Koosh's Throwback Classics and Fire Joints

Morcheeba talib kweli ....


light up the brocolli kid!!!!!


Sign of times
conspriracy to overthrow the mind
behind ever fortune theres a crime
This technique is tech 9
Blast at any close encounterof the 3rd kind!
This be the evil that men do
We dismantle any advisary
Yall niggas all thumbs and cant handle my flurry
You hear me you jam on you wannna scare ...meth

Sound alittle like english rapp....
like dizze raskal....lol not bad...

Peep the grimiest ....
ILL Bill Non phixion....


Black helicopters...!!!

Battle us is like playing the all star team...
Im coming at you like i had kareem al do jabars brain....
And jordan on my team..
Theres no justice
Carry a piece and atleast one clip...
Here's a new lil boosie track for you. Keep in mind I never really like boosie because of his high pitched voice, but he has some hot shit.


And since you posted the new T.I. I'll post some old TI that I don't think many people have heard.

man that track is saaaaweeeeeet koosh i havent heard flow like that in serious time fella what a break. WALLOP!!!!!!

somethin funny

rep my locals

damn that was hard to compete with koosh :lol:
hey don, im glad u liked that c rayz joint as much as i did. no competition here, just good chill vibes in the cipha haha. i liked those cuts a lot. i just listened to that stig one again tonight and didnt notice ra the rugged man was in iit the first time around. sick post dude. i was not that much into ra until lately and i found one of the hottest set of verses i heard in a long time from him.im not the biggest fan of his but a few songs of his really changed my mind. what up everyone else,.imma politic with yall in a minute lmao. this joint is ra's verses from jedi mind tricks uncommon valor. its about his dad from the vietnam war. the whole set dropped my jaw especially the last few verses.
on the page before this, yeah posted dope from 40 water&short dog+ the styles p was on point. don i was lovin the new cypress hill shit, especially the summer banger, cant remember the name of it lol. cheez that old special ed was gangsta. i never remembered ed goin so hard but dude was killin it, nice beat with it too. brazko brought back old memories with the bambata, b-boyin!! now im catchin up to this page lmao. i will post later about those.
Yalll aint ready !!!!
How did he get his hands n the boy!!
Guess he want to be the next big.....


The game aint been the same since B.I.G. died
and Wu swarmed on New York from out that beehive
Don't talk to me bout MC's got skills
Don't talk to me bout whose the king of the hill
Don't talk to me bout whose the best alive or whose in ya top five cuz he's not ill
Real recognize real, stick to ya deal
Try to make a cool mill of the single
Wit that ringtone appeal
In 3 years you'll be nil
He shut down 95% of the game if you really stop and think about that intro...really
cheez good look on the jay electronica and ill bill shit. dots thanks for the ti dope. he is doing his thing and keepin it positive. hoc with the fire shabazz the d.....nice. brazko could never go wrong with the ole skool red. yeah, i have always liked boosie since zoom. anyone face cosigns as real, i can dig. i mostly been on some c rayz, atmosphere, 4th pyramid. here is c rayz, i have slept on him for too long. most underrated dude. 3 card molly, deep song!! keep the bangers coming, PEACE MY FRIENDS!
Thanx for checkin that out fam...
That c rayz might take me a minute to warm up too..
Dude sounds kinda like old dirty and redman hybrid....lol

You like that jay elec...
Than youll like this


I just begun ft mos def , jay elec, j.cole from reflection eternal....rpms

even tho they feel that we killahs and monsters
We so real and honest still we fufilling the promise that we killem with kindness.......
All this is probly karma ...You just follow the father
Whether its god almighty Or the almighty dollar.....Talib kweli
Yoo hooker at the point(hookedoncron)..... i was listening to that wu forever cd all month....
I like this cut....it was one of there more real positive albums..., poetic rap at best....
I think "project"s" was the best off "Forever" besides this one.....

Dont be a victum of worldly ways...im out....
yeah cheez i feel the dirtyx redman thing with rayz haha. i thought ole dirty too when i was listenin. he shit does grow on you the more you listen to it. here is some rugged man with some other cats. video is fucked up lmao, rugged just dont give a fuck. razah spits alright, rugged burns it down as always and the others ehhh. i havent found much wack r.a. yet.