The variety is amazing.

Got some toms in the ground. And a few into 1gal pots. Have been scoping a few spots around the house that may provide a welcome habitat for some of the extras....I have a few. About 30, so I can be liberal. The jujube grove might work, too.
Hi all,
I plant pinks, Sensation Cosmos, Crackerjack Marigolds and a few others because that's what Grandma grew. Whenever I smell one of the purple Sensations, all I can think of is Grandma. My mom had terminal Black Thumb, but I have the one plant she failed to kill.
Do you all plant things because of "family tradition"?
Neither of my folks had much interest in plants, guess I got it from both sides grandparents. My dad's folks had a grape arbor and Grandpa made wine. They had cherries and apples, too.. and veggies, of course.
My mom was an avid gardener. She taught me to appreciate some of the finer things like art and gardening. Moms flower was a gardenia. So we had a lot around the house.
on the opposite note..... i will NEVER plant dahlias in my dream garden because of my mom. that smell, it haunts my nightmares......
I'm glad I didn't get my skills from my mom....the only thing she didn't kill is this one pothos. I swear, she could kill a silk plant.

Son, I didn't know you smoked pot? LOL that's why I grew NFT because I kill anything in soil. I am in awe of you, real, gardeners.

Oh and Kitty, you have some lovely plants, obviously you are a REAL gardener.

nice shots of the passionflower!
I can relate to "certain plants I WILL NOT grow". Stargazer lilies do that for me. The "fragrance"[odor?] reminds me of a funeral home. Glad someone likes 'em, 'cause I don't!
bella, bella. what a pretty flower; and a damn fine anti-anxiety agent/relaxant. the Native Americans used it as medicine
some wildflowers , a yellow prickly pear cactus flower in the Catilina Mountains and my first GILA MONSTER! scared the shit out of me at first , I had gone on a very steep long hike I was up at about 6000 feet i decided to turn around and there she was! :shock::joint::-o

pajarita wilderness and dick magee trail with gila monster 066.jpgpajarita wilderness and dick magee trail with gila monster 067.jpgpajarita wilderness and dick magee trail with gila monster 068.jpgpajarita wilderness and dick magee trail with gila monster 083.jpgpajarita wilderness and dick magee trail with gila monster 104.jpgpajarita wilderness and dick magee trail with gila monster 107.jpg


  • pajarita wilderness and dick magee trail with gila monster 047.jpg
    pajarita wilderness and dick magee trail with gila monster 047.jpg
    61.5 KB · Views: 9
Hi Dr.Amber,
Almost embarrassed after getting you out to the "hills" and it beiing SOOOOOO dry. Awe inspiring brown....NOT!!!! How's the sunburn?

Gila Monsters are not at all common. Consider yourself privileged to having seen one in the wild. The reptiles are coming out...walk heavy and they tend to get out of the way. Not fool proof!!! Four of us were on a hike and the lead stepped right OVER a rattlesnake laying across the path. #2 saw it.
Keep your eyes very open.
some wildflowers , a yellow prickly pear cactus flower in the Catilina Mountains and my first GILA MONSTER! scared the shit out of me at first , I had gone on a very steep long hike I was up at about 6000 feet i decided to turn around and there she was! :shock::joint::-o

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Hi Dr.Amber,
Almost embarrassed after getting you out to the "hills" and it beiing SOOOOOO dry. Awe inspiring brown....NOT!!!! How's the sunburn?

sounds like you guys had fun eluding the dinosaurs out there :lol:

cucumber slices and mango skins will soothe the sunburn, drambert (thank you for the lovely pics) -- ;)

wait -- WHAT? you got SUNBURNT??? in APRIL?
It was a clouldless, breezy day...91` in Tucson. You can get sunburn from a full moon here ; ]

well me and my extra helping of melanin just might vacay in the spring desert sometime then. :)
i have to try really really hard to get a sunburn around here, even in peak season. oh, except on the bottoms of my feet, for some reason.
I turned my back to leather with 2 hrs of sun a day in the morning. Decided it wasn't so good when I couldn't feel the shower on my back. I wear long sleeved white dress shirts all summer. Te sun in HI is sneaky. It's not hot there and you don't notice getting cooked. You can feel the sear on exposed skin here.

IMHO July/Aug are the best time to visit here in the warm months. Sounds crazy, but true.
IF we have a wet fall/winter...March is spectacular!

so I don't look like a hero...Dr Amber came across that Gila monster on a different trip. We went to the Atascosas Mts. The Gila Monster happened in the Catalinas [on the north side of Tucson].
Hi all,
been harvesting organic matter [code for weeding] for the compost heap.
I tend to wait til they're of a size that I can get hold of. Part lazy and rationalized by saying I'm maximizing amount of "greens".

I'm gonna see if I can get a few macros of some tiny flowers. I have to wonder what pollinates 'em...gnats?
My iris are blooming and the lilac didn't get totally burned by the last hard frost. I can't say that of two of the pomegranates. I may be looking for sprouts from the root from them...pretty sad.
Hi all,
Everyone OK?

Another "whatzit"... I bet you all can figure it out.

I tweaked the image a bit to make it more dramatic.