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more gratuitous lily porn...

thank you for the kind offer mcpurp! do you still have the label? just because hippaestrum's are common enough here.... and i want to try cross pollinating my after8 lilies... i'll let u know if anything comes of it...
more gratuitous lily porn...
aha. common name: red lion amaryllis. botanical name: hippaestrum 'red lion'.... thank you kindly for the offer but i'll save you the trouble since it's an indoor plant here
and yeah, i think a lot of european basils are all green....
little purple flowers.... this thing just keeps on surprising me....
beautiful blooming flowers you got therethank you.... you've reminded me to do an update.
some more shots from the twilight garden.......
the "after 8" lilies are finally starting to bloom...
^these are a lot prettier in the sun; i'll try to remember to take some more tomorrow^