LA AFFIE fem and Chem91 reg from Cali Connection

Just want to share also as a sidenote a few strains I have done, its almost like the feeling like, I should have saved my star wars action figures, haha all good. My first grow our dedhed friend from Marin County hooked me up with orange crush seeds, awesome tangerine pheno, the original trainwreck, one that we all referrred to as the red mama, it was either the original trainwreck, or the original ATF before it got crossed to the 76 afghani. I also knew a guy who was rocking the ATF from mid 90s holand stock, its the same one that Sag has now but they watered it down, a bunch, haha there was also a seperate guy I met in Northern Arizona, who had a Atf seed, 2001, it was super bushy, ultra clean like a haze and then bamo you feel like you just crashed the motorbike on the freeway. I became with one of the brewers of a micro brewery and he used to get a few diff clones, one was a deisel kush, reminds me of the larry I got now, I thought that fuel taste was gross back then, I was so into my tang pheno haha so was everyone else.
In 2000. Then we knew a guy that was dewing white widow in hydro, and that was the suer crystally space nugget from the late 90's, forget the breeder. That guy used to get headstash of the Trinity nug, like a white widow, but getting hit by a truck. My friend with the ATF also used to run Silver Pearl, again Holland stock from the mid 90's. and the Pearl was sick weed, super crystally, super Sensi vigor.
One of my best friends a dedhed from Maryland gave me a Jack Herer seed, that was ultra crsystally, matches the pics in Jason Kings book. And this was all before I learned how to clone, lol. I grew for 5 years without knowing how to clone/keep a mom. Ive been rocking out the clone machine from botanicaire since Nov 2000. My buddy who showed me was dewing it for 4 years before me. And I paid for the knowledge, im not that on it.
Ok few more, so our WW guy ended up crossing a kush to it, he didnt know my brew ppl, and I remember him saying it was a pure kush, so it wasnt the deisely og. But he traded me 40 of those seeds, all tiger striped for a quarter of my bushy ATF, and all 40 of those seeds came up, 25 females.
Other than that have been using some blueberry nl grapefruit crosses out of Mendocino, there was a sick silver surfer clone going around in 2003 norcal clubs. Five-0 that was top shelf. Lots of bullcrap in Norcal, there was a sick Lavender clone going around Sonoma County, in 2004, but the guy who had it sprayed that mite funk all over it, I forget the name, you have to put the hazmat suit on, thats way bad bad. Anyway, thats why im so ready for some honest breeding to get done. Thats been my anticipation the last few years. This chem91 from cali connection is seeming very sick, and I only have room for a few moms, i need the very best and always willing to pay.
Lets put it this way, if Swerve called me and said I can have the chem91 clone for $1,000, I would say when and where, and that says something of me, im starting to think more and more I read these old posts, that Swerve trolled the guy he got it from, probably for no money. And now he ran off and made a bunch of seeds, and is taking everyone over the barrell $$. If this is a killer pheno maybe I should feminize it and make sure everyone gets it, haha. Peace.
Ive been listening to GD 6-23-74, well they did say the chem91 with the aff1ogk is the Deadhead OG. Just noticing the LA Affie leaves are drooped again, maybe the cold temps bc I know theres a snowy chill leaking near the ack door,;) loving these plants tho, this is one of my favorite mom rooms. Im just trying to find dank keepers because just picking out a strain can turn into a lifetime obsession/addiction lol. Part of the reason I was tossing everything left and right. Trying to focus, i think i have add adhd when t comes to actually growing the stains, i guess i dont want to put in the uber energy unless its chronic, and honestly now that weed is legal and way more public than say 10 years ago, the genetics are a litte iffy, there were such grate genetics going around the late 90's because besides cali was illlegal everywhere and everyone who grew or bred did it out of passion for the plant and genuine attempt at growing, why would anyone risk ther freedom being a low life scammer? Some really beautiful people, during those years. And just have to say that when I smoked my first chemdog, last january, i came to the full conviction that whoever created this strain had their head on so right, i know if its from GD Family, which it is, thats the Deal, that was a strain created out f the metaphysical culture thats in the GD parking lot if you know what I mean, its hard to add to something already so legendary, thats why watering it down with certain genetics does it such an injustice, especially when your telling everyone, this is the real thing. All good, we will get by.


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Chem 91 (sour chemdog pheno ?) it smells just like my sour deisel clone from nov 2006.? Im loving the shade of green, theres that sour yellow color on the new shoots, and the bottom older leaves have that green blackie color like on the Ogs. The bottom leaf is so beautiful, dark black and a new yelliw shoot coming up over it, and the second pic is a new shoot, thats totally a female right, uness its a funky cold medina. I would expect that from Resera, I did a 10 pack of their reg headband with the sour D(dna sour cream lol) and most of the plants looked like sexy females and the first sign f sex was a big seed sack regarless if some continued to show female hairs, that pheno hunt seemed like a sex change factory gone wrong. They may do better at feminize while, CC reg seeds werent that bad but feminzed seeds from CC, i know I could do better on my first try.


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I really wanted an OG pheno from the chem91 pack but none of those seedlings showed very much chem, i think I got lucky, even f dude would have said in the description, you may have to look a little, but the keepers are pure fire or something like that instead of, the real deal skunk va, just like the mommy, there seems to be a gazillion different phenos of the chem91 reg, there was about 4 or 5 but 3 main distinct ones. This keeper was the ONLY seedling without aff1, and only 8 sprouted, but im super happy, this plant doesnt seem like it has as much of a citrus scent like the og phenos, i think dude sad that in the description that he added the og to try and bring out the flavor of the chem, so I guess thats it then, its the chemdog pheno, of the chem91 reg seeds, deadhead og (skunk va female cut x ogk4) x skunk va cut, so what im saying s this pheno is the skunk va cut in seed form, theres no og in it and def not aff1. Im taken back, how sick is that? Ive just been sitting here for hours checking them all out, I finally have some sick moms, and that was after I had to pull a full crop of 707 headband until I found out it was green crack, that sweet smell is unmistakeable, Ray Charles would say, thats Green Crack lol. One of the clubs gave me a couple mismatched clones thats how I ended up with a BC champagne clone , not complaining on that, (kush(s) x hashplant(either bc or sensi)) x burmese kush. Pretty dank but I also got a Larry OG from them that polinated everything close by, like just certain branches, on a minimal level, but fierce, I picked all banana leaves off with wet fingers and no issue, except my bubble gum clone some pieces had a weird fuel berry flavor lol no complaints. The larry og is awesome for nausea relief, very medicinal ,and unless you grow organically and flush properly, the magic of the astringincy will be lost.
This chem91 pheno seems pretty short and a really vigorous grower. Isnt that what we all want? The la affie takes forever lol. Im realizing the difference between the chemdog seeds/clone of old and the 2006 chem seeds, so, this chemdog, has more NL leaves than the original, the original has more oval, like footballs, and course leaves, now Im trying to remember where I saw this exact plant, its going to take a minute but I know I have seen the course oval leaves in person, and they are dark, with mad branching, chemdog to me is a sativa afghani, same effect soma has with the NYCD but with the og dankness. Even when it smacks you in the face, chemdog feels like an afghani but with a sativa base , like if it had a sativa high to go with it, you wuld get shot to the moon (sour d) anyway this 2006 version I am really loving, I hope its all same same chemdog genetics as I had last year bc that smoke us the best, mist supreme, elite, etc. all day long im in.
Haha relaxed, I didnt see ur post til after I posted this......,twilite zone, yea thumbs up on the vigor from the chem91 from CC. The LA Affie I feel like I keep wanting to look at my watch, all my strains here were ordered from Attitude or wherever seed bank from the first week in October 2012
The vigor is so unique here because it as an afghani structure, and busts out like a quick sativa like a branchy ak47 etc.I know everyone talks the talk, wenever im in public I aways have an eigth of my own nugs and a glass piece handy, and I will say this, the skunk va cant be beat. Its like with VW Buses, its all really kool until someone drives up with a barndoor model, its just another level that is in a class of its own, even tho the lineage on both the chemdog and Vws on down the line, there are still products years later that follow the original, put it this way, you can buy a barndoor bus, if you can find one for at least 100K, and then theres a south american company that makes the same exact model, reproduction, but in lime green, inside and out, and its the Mexican bright salsa green, not the original mango green, or other similar color Volkswagen put out. Sorta the same, but not really.
Heres the chem91 it is raging, even the hgf afghani in the back is on fire, and I transplanted, two days ago, the LA affie on the right, looking good, but a diffferent type of plant , def not commercial, lol. And I hung the CC sign on my chem91, thats where it came from and its an A+ plant. . Im not hating, just complaining, but Im happy now. If I was a noobie grower and didnt now how to keep a mom, my attitude might be alot worse, but im actually really stoked bc I know somewhat what I have.
One thing I read along time ago, was that you can always get good weed from good genetics however good or bad the grower is, but with bad genetics or even tired, no matter good or bad grower the weed will always just be so-so, same tip for the breeders, you cant expect everyone to be at expert level to get even descent results, barely, I mean how many 20 year old bought CC seeds and it turned into a failed grow because the seeds werent bred right, when you start blaming newbie growers, that just makes you look weak, just how it is.
And ive seen two occasions where that guy Swerve was talking to people on icmag and one on here about his strains, and the guy strait talks down to people, oh yea the first one was using foul language to say how your la affie has nothing to do with dna la affie, and then some guy asking about the la affie, and swerve says what do you want to know, its an affie, really?? i didnt get that from the name, haha what a jerk. I expect him to say yea bro, its a fat affie like hashplant and sweet and its got some og that makes it psychedelic, you like og? Youll love this bro!.........Like wow you cant even be nice, its called kind bud for a reason, on the GD lot we always used to call it KB. i dont get some people.


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Im going to start a seperate thread for it, but I started a Reserva Privada ogkush feminized that I had laying around. i am loving the larry og kush, its grate for nausea, but dont really know which one to get, not even sure how this chemdog91 compares to the Larry ? Partly I want to go with RP instead of CC Larry seeds, is because of the aff1 in the ogk, its not as bad in the ogkush, but still.....the RP version seems to be pure , even tho they reversed it? Idk, but might as well give it a shot. Its 1:40a and thought it seemed like a grate idea, and I have no water, my hot water pipe burst below the shut off valve, lol, and that part was in 70 deg ? So I have a geyser shooting out and there is 3 inches of snow still on the ground, and I went to my old Harley neigbor and he had the shut off tool, of course it was 5pm on a Sunday and I live in an ultra small town, so, then he tells me that our other neigbor is kool, and is a plumber, so all good, whew. So my message to all indoor growers, even if you have all your shet on the up and up, once this happens, you are screwed in every way, unless you have the tool, which they sell, to shut it off, its the little meal cover in the alley at my house, but yeah I gave that brother a hug , and hes this big harley guy, even tho his 40 yr old daughter came over and felt me in the pants one nite lol. I kicked each of those guys like 10 grams of this bubblegum, indica pheno I just did. So, everyone all at once go get the tool. Get the tool. Get the tool. ive had every kind of disaster happen over the years, and this one was one I couldnt fix, gallons of hot water shooting out per minute. Peace ;))
Haha the day is getting good, I just got my water pipe fixed, cost $16 in parts, and my homie neigbors, theu hooked me up phat. I tossed em both brownies and about 10g of nugget, they were both way happy and so am I, even better, the plumber guy was hella kool, he a little more rednecky, but we were talking about strains inbetween all the work, so homeboy kicks me a sack and sez one nug is chem 91 and other nug is og kush not sure which cuts of either, I hope no one minds me doing a quickie smoke report on the two while im posting about the chem91 and la affie,.....and just in time to, I had to water all my plants tonite. Thankful ~*~..not sure whats what? ..........


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Hey man i just enjoyed reading all your posts. I dig the Dead too kind of a late bloomer first saw em in 09 as The Dead and have since seen most of the side projects. I think the Rhythym Devils do it the best. The Dead at Rothbury was fkn incredible. You dig Yonder Mountain Strig Band? I feel theyre the ones of there slayin it in the jam scene now.

Any way good luck with your plants.
Ok the first one was the bigger nug, and taste and smell about the same , i didnt squeeze the nug, just smell, and it was super smooth on the inhale, smoking on the mini sherlock bubbler, clean water, all organic resin in previous tokes, even tho dirty piece, very clean tasting, and awesome tap water. Super clean norcal water. Anyway, I could inhale fully, and it is smooth on the inhale like that not harsh like gas tasting larry og <3, the sweet is intermingled with a very solid og, burn your nose to the ground, but not offensively, like the Larry. This is preppie weed, versus the Larry OG would be more like punk thrasher weed, or something like hat, more untamed but dank as hell, both. The Larry wears a leather vest, this Og wears a Polo, and not the knock off brands, the sweet is not overpowering, even after 15 minutes, here, the og stench is penetrating my nose and upper taste buds/sinuses, i love the larry, the high is more close to that open ended high found in GD LOT- hint hint. This og is probly the Reserva version, very classy, the Larry I love for the anti-nausea effects, it needs to be grown organic and ultra flushed to get the full magic, im talking about. The sweet strains make me personally more nauseous, this herb has that slight effect from the sweet, it is almost one of those faint sweet smells you would find in a novelty store at the mall, just like a berry weird smell that is very interesting and good, and my critique on strains is ultra blunt lol and thats how they need to be, Ive rated myself a 1.2 before but that only helped me to really be at a 9.8 nowadays. So pass on that one, and incidentally I just germed the ogkush from RP, but from this im gonna toss it, that might mean I will have to get Larry seeds from Cali Connect, but I can order from them again, and find what I need. Its not eazy being cheezy, but you gotta dew what you gotta dew. peace. ;)
Ok the smaller one, smelt like tires, lol ,and theres a taste behind it I cant quite remember, but this is just like the Larry, but and yay, but has another smell, oh yea it was when I got a sack of tahoe og, just has that weird musky sweet flavor that tastes yuck and totally reminds me of an herb I had, oh yea, it was an outdoor GDP grown with goat poo, , so OK I think they used goat, but everything about it is Larry and more concentrated tho, the larry is pretty wholesome high,and this is more compact, same same I would call the Larry chem91 before anything else, but this chemdog I had last year, was nothing like these, it was more of a an afghani sativa, made me think of why they wear those red dots on their foreheads in India, sacred special herb, this is more stingy, kush, the chemdog I had from the club, was sour diesel like smoke too many hits and I got boosted into the astral plane and felt extremely high, but then it settled down into the body, entering thru forehead and had some nasal , if someone told me this was Resera fem sour kush aka headband, I would completely believe it. Probably one of the best Ive smoked ,and this was grown grade A outdoor. So, I dont know if the goaty flavor is the goat or that tahoe og flavor? I dont like it even tho I have smoked good goat grown weed before, this is like that whole thing with adding aff1 to the chemdog cross it just takes away from the legend, well, im down with the larry type, fuel , tire rubber, lemon, you gotta give t to DNA for crossing the Lemon Skunk into the OG, at least theyre trying to keep it legit. And for body pain, im dewing my other grows, hashplant, afghani, have herijuana to smoke, oh yea, dewd, plumber guy said that this was the herijuana OG oops sorry for the delayed info, on that note, I should keep the seedling im trying to start, because lim down with the OG part of that bud. Im digging the herijuana outdoor I have right now, biker weed, it is penetrating and has some hashy goodness that penetrates, its been helping me, physically, I asked for seeds , but not available, its nice but I can pass on that, I have to remember that im holding Sensi hashplant riight now, and that will be done in 7 weeks. And however many minutes later 20, the chem91 has a sativa ending on it, even tho it had a kushy top. And I can only really judge a strain smoking it every day and all nite for a month. Thumbs up on the Larry, Ive been toking that day and nite for 2 months, and gives me nausea relief, yay.
Im loving the Larry Og I just did more than any of these chem or og strains, it was a clone. I may have to get on the horn and see, I may have to drive 100 miles each way but oh well, it did have banana leaves the first 3 weeks of flowering but you know what just everyday pick them all off with wet fingers, and not one seed, came out grate. I got 8 ounces off 1 plant, I have pics, not sure how to put on ipad yet. I hope no one minds my extra posts, they all relate to this chem91/og deal. Im heading in the Larry direction and Haha im so late in the game with these og's and chem strains, I was living in Saigon for a few years. Heres my larry 5 gram nug or so. Peace


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Im thinking that this chemdog Im smoking is really sour and theres this midrange herb in there somwehere its like if you hold a piece of paper sideways in the wind, it just squirms all around, same here, the sour is trying to explode out of some midrange herb, like afghani #1 from Sensi. Thats my guess anyway, im so glad I didnt keep any of those chem91 with the aff1, its just a waste, of something that is so much more on its own, like the pheno I kept, is fully sour I bet. And now im starting to think that the chemdog I had last year may have been the chem3 or chem4 , its alot of info to digest, I know the chemdog I had last year had an evergreen shade of green and lots of crystals, just a solid blanket, nothing in clusters, really, and it was solid like a thick skunk? All the small leaves on the bud were oval and light green some looked circular. It was like a clean entry thru thr forehead and complex citrus, evergreen flavor/high like the top end of a kush, and so perfectly blended. It was like a sativa high but with an afghani comfort, sorta like the soma nycd. It had a really sativa high like, even hanging at a show with one of my dedhed friends , we only took like 3 hits a piece off a oneie, and we were looking at eaach other in the venue like, hey im really high, and it lasts and lasts and the comedown is one of those of relaxed muscles but one of accomplishment, like it relaxes the muscles different than any other herb, I Traveled half way across California to see this show and meet my buddy, and as long as I had an eigth of that chemdog, I was super happy, like that and some hashplant , im in.Thats what im looking for. When the herb is labeled chemdog, which one is it? Anyone else in the same boat?
And just smoking the og again, I dont know if its the sweet from the herijuana or what, it tastes like it some, maybe a combination, because I remember someone saying the RP og kush was sweet and then a kush finish, but it just tastes like green crack to me, after smoking that sour chem91, Im pretty sure that that chem91 is from CC, because it has a very detailed citrus taste, I like something about the CC strains , very simple and dank flavors, very nice, well the hunt comtinues, and haha its just my karma ,I should have just spent the 10 bucks and raged the one Larry clone , instead I have put in countless hours, and some money, not a lot but already went thru 15 strains, im just trying to give wat feedback I can on here, so that we can all know a little more, thx and happy og/chem hunting. Im going to give the rest of this og bud to my good friend, and can the seedling of RP og kush, the sweet makes me ill, thas just my preference. LARRY. ;))
And Ill keep this thread open until I find a conclusion to all these strains. And all that I say is my own comment and im only here to show the different strains, and pics, even being disgruntled about the Cali Connection, its all good, could be better, but were all here to learn, were all here to get the fire smoke and the dank genes, and all around knowledge of the plant we all love. Much love and respect, Ill probably have more updates on these strains in 7 weeks wen I can flower them out, until then Im blooming the HGF Afghani and the hashplant pheno from Sensi California Indica, thats going to be a poignent moment when I can dew a smoke report. (~);}JoeJoe
Heres the og kush seedling, I started it 24 hours ago, distilled water no ph, paper towel, on this plate over a flurescent screwin bulb, so, thats wen I didnt have running water, the seeds are still coming. Anyway I canned it, sometimes I can be so picky with my medical needs.
So after smoking this chem91, I will say that it s sour , pure sour. If someone said this is the mom to sour D, I would totally agree, a buddy of mine in Arcata gave me 2 ounces of Sour Desel, that I loved, it was a yellow herb(light) and very sour citrus very concentrated as with this bud, very concentrated, I found myself staring at my lovely $39 cabinets in the kitchen and reAlly getting alot of all around feeling good, it is pure fire medicine. In my mind, this is the skunk va cut, she is very fine, nothing extra on the bud, very concentrated sour not so much lemon as sour. Like a pure sour flavor, citrus. But not a definite lemon, its a distinct and unique flavor and high, like one of those, 'not asking any questions' type of high, its just good. So yea that sour D from Arcata, rite on, it was a little jittery if I smoked a pinner joint haha. Strong herb. I actually think what Im looking for is OG and Indica dominant, but it has the citrus evergreen tree taste and high, and full og structure head-wise. The hunt continues.


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And now just smoked a less than sample of my larry og the fluff nugget at the bottom of the barrel. Lol but the high/instant flavor of the Larry is way more full than the chem91, the chem91 is like sour candy and the Larry is like drinking a glass of snapple og/cem flavor. Larry for me, and I think the Cali Connection is my only choice for seed? Ill try them again, I said in one of my very first posts that theres something natural and simple I like about the CC seedlings(the tails, once the seed cracks), and that one I dont mid aff1 in there, I think thats wat Im smoking now, no complaints.