Koosh's Throwback Classics and Fire Joints

Freddy knucks.....lol
All thayt guy talks about it whoppin cats...lol
Yeah that busta is straight classic..i grew up on that ....
And jay elec aint no hoe!!!
Im not a big wayne fan....and i love all types of hip hop....even mainstream...but not as much....
However this fuckin wayne beat and the hoook is just to ill even if u hate em and wayne....
Em singing almost ruined it..but dope...check it out if u havnt.....

Bitch!!!!Im gonna pick the world up and drop it on your fucking head!!!!!

I love when wayne is all suicidel on track...
Like a drug out hippie from the 70's....
Dude is outta control....
fuck lil wayne cant stand his voice or auto tune or w/e

glad you liked the bumpy knucks

cheezy, wu forever was a ballin CD i cant pick one favourite i like em all

loved that RA post that song is DOPE, u see SHABAZZ in the video? fuck he should of spit
i gotta admit, wayne is garbage most of the time but i have stopped and watched that video a few times on t.v. its not the worst song in the world so it aint as bad as some of his other shit. i used to bump the wu better tomorrow song all the time. i would tell my womans dirty skank friends to listen and take heed lmao. i tried to rep u cron but i gotta spread some around. i want to rep all yall dudes for making this thread what it is. cheez that lupe is cool bro.
worrrrrrrrrrrrrrd i just got into rap like 2 years ago and straight up WU is as real as it gets

but that RA post was soooooooo dope, whoever posted that got me bangin it in the headphones
word youngblood! at least for just getting into hip hop 2 years ago you know whats real. its cool you can look past all the bullshit other young cats are banging and recognize. i have been listening to since 85, seen a lot of shit come and go. i live, breathe and eat hip hop and glad yall dudes live it too. oh yeah u know who posted that R.A. dope lol. i have overlooked him for a long time but now i see every verse he spits is top notch. even b.i.g he said dude was ill, thats big time praise. a little hip hop history from rm.
would help if i put the vid up lol.
2 years ago hoc ...???? damn!!!!
I was introduced to hip hop at a very young age....
But what i remember most is my boy who introduced really put me on to real hip hop...(He would analize every rap and tell me what it meant)josh norris .... he had so much jiuce .... he alway would brang girls around... one for me too hit always..lol
He would pick me up in the monty carlo early in the mourning to take me to class....Usaully a copuple other fools would be in their too...
And wee would share a couple blunts and cruise around for hours playing hooky....
I was like 16 and confused and hip hop and erbals brang us all together....
I admit i was geeked at first ....
Most of my friends were wannabe rappers.... had there own groups...foreign origion and swollen heads....
There was shit to do in michigan at the time and it was in a very crumby town real ghetto.... second largest to detroit....
Just like 8 mile (lol) kids were always battling in the halways .... lil cyphers what have u....
I remeber being all blitzed and us being in the car , them freestyling off piano loops on the first busta ryhmes lp....
I even tried to do the rap thing... But im just to suave not grimey enuff...not gangsta enuff ...what have you...
But i still have love for the music...even tho my rap freestyles were comical at best ....
Those were the best times riding around listrening to biggie, wu tang, and the tony touch 50 mcs....
We were thug ass fools ... we would go around selling fake acid to white cats a t coffehouses...
robbbing young fools seeling fake weed .... those were the day i was just a freshmen chilling with a bunch of sophmores...
But as a much wiser older cat .... i made my way to la.... lookin for a better life.....

Hey koosh ... today ....nobody cares....but oh tommarow they will ......im beamin....tht lupe is the truth!!!!
i guess 2 years since i became hardcore

started listenin 10-12 years ago with g unit and shit as it was in style comin up but then i soon got sick of it

best rap i remember being younger was kanye west a few years back and 50 cent was big
yeah cheez i remember those days. like al bundy they were the best days of my life lmao. no worries or committment, just blazin and the search for pussy. now i wanna see my little boy grow up and have an awesome childhood(and a cool ass dad lol). at 11 months hes getting a hip hop education no other little ones his age are getting. we listen to rugged man & others while he drinks his baba hahaha.
here is fatlip from the world famous pharcyde. this joint is funny as shit. you can never take yourself too serious and fatlip got jokes.
Tru shit ....fatlip lives in my old apartment complex in hollywood ....
Me and my bro sparked an L witht dude before .....Hes a real down to earth cat .....
gotta love being in la....
thats sweet as man, nobody kool lives anywhere fuckin near me haha.

bumpin this old skool lately.


new nas and marley

cool cheez, it would be chill to smoke with fatlip haha. don, welcome back my friend. loving the nostalgic tune from the cunninlynguists. nice beat but i dont know if the second vid is nas N damian marley.
Fatlip is a real MC, and that's few and far between anymore. I reccomend everyone watch the making of "Whats up Fatlip? -music video" it's hilarious as fuck, not to mention Fatlip drops some real shit. Not just fatlip, but much respect to all of Pharcyde i saw the reunion show a few years ago @ rock tha bells and it was sicc.

Good Song, Amazing Video
cool cheez, it would be chill to smoke with fatlip haha. don, welcome back my friend. loving the nostalgic tune from the cunninlynguists. nice beat but i dont know if the second vid is nas N damian marley.

hahah yeah i didnt know how the nas track would go down.
