kp gets her feet wet....


Well-Known Member
nice job , i had faith in you saving those girls

and yes that is some good looking


kp... is that some nute burn i see on the lower leaves? they look like they're getting kinda crispy from something...

all the new growth is looking greeen though... and its all nice and squat


Well-Known Member
thanx mike! stay in touch, will ya?

ian, the lower leaves show the ca deff. it's talked about in the last few pages... i think i have it fixed for the most part now.

ss, those shots show the lateral branches, which are in an even canopy with the apical growth!



Well-Known Member
They are looking good KP.You got all the babys dotor up and over there sickest.Looking good,check out my cab in the mirijiuana pixs secton.I'll be starting a grow thread on the cab soon as all the test are done.Peace


Well-Known Member
i'm about to start training them away from each other. it's going to be long an painful, this strain has an extremely stout stalk, and it doesn't bend easy... it'll probably take a week to get them over sideways. but, they are doing fabulous, i'm thinking about not topping, let them grow apically to keep from cluttering them too much.



Well-Known Member
thanks, kp...looking forward to an update in your duel journal. I am stoked to follow you guys from start to finish about the same time I am starting!

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
DAMN KP.. your bush is totally outta control.... :)


i hope you are flowerig that HONEY... cause that thing looks like it is just about to get outta control....

VERY healthy looking BUSH... you done good... AGAIN..



Well-Known Member
i think i'll start flower today. cal/mag and pens should arrive today, i'll change the rez and.....

dum dum DUM!!!!

where've you been gk? i've missed ya!

love, kp


Well-Known Member
Hey KP, !!!WOW!!! I looked at the first pix of the roots and the second pix looks like they have double in size.What strain is that? I hope I have the luck with mine and they come out like yours.Ready nice and The first time in hydro.WOW,WOW,WOW!!!!PEACE


Well-Known Member
hi toke. if you go along and along, i have a root pic with every set of update pix, you can almost watch them grow, lol.

the strain is dreamgoddess, it's a cross of godbud and dreamweaver. very very good med stuff, all indica.

this is the crystaliest plant i have :p
