Kitty's Garden 2011

i don't know that much about squashes, actually. (that and my seeds didn't come up. i'm nursing 2 buttercup squash starts but they don't even have flowers yet.)

although they store pretty well for a long time so idk.... unless you're talking about zucchinis/courgettes. those things fruit like it's going out of style. my mom and my sister both have well-established zuke's and they're both "the dreaded zucchini lady" for a couple months out of the year.

mcpurps? 420god? dst? any input?
BTW since you seem to have some experience >< (sorry for thread high jack) i have some squash seeds germinating and ive never grown the plant and ive been tring to read about it and i come across some people saying its better to have a small amount if its not commercial cuz of how fast they produce fruit and how fast it rots. how many fruits do you get from a single plant,, say in a week ?

nice flower pics.
i got some flowers im gonna start soon, i got a bunch of burgundy columbine seeds to starts here soon, and i also got a free pack of cardinal climbers for free, im glad cuz both are a humming bird favorite, im thinking of planting the climbers under the sunflowers to use them as a growing stock to climb since the beans are not really doing much.

and as to the Q above it depends on what type of sqaush.
what type are you growing?
i got green zukini i have about 10 seeds in the ground i just don't know how many to cull, i wanted to start them inside cuz i have always found being able to control the humidity and warmth always makes all my seeds germ faster but all my space is taken my seeding mj :(
i got green zukini i have about 10 seeds in the ground i just don't know how many to cull, i wanted to start them inside cuz i have always found being able to control the humidity and warmth always makes all my seeds germ faster but all my space is taken my seeding mj :(

well im growing dark green zucchini so i can help. they do produce alot per plant, i had 4 plants in about a 4x4 area, last week i dug 2 up and trashed becaues they were just so dam big and getting bigger. now i have 2 and i harvest at least 2 every other day if not more, they produce like crazy and should produce all year, if you growing for just your self and maybe a few family members i would plant 2-3
kewl al see if any one wants 6 of the seedlings cuz there is only 3 people in the house so 2 a day should be enough thx much
i always plant a few xtra so i know i will end up with the best plants, and some could die off due to disease or pest, id plant 4 and pick the healthiest 2-3 or something like that
well looks awesome not sure if i should post here so if it is ok cool kitty good if not then i wont again?
u ever grow okra
that was yesterday, and here it is today (it's still a bit assymetrical 'cuz she hasn't quite opened up yet):






Thats beautiful. The colors are super vivid! Thumbs up ^_^
What do you do with your potted plants during cold weather? I think you live in Canada and they have cold winters like we do here in Michigan. Seems like I recall you stating that you have a greenhouse? I sure hope that your beautiful plants aren't destroyed at the end of the outdoor growing season.
lol yer when i first saw it i thought it was squash :? hehe , they got some real intense color, do they need to be moist all the time like the orchids ?

missed this somehow; lilies are super-easy. you can plant bulbs in the fall or spring, and unless the weather fucks you over you can enjoy them for years. both my last years' lilies (pics on pg 2 or 3?) sprouted during an early spring warm snap only to get snowed on at an inch tall and died completely... when i dug the bulbs up they were mushy. if that hadn't happened they'd be fine.
they're also great because of the wide range of strains without the prohibitive price tag on roses or orchids. (this girl: $3 start. love rose: $20) as long as you like their shape, you'll definitely find a colour / colours that please you. i even ordered some cool bulbs off ebay this year and they're doing great.

this coming from the girl that's killed several orchids never having gotten them to flower again after the blooms they came with withered. ;)

nice flower pics.
i got some flowers im gonna start soon, i got a bunch of burgundy columbine seeds to starts here soon, and i also got a free pack of cardinal climbers for free, im glad cuz both are a humming bird favorite, im thinking of planting the climbers under the sunflowers to use them as a growing stock to climb since the beans are not really doing much.

i love columbine! another wildflower with a WIDE range of varietals! i have a wild purple plot in the middle of our lawn that i've been making the man mow around, much to his chagrine, but it's seeded now (yay!)... i'm guessing cardinal climbers are a vine with red flowers, lol? great minds and all that, can't wait for my red trumpet vine to do something!

collected leek, catmint and bleeding heart seeds already...

What do you do with your potted plants during cold weather? I think you live in Canada and they have cold winters like we do here in Michigan. Seems like I recall you stating that you have a greenhouse? I sure hope that your beautiful plants aren't destroyed at the end of the outdoor growing season.

i'll let the annuals go to seed but what i want to keep of this year's pots are either going in the ground or coming inside. a lot of the lilies are hardy to surprisingly low temps - avg -20 to -26 c (not sure what that is in f)
but not taking my chances. last winter was quite mild (and it's generally a LOT milder here than the canada that's north of you, thanks to the pacific) but the warm/cold snap bs in february killed a lot of stuff that would have survived otherwise.
no greenhouse as of yet; we're trying to pick a spot for it. (how bout here? -too slanted. here? -not enough sun. here? -right in mosquito row, you bastid!.... poor mr.
missed this somehow; lilies are super-easy. you can plant bulbs in the fall or spring, and unless the weather fucks you over you can enjoy them for years. both my last years' lilies (pics on pg 2 or 3?) sprouted during an early spring warm snap only to get snowed on at an inch tall and died completely... when i dug the bulbs up they were mushy. if that hadn't happened they'd be fine.
they're also great because of the wide range of strains without the prohibitive price tag on roses or orchids. (this girl: $3 start. love rose: $20) as long as you like their shape, you'll definitely find a colour / colours that please you. i even ordered some cool bulbs off ebay this year and they're doing great.

this coming from the girl that's killed several orchids never having gotten them to flower again after the blooms they came with withered. ;)

I would luv some of those, but there not very readily available here ad have to go to the ends of this place, or pay $50 to get them shipped from a site, but the orcids are more available, infact i have had my eye on vanilla only i d k where am gonna put it cuz this place has no humidity and temps can get over 100f so al have to pamper it to hell ><
well i went around looking for them to day and when my sis found out she told me that we have some here, i have been living here for over a year now and i never knew :shock: , i must smoke entirely too much :eyesmoke: any way no one here knows what kind they are i thought maybe you might


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wow, that's friggin *beautiful*.

it looks like it could be an amaryllis of some sort... maybe try a google img search?

are u really in kenya?? if so, there's a good chance that's a true amaryllis (amaryllis belladonna)!

(the kind they sell as a potted plant in n. america at xmas time, while pretty, is a 'fake'. (h-something... hippaestrum maybe?)) effing..... jealous.....right now. is that another bud cluster i see behind it? i'm definitely gonna need pic updates of that! ;)
i have a amaryllis plant i got about 6 months ago, its not flowered yet but the leafs look exactly like that plant so i think it is a amaryllis to.

and kitty if mine ever flowers and makes seeds, i will be glad to send you some if you like.

are u really in kenya?? if so, there's a good chance that's a true amaryllis (amaryllis belladonna)!

(the kind they sell as a potted plant in n. america at xmas time, while pretty, is a 'fake'. (h-something... hippaestrum maybe?)) effing..... jealous.....right now. is that another bud cluster i see behind it? i'm definitely gonna need pic updates of that! ;)

hehe ya am in Kenya, and trust me you shouldn't be jealous lol but i do have 12/12 every day so ya that part BRING ON THE ENVY!. heh anyway its not a bud cluster there the bulbs there small, but there is another side full al post if they bud :)
i have a amaryllis plant i got about 6 months ago, its not flowered yet but the leafs look exactly like that plant so i think it is a amaryllis to.

and kitty if mine ever flowers and makes seeds, i will be glad to send you some if you like.

thank you for the kind offer mcpurp! do you still have the label? just because hippaestrum's are common enough here.... and i want to try cross pollinating my after8 lilies... i'll let u know if anything comes of it...