kitty's flower garden part 2

Hey scroggy,
That's close's the grain on a knotted piece of oak. I've started a small collection of interesting knots/knotholes. I burn some truly beautiful pieces...sometimes being warm takes priority.
doing simply fabulous azone ,bongsmilie how about you amigo?
it looks like a full moon.Wicked black and white image. maybe that is a pattern from your garden ...??
man oh man .. the lime in the water here is NOT TO BE BELIEVED.. check this shit out that had accumulated on one of my small phototron computer fans in only 2 day!!
.. im getting my very sleek reverse osmosis water filter tomorrow. im very excited. i have been wanting this little baby for quite some time.
also another picture of some wildflowers from last weekends hike...
i also landed a small portable evaportaive getting my shit together slowly..:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

hey kitty kat!bongsmilie how that bikini coming along? lol..i bet your garden looks awesome. I cant wait for more of you stunningly beautiful pictures.
lime and evaporative cooler 001.jpgpajarita wilderness and dick magee trail with gila monster 083.jpg

Nice flowers lordjin! We grow passion flowers and they look so cool when in bloom. Good pics!
Hi Drambert,

another day in paradise, my friend!
I warned of the hard water.
I did take a pic of that piece before it went into the fireplace. I have several others that I cut off for safe keeping. Got one for ya.
You try that coffee? I just assume all Washingtonians drink the good stuff and I wonder how ours stacks up... The water makes a BIG dif. When I went to Alaska, I had to contaminate the coffee water w/a dash of salt to make it taste "normal". Yep, hard water strikes again.
This one is for you. You should be able to do something with it.

dunno what's with my phal, I'm up to 9buds and still no termination. The only thing I can figure is, it must be the cools [40ish`F] nights and this bloody cold/drafty house keeping it budding....


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holy crap that is some HARD water!!

gonna do some puttering abooot in the garden today; the broccoli, peas, beans, cukes, peppers watermelons and sunflowers have sprouted.
the asiatic lily i'd given up on is coming back with a vengeance; the after 8 lilies (dwarf versions of azoned's nemesis stargazer) are trying to catch up. maybe give them a shot of food today.
my cym is sick -- the flowers are turning brown at the tips and i have no idea why. my botanist friend took a sample to school and has determined that it's NOT a fungus (which probably means it's a bacteria) so now i have no idea what to do to it. i'm thinking maybe give it a BTi spraying and put her on an EWC tea diet to try to overpower the baddies with bennies. wish me luck.
Hi Kitty,
Good luck with the cym.
I wish I had some advice...I don't.
My orchid rescues have been a slow failure at best. Seems like once they start going...
My phal is going to be in bloom for Mother's Day. Temp seems to have some bearing on flowering time. And it's up to 10buds.

the water Drambert is dealing with a blended Colorado River water. Bottled water sales boomed...mysteriously, Tucson is not using as much water. I have to reflect on Louis Black's commentary on water.
Not so bad out here. We''re into a different aquifer. Hard and "plenty" of chlorine. But better the Tucson's.
Hi all,
Here's a couple of shots from around the "yard". I have the native passionflower just coming up. Forgot to take a pic. it's just sprout coming up. Give a month and will have some size. Pretty, but smells bad....alkaloid type smell to the vines.

Garden porn! Those lillies are beautiful beyond words. I love the little set up. Trying to make that happen in our back yard in the next week or two. Keep on keeping on!
some more from around the yard...dutch iris, lilac, elderberry, unknown native, ditto, ditto ...the flowers on the 1st 2 are the size of a grain of sand, red-winged blackbird.....1204120014.jpg1204120015.jpg1204120017.jpg1204120003.jpg1204120004.jpg1204120005.jpg1204120016.jpg1204120028.jpg1204120029.jpg ...and my phal

Z 1204120010.jpg almost left the bachelor button out.

the 2nd native looks blurry because it is VERY FuZZY.
This one is for you. You should be able to do something with it.

dunno what's with my phal, I'm up to 9buds and still no termination. The only thing I can figure is, it must be the cools [40ish`F] nights and this bloody cold/drafty house keeping it budding....

wow, that reminds me ofvinny van goghs Starry night! its gorgeous! your garden looks wonderful.
holy crap drambert, are you still vacay-ing on 4/20? i've SO been slaaaacking on the bikini, sorry babe :(
lol, its ok kitty , i will look very forward to wearing the bikini now that i have a pool to wear it at. can i go swimming in it ? can i get a pot leaf tan line wiht it? did i tell you i moved from wa to az? im sorry i can t meet you at Bob s gravesite this year but maybe next year 4/20. by then i will have some PTO . i just started a new job and im on probation now with no time off for 90 days. how is your makeuuuuuup line coming along?
Thanks Dr. Amber. You and I both know that these are very select vingettes...

I was exploring the edged of the raised bed. It blends into my "chicken coop". Turned a spot and brought up lots of decomposing granite, shale and some chunks of iron bearing stuff...cast iron. Part of a wood stove! a horse shoe. some corral nails, barbed wire ends...The original owner was a pack rat.
I'm getting smarter about hole digging. Make the hole big enough to stand in with the pick!

Every shovel full could result in an archeological dig..
I was baked when I did this. I know where to smoke and hide from the [video=youtube;zgOkeZEPPfg][/video]. Got some nice pix comin...xoxo