Kitty's Garden 2011

more gratuitous lily porn...


thank you for the kind offer mcpurp! do you still have the label? just because hippaestrum's are common enough here.... and i want to try cross pollinating my after8 lilies... i'll let u know if anything comes of it...

yes indeed i do, it says it is a red lion amaryllis.
and the thai basil looks nice, i just planted starts of basil im not sure what type but it has purp and green just like yours, so i think they might be the same type
aha. common name: red lion amaryllis. botanical name: hippaestrum 'red lion'.... thank you kindly for the offer but i'll save you the trouble since it's an indoor plant here ;)

and yeah, i think a lot of european basils are all green....
aha. common name: red lion amaryllis. botanical name: hippaestrum 'red lion'.... thank you kindly for the offer but i'll save you the trouble since it's an indoor plant here ;)

and yeah, i think a lot of european basils are all green....

so i take it i dont have the real one then?
not the genus i'm all aflutter about in this case, at any rate ;)
your offer was very kind though. i'll keep you posted what seeds i harvest off mine.
thank you.... you've reminded me to do an update.

some more shots from the twilight garden.......
the "after 8" lilies are finally starting to bloom...


^these are a lot prettier in the sun; i'll try to remember to take some more tomorrow^
the twilight garden:


this is not the best quality photo, but i'm including it because it gives an idea of my favourite time to have a puff in the garden.... wish i had smell-o-vision to share the evening lilies with you....

thank you.... you've reminded me to do an update.

some more shots from the twilight garden.......
the "after 8" lilies are finally starting to bloom...


^these are a lot prettier in the sun; i'll try to remember to take some more tomorrow^
beautiful blooming flowers you got there :D
thank you... i have 16 of those pink lilies all together. if they all bloom at the same time my poor man is going to die of hayfever :lol:
Those are nice...all my flowers i grew have died due to heat and grass hopers..but i did clone some of my grandpaws rose bushes and there doing great.....rep....
grasshoppers! *egad*

you know, i'm constantly complaining about the weather here (and hating a little bit on people in places with longer growing seasons :lol:), but i have to remind myself that with the heat comes the bugs.
i can't imagine what i'd do about grasshoppers. (although my friend's grandma swears they have tasty back legs... eeeeeeewwwwwww)