Know something about this bug? (+pic)

try neem oil, it seems to slow them down but they are still doing damage to my lower branches. luckily I have tons of foilage so Im not too worried about it at this point. But yea, I have the same gnats.

The neem oil will be delivered to me tomorrow or the day after tomorrow so what I would like to know is if until then I could spry some mild soap solution on the soil to try keeping the little bastards in check? And is about a teaspoon of soap for every 2 liters of water ok? If not, please advise! :D Thanks.
The neem oil will be delivered to me tomorrow or the day after tomorrow so what I would like to know is if until then I could spry some mild soap solution on the soil to try keeping the little bastards in check? And is about a teaspoon of soap for every 2 liters of water ok? If not, please advise! :D Thanks.
i tried thatlast grow.. its not effective and I dont think its good for the plants.. Id just wait to be honest. Plus soap will make the neem oil less effective. Once you get the neem oil be sure to spray the soil lightly as well, cause thats where all the larva is. Wait till its dry too, if you want it to be the most effective. Also, try to make sure its not too humid, cause thats where they thrive...
i tried thatlast grow.. its not effective and I dont think its good for the plants.. Id just wait to be honest. Plus soap will make the neem oil less effective. Once you get the neem oil be sure to spray the soil lightly as well, cause thats where all the larva is. Wait till its dry too, if you want it to be the most effective. Also, try to make sure its not too humid, cause thats where they thrive...

I did a little test. I sprayed the soil of just 2 of my plants with mild soap solution, just to give it a try and see if it would have any negative effects on the leafs after the solution comes in contact with the roots and is absorbed. I'll check tomorrow and see what happened.
What I would really appreciate now would be if you guys would check out these pictures of my plants and buds and tell me if you think they are not developed enough for their "age", just so I can get a clear idea of how much damage the gnats are actually doing.
The total flowering period is 50 days and I still have 18 days to go.
So, what do you think?


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dude those gnats arent doing much damage.. and Im sure even if u did nothing those plants would still be fine..
Yeah, you are close enough to harvest I doubt that the gnats are going to be able to do that much damage. Your plants are pretty well established, you really have to worry when you have babies with fragile root systems though. Just do some population control for now and you should be fine.

Make sure you clean the HELL out of everything before putting new plants in there though. Just start treating your new plants right away, that way the gnats wont be able to get a good foot hold in your room again.
I've been using hydroton clay pebbles and peralite on the top of my soil this time around. This is keeping the moisture down inside my soil and the top of the soil dry. Keeeping the top of the soil dry will help prevent bug problems all together. Atleast it has really seemed to help me out this time.
The nats dont eat buds or leaves. its the larve stage where in the soil they live large numbers can effect ur plants. Everything mentioned helps. I hang sticky strips. I have probs with MG soil and these bugs. The flys are just annoying thats all. After harvest, clean good, vacaum, clorax bleach wipe and repaint?
Thanks for all the advice dudes! :) But you can bet that after this shit, I was going to clean the grow space thoroughly before the next grow. I'm just glad that I've never had problems with spider mites, ever. I hope it stays that way because from what I have read everywhere, those are some really nasty little monsters. :D
First of all, thank you to everybody that gave me advice on how to deal with the gnats.
I just want to say this: NEEM OIL DOES WORK FOR GNATS!
If you have gnat problems, use it. I just used it yesterday and wasn't expecting such dramatic results, but today I could hardly see any adult gnats in my grow room and the ones that I did see weren't even going near the plants. So TRUST THE NEEM!
Bless! :D
First of all, thank you to everybody that gave me advice on how to deal with the gnats.
I just want to say this: NEEM OIL DOES WORK FOR GNATS!
If you have gnat problems, use it. I just used it yesterday and wasn't expecting such dramatic results, but today I could hardly see any adult gnats in my grow room and the ones that I did see weren't even going near the plants. So TRUST THE NEEM!
Bless! :D
Its the larvae that are already in the soil you need to worry about. The flys themselves dont harm the plant. I used goGnats, it worked.
Its the larvae that are already in the soil you need to worry about. The flys themselves dont harm the plant. I used goGnats, it worked.
I know that the larvae are the problem, that's why I sprayed the soil, not the leafs with the neem oil solution. I was just saying that the adults aren't going near the plants anymore, therefore they aren't laying any more eggs, therefore no more larvae in the near future, right? Plus the fact that neem oil makes the larvae that are already in the soil forget to nibble on the roots!
I know that the larvae are the problem, that's why I sprayed the soil, not the leafs with the neem oil solution. I was just saying that the adults aren't going near the plants anymore, therefore they aren't laying any more eggs, therefore no more larvae in the near future, right? Plus the fact that neem oil makes the larvae that are already in the soil forget to nibble on the roots!
Hmmm, I have doubts about that last line. Its fresh sprouted seedlings that are in the most danger and just 1 larvae living is all it takes.
Just keep treating with the Neem dude, you'll be fine. You are supposed to use that Neem as a soil drench against the larvae. If you treat the soil about once every 7 days or so you will eventually kill them ALL off... that is if you dont have other house plants about..if so..treat them too!
I feel very lucky that my crop is looking the way it does, despite the little gnat problem. Just wanted to post a few pics to show in what good shape they are after the neem oil solution soil drench. :)
Funnily enough I have experienced similar problems. I just found the first adult fungus gnat tonight, and that's after a previous treatment with neem/pyrethrum. I followed the directions here for a foliar treatment. My question is how strong did you mix your soil drench? Did you just spray the top of the soil, or did you water with a neem solution? If so, at what strength?