Ku Klux Klan Dreams of Rising Again 150 Years After Founding

Keep bitching about racism while promoting real murderers.

abortion is not murder though. you are on the level of this guy now:


and he's not even competent to stand trial.
I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races.” The greatest civil rights president Abe Lincoln
why do white power idiots love to take the very same speech and just take snippets from it? then i have to go look it up and post the whole thing.

maybe you can save me the time and post it yourself, fake-black-sock-puppet guy.
^^^ not impressed. That is the most staged & scripted pic I've ever seen. Propaganda for the weak minded sheep.

The KKK was almost extinct, but thanks to these Black Lives Matters idiots, and their senseless bullshit, their numbers will grow once again. Nice work BLM, you people are single handedly, turning back black / white relations that Martin Luther King Jr gave his life for. Putting the police on higher alert, and promoting violence (which will not end well). BLM and the KKK, two groups of idiots we could all do without. But I'm sure the NRA thanks you, gun sales will be at a all time high this summer.

Wondering what the Divider & Chief plans to say in Dallas later today. Something like this " My fellow Americans, let's be nice to one another, ok. um, ok, Please, I'm trying to get my white friend Hillary into office after I bounce. She'll talk to the white people for you, vote Hillary, and please stop killing cops until I'm out of office. Thank you, that is all, now I'm off to a Demo-crackhead Fundraiser we've got your backs, give us your bucks, blindly follow us, and vote Hillary. "
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^^^ not impressed. That is the most staged & scripted pic I've ever seen. Propaganda for the weak minded sheep.

The KKK was almost extinct, but thanks to these Black Lives Matters idiots, and their senseless bullshit, their numbers will grow once again. Nice work BLM, you people are single handedly, turning back black / white relations that Martin Luther King Jr gave his life for. Putting the police on higher alert, and promoting violence (which will not end well). BLM and the KKK, two groups of idiots we could all do without. But I'm sure the NRA thanks you, gun sales will be at a all time high this summer.

Wondering what the Divider & Chief plans to say in Dallas later today. Something like this " My fellow Americans, let's be nice to one another, ok. um, ok, Please, I'm trying to get my white friend Hillary into office after I bounce. She'll talk to the white people for you, vote Hillary, and please stop killing cops until I'm out of office. Thank you, that is all, now I'm off to a Demo-crackhead Fundraiser we've got your backs, give us your bucks, blindly follow us, and vote Hillary. "
Beautiful speech! Complete bullshit, but beautiful!