Kottonmouth's Multi Strain Outdoor Grow


Well-Known Member
If it's one thing that I DO NOT have down yet it's cloning. I almost wanna give up on it or just plop some money down on and EZ cloner. LOL

So far everything is looking like it should man. :)
Man I feel you...I threw out so many clones thinking they failed....if they're still green leave them alone. I don't use a dome. It might take a little extra time but mine seem to look much better than most clones I see. just cut them at a 45* angle at a node, let them soak in tap water for 30 mins, then dip in the root cloner, and throw them in some dirt and wait. Don't forget to cut most of the leaves a little to let them transpire. Just make sure the soil stays moist. Only one clone I've had died....the rest I just up-canned because they were small and took around 2 weeks, they all probably would have started growing in another week. Most of them had a little 1/8th inch nub for a root on them when I pulled them out. Also Fungus Gnat larvae, that day I bought ivory soap Lol.

Or a bubbler, those things are rediculous easy to make....just grab a one liter bottle, a yogurt cup, some perlite and a $6 fish tank air pump from wal mart. You'll see roots about 7 days-10 days. I didn't use a dome, or cut the leaves with the bubbler. √


Well-Known Member
So i treked out to my plants here at work! Sukt ass walkin down rr trax at 4am w/5gal jug of water! I prefer them in my yard!!!lookin good tho! @stoney-i was putting under canopy,but i think it triggered flowering on 4 of them. So i left them out thru all the rain i just got &was the best thing ever! Followed with a decent nute feeding& theyre so happy!
Damn dude, that does sound like it sucks. it sure would be nice if they left ya a RR cart to use!!! haha

so i bought a white widow clone today. went to the club and was subcontiously thinking about ww i think,cuz i was drawn to this certain tray of ww. 1 stood out so i pikt her up & it said cutting #15! so i said how much is this and lady said 15$!!! it was meant to be! ill ge a pic of her up in her spacious 10g pot. the mamadude clones took off with this rain we just got! so i moved them to 2 gal pots today also.next i need more soil for the 3 blacKK dominas.these have the biggest,fattest conker indica leaves ive ever grown.blade width i mean.
Thats a cool story man!!! it really was meant to be. how is the WW doing?

so my clones i took other week from my flowerin ladys outside are,ummm......well,not lookin so good.only differnce this time is i took large cuts.i will never take a big cutting again.what a total waste of branches on my girls.i put dome back on them again,they look alil better.
I always have better success with the smaller ones. but when the larger ones do take, they grow up much faster.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
i thot a thicker stem would root faster.i cut all the rest of the big leaves in half,i had only done a cupl ea clone.but this time i misted the clones themselves aswell as the dome.i checked them a lil bit ago & they look good! still a lil droopy,but fast recovery!

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
good morning kevin! idk what time it is where u are! but anyways,my outdoor is great! its my clones i took from them that i worry about.they look ok today,but as soon as the humidity is half way gone from the sides of the dome they start to droop again.there yellowing like i notice when my other clones would root,so heres hopin!im not sure i need 7 more clones out there,but hey=it is what it is!

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
last but not least,this is my female bagseed that was a party cup contest entrant.ive topped her at 9th node,and tied her down and out.except for the 2 main tops. there are 2 shots.there obvious! 1 was yesterday when i did it,and other bout an hr ago.amazing how fast shyts happenening!



Well-Known Member
Those are beautiful, your in for something big!

P.S. Your grow is just asking for a carport!:mrgreen:

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Man! U dont know what that means to me comin from you bkb!!! Thank you! Dude,ill take off work!i got extra rooms! Lets plan it bruh! If all goes rt ima be trimn 20 somthin plants! 5 are md's! @kevinm- yes sir! I actually got 4 flowerin unfortunatly.pineapple thai is 1 &shes big! Makes me sad really.shell be 6' by 3wk flower.its bout 1*5-2wks flwr now.


Well-Known Member
great job KMK!!! your girls go a lot bigger over the past couple weeks!!!!!! The new WW clone is looking good to! won't be long till she is just as big as all the others.