Know something about this bug? (+pic)

Funnily enough I have experienced similar problems. I just found the first adult fungus gnat tonight, and that's after a previous treatment with neem/pyrethrum. I followed the directions here for a foliar treatment. My question is how strong did you mix your soil drench? Did you just spray the top of the soil, or did you water with a neem solution? If so, at what strength?
I basicaly drenched my soil with the neem oil solution, but very gradually, I didn't just pour it all at once in the pot. I used a sprayer to soak the soil with the neem solution. As for my concentration, I used about 7 normal sized spoons full of neem oil for every 10 liters of water and I also added about 3 tablespoons full of dish soap for every 10 liters of water. I'm not saying that this is the best mix, but it got the job done for me.