Ku Klux Klan Dreams of Rising Again 150 Years After Founding

i didn't ask for a long incoherent and rambling reply.

i asked you to simply address why you befriend openly racist members on here, and how that is consistent with your stated claim that you live by MLK's example?

i don't think MLK would have befriended openly racist members in the same way that you have.
I don't care what you asked for, I am not your slave or servant. I have been speaking to you from the heart, if you do not like it, that is your own problem. I think you are very wrong about Dr. King. He talked to all kinds of people. He talked to racist, and he talked to supporters. The man talked and he talked, and he tried to have conversations to have people see that racism was wrong and through intelligent conversation he proved that racism was wrong. I believe in discussion, not cramming my viewpoints down someones throat. If you like what I say great, if not that is okay too, I do not think you will ever like me or listen to what I have to say, but I do have the right to talk regardless...
Dr. King... talked to all kinds of people. He talked to racist...and he tried to have conversations to have people see that racism was wrong

and you said that is what you believe in.

so then why have you never attempted to talk to any of the openly racist members and get them to see that their racism is wrong? why have you instead chosen to befriend openly racist members and not tell them or discuss with them in any way how their racism is wrong?

go ahead and make another long winded, incoherent and rambling reply which in no way addresses any of these points. make sure to call me miserable, hateful, and a bully for simply pointing out that you are a friend to the openly racist members here and contradict your own stated beliefs.
and you said that is what you believe in.

so then why have you never attempted to talk to any of the openly racist members and get them to see that their racism is wrong? why have you instead chosen to befriend openly racist members and not tell them or discuss with them in any way how their racism is wrong?

go ahead and make another long winded, incoherent and rambling reply which in no way addresses any of these points. make sure to call me miserable, hateful, and a bully for simply pointing out that you are a friend to the openly racist members here and contradict your own stated beliefs.
It obviously makes you feel better saying I have befriended them. I have made one friend in this forum and that is all. I do not know what you consider friends, but we obviously have a different meaning for the word, and actually the person I am friends with thinks the world of you!
It obviously makes you feel better saying I have befriended them. I have made one friend in this forum and that is all. I do not know what you consider friends, but we obviously have a different meaning for the word, and actually the person I am friends with thinks the world of you!

again, you refuse to answer the questions because you are too cowardly. cowardice like yours is a prerequisite for racism like you harbor. the other ingredient is stupidity, which you have going for you in spades.

anyhoo, feel free to have another crack at the question champ.

why have you never attempted to talk to any of the openly racist members and get them to see that their racism is wrong? why have you instead chosen to befriend openly racist members and not tell them or discuss with them in any way how their racism is wrong?
again, you refuse to answer the questions because you are too cowardly. cowardice like yours is a prerequisite for racism like you harbor. the other ingredient is stupidity, which you have going for you in spades.

anyhoo, feel free to have another crack at the question champ.

why have you never attempted to talk to any of the openly racist members and get them to see that their racism is wrong? why have you instead chosen to befriend openly racist members and not tell them or discuss with them in any way how their racism is wrong?
If someone chooses to have a conversation with me I will, I do not cram myself down someones throat, but you continue to want to have conversation with me so I respond. If they choose to have a conversation with me, likewise I will respond, if not I simply post what I think or do not think and people can read it and respond if they want. I do not actively seek out someone to attack their viewpoints. Again Bucky, I never actively sought a conversation with you, you attacked me so here we are in conversation that goes on and on and on...Now if one of these racist you are referring to attacks me about being a supporter of Dr. King, or my belief in equality for all men and woman, freedom of religion,as long as it does not interfere in other peoples rights, gay rights, freedom of speech, etc. then I will respond in kind...
I think this is a pretty stupid thread anyhow. If one had ever met any of these white supremacy movement people or current folks that profess to be a member of the KKK, they are for the most part lost souls, individuals looking to identify with some group, or old ignorant fucks, something that will make them feel like they have some power and they really do not. For the most part they are lonely individuals seeking attention in a cause that is lost to them as those days are over.:???::(:roll:
I think this is a pretty stupid thread anyhow. If one had ever met any of these white supremacy movement people or current folks that profess to be a member of the KKK, they are for the most part lost souls, individuals looking to identify with some group, or old ignorant fucks, something that will make them feel like they have some power and they really do not. For the most part they are lonely individuals seeking attention in a cause that is lost to them as those days are over.:???::(:roll:

All the serious racists are at planned parenthood killing babies by the millions....
All the serious racists are at planned parenthood killing babies by the millions....
I am not in love with the idea of abortion and personally I do think that second and third term abortion should be illegal with the exception of endangerment to the mothers life or an infant that has been determined to be non viable or has a severe genetic disorder and I do think there are some sick people at PP, but there are sick people all over...I do find things a bit perplexing that the same folks that find abortion to be murder, think it is fine to put other people to death. Sometimes I think the different political parties take stances without really thinking things through, as in this example.
You think they should pass a law preventing black women from killing their babies?

Was this supposed to be clever? Wit is not one of your strengths, man. My suggestion to you is to just leave that alone. Everyone can't be witty. Sorry.
Was this supposed to be clever? Wit is not one of your strengths, man. My suggestion to you is to just leave that alone. Everyone can't be witty. Sorry.

Unfortunately for you, I am not compelled to meet whatever standards you deem funny.

Keep bitching about racism while promoting real murderers. Your ignorance gives me a chuckle every time!!