LA AFFIE fem and Chem91 reg from Cali Connection

Hey all, I was up late last nite and ended up puffing a whole bowl of the chem91, and that is the one that had the tire smell, and was really sour, like sour candy, awesome! The Larry has the tire smell too, but more like the tire that has been sun rotting in the dump, tire smell, Larry is the garbage pheno, and theres magic if it gets flushed and grown rite. So this chem91, is SOUR DIESEL, its sour and its deisel. The chemdog I got from the club is something different, I bet it might be Greenhouse Seeds Chemdog?? i am will to try that one too, haha. i dont go trendy wen it comes to genetics, I just love what I love, I am still keeping my CC pheno of chem91 reg seeds. That is the fire dank sour diesel. All I know is what strains /breeders I have and Im trying to see what it is I have compared to the real chemdog geneology chart, thats why I dont care about paying watever for a sick clone, i just want to know what I have haha sometimes the folklore drives me crazy. Someone please chime in as to the true genetics for all these 'chemdog' og kush strains.
i have to remember that these samples were outdoor and grate samples at that, maybe some of the best outdoor, Ive ever had. Like if you want to learn all about shwag nugget, move to Mendocino County Caifornia lol, this chem91 was grown just south of the Oregon border waaaaaaaaaay out there above Humboldt. Im digging it. Some real growers. Bless ~*~. So I know if I bang this chem91 indoor, its, going to be the kill, my indoor organic blows most outdoor out of the water. My outdoor blows most outdoor out of the water, and Ive only done two years outdoor, a bunch of old-timer knowledge got handed down to me, and im more than happy to pass it on, and I have a couple indoor recipes that will make any newbie, king of the block. peace. Heres my outdoor, mostly nl -blueberry/grapefruit, blue dream, and something called grape, it was wen grape krush first came out. Quick pic so you guys/gals know im not a talker. Oh yea and I had and og kush clone(not sure the cut) it was eh, lemony, but tired, nothing special and I also had the lemon pheno of c99(not shown) and those were 5 foot tall plants that were so hi qality looking, just like the jack herer in jason kings first book, and the high was sativa sativa. Someone ad clones, and they selfed, still good herb, I ran the clone inside and out, no seeeds, haha. and even tho theres extra info here this thread all relates to the chem91 from Cali Connection. Thx. And I havent even talked about the LA affie yet *sigh* ;)..........its just like the Racer 5 beer , Honest Ales is their slogan, thats what im expecting from just one breeder, plz homies. Honest breeding.oh yea in my pics these are all 8-12 footers you can see the 6 foot redwood fence in the back.


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Well I know now that chem91 is the true sour diesel, its fully sour like sour candy, and smells like tires lol i love saying that. Ive been following this chemdog for two year, my first seed order wen I came back from Saigon was from RP the sour kush aka headband, I didnt know there was eleven different headband/og/chemdog strains, 1100 I meant. Am I the only one that still n the dark, im going to map these strains so all can be clear, bc im still overwhelmed. So, someone say this is the sour D mom? i say yes, and even say wheres the chemdog? Theres sour and theres deisel (tires), wheres the rest of it?) m looking for the evergreen mix, the afghani structure of a sativa high, this stuff is like smoking sour diesel, in the purest form. If someone told me this got unlocked out of the Smirhsonian, I would say OK. Its pure genetics for sure. For me, im calling this Sour Desel, for me. Theres chemdog genetics that are still left to be desired, as far as sour diesel, totally on point, these are the goods. Theres no denying. I guess the sour diesel clone ounces, i got from Arcata had that magic sour flavor, but it was more lemon , this is more like sour candy, and the sour d cut didnt taste any deiesel, there was some I recall, but that grower cant be relied on. And then I also picked up a 1 gram sample of sour D from a club in norcal, and it was sour, not like this, sour candy, lemonheads, the sour was nice, very clean ,and had a big afghani at the end, but it was still deisely, it put me down haha to sleep. i like the more all sativa of sour D. i loved that Arcata cut, it was actually part of something owed, so it wasnt like I chose this grower in Arcata.
With this chem91 im smoking now, the sample given to me by my across the street neigbor, that we met by a plumbing emergency, bless ~*~, I would LOVE LOVE. To see subcool TGA get ahold of this , they would be killing it all day long. Lots of props for TGA, O dont really love their crosses, a few seem OK, but I love their style, I hope the best cuts get in their hands for the future. TGA <3
Haha i love that the guy from subcool, sounds like billy bob thornton, reminds me totally of that movie, blades of grass, haha its on Crackle now, but saw it wen it first came out. Heres pics of my la affie, ahain, its at the end of 18 hour mark, the leaves are so heavy. And my other pic, the chem91, it totally looks sour diesel, like sour candy tires lol. And its more of an eggplant/rubber smell, than like if you put your nose up to a hot tire on a car, lol we have all done it. The larry smells like a car tire. Ive smelled a rubber plant before, and thats it right there, its like black licorice rubber, without the spice. I like saying tires. And when its like the Larry taste, thats like unflushed rubber, a few times, I thought my Larry wasnt flushed, but back to back with my two other strains, they were fruity as can be, there is such an astringincy with the Larry, its one of those weeds that you dont bring on a first date, gurls wont like it, but the og kush sample, which im certain is the RP version, im sure they would be glad to toke, even tho is as that nasally burn.its still nice, the Larry isnt for everyone, believe it or not, I brought some down to the local club, and she fkn turned me away, saying t wasnt quality enough to be in the store, lol, but what really happened is I stepped in right wen the DEA had cleaned them out and then did it again since, the DEA has cleaned them out twice in the last 6 months, the third time is going to get ugly, and they are greedy people, ive found out, im not wishing bad n them, but dont care about stopping anything from happening. Theres way too many shetbag people dealing with this sacred herb.
Im loving this chem91 seed after my sesh late last nite, the real sour, with the real tires , sign me up, $750 a clone easy, and not talking sales, just talking value if it were on the market, totally just for example. I would pay that in a heartbeat and then I dont abe to rewrite the encyclopeda brittanica to figure out what strain I really have,....give me a high five and a bro hug, thats it, thats all I want something with integrity, ive met breeders before and the good energy exchange can be unreal goodness. Im hoping we can get an honest breeder on the rise, (i almost said rize, lol), tat is going to deliver us the kill genetics, mainly sours. Oh, where art thou?

pps you can see in the second pic that the cem91 has sour yellow lite color all the way, and the older and shady bottom branch, shows more of the dark side of the plant, that same dark like the tires, but this pheno is going to be so sour, going to be sick! Im going to cut a clone and sex it just to make sure, haha but keeping it anyway, wouldnt that be grate if it was a male? That would almost be better right? Its a win-win situation for me, wohoo. But thats going to be my next room, rage six of these chem91 under a 1000w. This is already feeling very special. The sour diesel clone I had in Nov 2006, was very similar to this chem91 both the seedling from CC And this sample I got from this more hicky type cat. Alot weaker, and I remember the blades were thin thin, like a sativa, but all the rest, the sour part and the desely part all the same. More on that later.


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And just have to say about TGA, that everything Ive seen them do, they like their super soil recipe on you tube, its all the Right Stuff........heres my chem91 cut, from my seedling so I can sex it. The clone machine just pure water , 6.0 ph the most important thing and then always re adjust 24 hours later, it will always climb back up. I use the earth juice down crystals, but for this I use advanced nut. Ph down, its way easier to use, with the crystals you have to add every 30 hours lol. The ph stays constant with the drops. Its like 18 drops for two gallons and then 9 drops the next day, thats tap water like 7.2-7.5, i have always ad roots in 3-10 days, always. One time I left for a month and came back, I was showing this gurl, the roots went from my nose all the way down to my gentlemans sausage, lol , she was like daaaaaaaaang. ;) I aim to please.


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And now the only truth I believe about the Cali Connection is when that guy Swerve said, 'I am not a breeder' , thats it. Talk about a cut getting into the wrong hands, I mean REZDOG, did he get his name from the Resorvoir Dogs, is that the best that these guys can come up with is a copy cat image of some acadamy award gangster movie, both of these knuckle heads needs to be skooled on wat it means to tout gangster, you may have everyone fewled below the age of 26, but I got your #. And anyone who sells seeds as an online auction is an automatic scumbag. Totally taking advantage of the masses, especially all the 18-20 year olds, just playing everyone , it is so atrocious to see, pathetic low level dealings. These guys wouldnt make it 5 minutes on Dead lot, these are the guys that get thrown in a garbage can, and for everyone to see, same here. Quit trying to scam everyone with your joke attemt to be a phat breeder.
And im going to pinpoint exactly what genetics I have and Cc is getting crossed out of the equation, I know that guy Swerve trolled that clone from skunk va, thats where im giving the credit for any chemdog genetics I have thru CALI CONNECTION to skunk va, thats why I eliminated at any cost the phenos with aff1 because t doesnt belong in there just like swerve doesnt belong with the skunk va cut, simple as that. (~);} he needs to be eliminated from the equation, we need to start breeding with the skunk va cut again, it needs to get into the right hands and bred right and made available for a fair deal, for All to enjoy, this would be way better than the and we are getting dealt by all these fewls. Honest breeding. And the wealth to follow from all that is enormous, thats the same way as the grateful dead, they are there to play music, not make money, and they created an ultra dank product, same type of values for the dedheds, if we grow weed, we do it 100% sincere and honest , love in and out, it creates priceless items, chemdog genetics are one example, but the integrity behind the source seems to all be lost with some people loving the mighty dollar (fame) more than peddling honest genetics. Thats wen you can say, this is the real deal, just like the mommy, makes me sick in my gut jyst to think thats true. Like I have always said, the Cali Connection is about as real as their sign, taen from the Godfather movie. Do you want to see the Godfather or some B or C rate gangster movie called the Cali Connection? How about something original for chemdog genetics, if holmes would have had a fancy gold outline, with a little shade of red on the left and a little shade of blue on the right, and said this is chemdog, the real deal in seed form, He would have been held up as a national hero, an icon, but its something quite less in my Eyes. Peace everyone, im going to rock these sour genetics, and thats what this thread is about.
People who troll the internet icmag, rollitup, etc. and troll stains from people are the biggest losers around, and cali connection is one of those people, and ot bothers me so much because like I said between So cal and the bay area, I met a handful of people who appeared to talk the talk and they all were those people that get strains off theinternet by acting like a peasant nobody and then they go around in real life and act like theyre better than everyone because they have these elite strains that no one else is good enough to get. Omg Get a Life. It is possible to have real life dank connections, but not online, thats like saying your some pimp on facebook, its such a joke. Ive had kids make me out to be a strait fewel, but everything I know came from phamily or was well paid for, info, strains, equipment, watever, I dont go around the internet and try to find new ways to dew indoor, etc, even tho Ive seen some reallyy impressive things, the internet is not my source of energy wen it comes to growing the dank, and Im a nobody, and these super gangster breeders are still a joke, if I ever said I was a breeder and was using the skunk va as the cornerstone of my breeding program, there would be a beacon of light coming out of northern california so brite. Its like the whole point is this is all grate having the skunk va cut around, but It Could Be So Much More.
I just called the dispensary I went to last summer to get my Larry OG , which is 200 mile round trip, its long gone, they dont keep house strains, dont even get me started on dispensaries in Northern California, I have been here since day 1 to see it all go south, the same integrity problems as with some breeders, anyway, the Larry trail got snuffed out, and they wont tell me what strains they ave unless I am a member and in that town you can only be member to one club at a time. So I would have to load up the cruiser and make it into a voyage and hit all the dispensaries up in person, I think there is like 15. Ugggghhh the $750 sounding real good, just in gas money, lol. There is something to be said for convenience:
as far as the smoke, my Larry walked all over the chem91 high with the chemical lemon kush high, the chem91 is ferrari weed, so is the og kush from RP, and the Larry compared is like a vintage Bentley with a 3-beer dent in the bumper, haha, the chem91 and ogkush are so smooth esp the chem91, someone designed that weed to be able to take in the perfect draw haha I mean hit. It was especially designed to be perfect, the og kush too, like the Larry tastes better with a glass ofvwater lol, or a dank beer. Super dry mouth, magic stuff grown clean with a rite flush, so bummer the trail got snuffed out, so then I pulled the Larry bowl out and stuffed the og kush in there ,and it was still coming thru with some flavor but it wasnt the burny lemony nose hit taste of the larry or the chem91, even tho the ogkush has its own hi class nose burn if thats the very first thing smoked, but gets lost in its own swwet and after a full day of puffing, and honestly I smoke lots lots less, with the chem91, I forget about smoking weed with the sample of chem91 jist given me, the sour tires, lol. Thats pretty sick, and im claining that it puts a glow on my skin, thats how special those genetics are. So the only taste the og had was like the scent off dial soap, the gold stuff, not as strong, but just as potent, with a suble but clear taste. The sour tires chem91 tastes like lemondrops where the Larry tastes like an airy kush with lemony chemicals, airy chemical taste, totally coats the top of head and nostrils with the lemony og burn, its not as dense as the others, but times, I felt like I sniffed pledge. Or some got in my sinuses somehow, not so much the pledge smell, more the astringent side of chemicals, its freakin odd, but a gem. I really didnt like it at first. And now I just have shake left. Its been good. Very medicinal for anti-nausea. Te Larry burnt my face off with chemical burn, I really didnt keep the trim seperate so I just kicked it down to my biker friend with the sea breeze seeds. The medicinal side of chem91 is like body numbing, its bliss weed for sure, from head to toe, I am actually surprised subcool hasnt bred this yet, the way they dew ther strains it is right up theyre alley. I hope it happens thats all for nw, just trying to give as much feedback as possible on these cemdog/sour/og strains while I grw this chem91 out. Thx.
And so funny, I met these kids in 1999, and they were college nerds ,but they wanted to act all gangster, and this is when I was rocking the dreads, still from Dead Tour, and so they used to think they were the only ones who ever had the best weed, and everything I ever showed them passed their test, but anyway, they were growing a cut of AK 47, and they had it for almost 2 years so this was from 97 seeds, and mans it was so dank, the skunky pheno, crisp, so crystally, its not like the sweet version that is being bred? Not sure why all these strains have went downhill, I remember the guy freaking out on my wen I gave him an eigth, and he couldnt believe how much free keif he was getting, his eyes were so big, haha like a little kid. But yea that skunky pheno, was a one hit wonder, I think they got it from Summit County, Colorado, now that I think about it, they showed me this organic version, and it was so natural and killer looking, part of what got me into organic indoor. But the one kid really liked me, and he brought me into the grow, they just had 2000 watts or less, with like 3 different size lights and all GH, nothing special, grodan special, lol, but the point os , they had a killer cut, and when I went into their living room, they were living in this chauncy house, just little spoiled nerdy rich kids from the East Coast trying to rage it on the West Coast, but the funny thing is that the one time I chilled with those clowns and had a fat session, what was the poster on the wall, SCARFACE, and it was the one thats like 9 feet long and 3 feet tall, haha that guy Swerve and the Cali Connection remind me detail by detail of those kids, omg what a bunch of posers , all of them, rezdog, Cc, these ak47 kids. If younwant to go gangster try the gangster of love approach, ive seen people get far grater results than try and all be copycat movie gangsters. ;)
The LA affie, its only 8 inches tall, looking alot darker too, should be interesting.


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This is getting weird now, I was sitting there taking care of my plants, morning style, and was thinking, this chem91 I really dont like, all the pizazz of the sour tires is gone ,and it seems like a muscle cramping herb, it is so compact the high is so dense, maybe if I didnt have a huge medical need it might be stellar to smoke. So pass on that haha, im still following thru on my grow, its not junk, im just looking for full medicinal value plants, like I can wake n bake on a good afghani, so I pull bowls all the time, if im indecisive like now with the chem91, so I have a pretty small bubbler bowl, so dont need to breakup the herb that much, not in a million pieces, lol, but peeled the bowl back out so I can smoke some Larry, bc since day 1 and ive been smoking Larry 247 for 2+months, it has given me so much muscle relief. In a chemmy lemony way. I may have to buy CC. version of the Larry-sigh- oh well, thats the only place to get? Anyway im happy lots of good strains. So I peeled this bowl of chem91 out and theres a seed. Wow. It was slightly charred, lol I dont go inferno style when i light a bowl, im going to germ it just to see.
So now it gets even weirder, I was smoking one of my last chem91 outdoor bowls, and overall, this strain is so dense, the high, it actually encourages muscle cramps , with me. The Larry does just the opposite, and Larry is full head high, the chem91, there is still room in my upper cerebral an partial temples, the Larry fills all the gaps, and will say on NYE I got super high, very klean high, and all I could smoke was the Larry, even being really high, the Larry kept on gving, it just enhanced the high, the same with the chemdog I had from the club, I guess it acted like the larry og, and there is nothing left to be desired with larry or club chemdog. The chemdog, was sour d citrus, nothing heavy lemon, and citrus, evergreen og like high, if I took more than 3 hits in a row, I started tripping, and im a veteran space traveler, thats what im after, the chem91 is ultra, like I say surprised TGA hasnt knocked this one out of the park already , so I peeled one of my last bowls the okie plumber gave me the other day, and out comes a seed, i think i barely charred it, but yea im germing it rite now, wehoo, its still ultra dank, supreme weed, just not the goto chemdog im after. Will follow up on the seed, and everything else looking good. Even the hgf afghani sees to have that same deisely afghani full body medical value, not in a dense sense, like hashplant, more in a full sense, like covers all areas, just my guess. Grateful for all the strains, and by the end will map out what I have in relation to whatever everyone else thinks they have, thx all. ~<3~
i have been having alot of luck this year germing on this light using a screw in fluorescent bulb, 13W I think the smallest. And a plate, in the summer, I put a bowl on top of the plate to diffuse some of the heat, but my house now at 68, so slightly chill but just to the side of the bulb, obviously the gentle heat better than max level. Lol. But paper towel, (dye free preferred) and I just used some of the emergency distilled water gallon, and soaked paper towel, insert seed, my hands are always ultra clean and not greasy, maybe pick up seed gently with wet paper towl to avoid oily skin coming in contact with seed, and into the ziplock bag, unzipped, my rp og kush just germed in less than 24 hrs. Good stuff. And dont look, its anywhere from 1-3 days, usually 30 hours, but everytime ive peeked, it seems to disturb something going on I cant see. peace.


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Will the real chemdog please step forward: This is my opinion only. I need to do more research and it is alot of info to sort out, but wherever this chem91 came from ,im suspecting its something that came from CC, which is fine, but im suspecting that this skunk va cut and something having to do with kids on phish lot?? All im saying is that whatever part of this chemdog story that relates to the Grateful Dead, only has a serious connection to the genetics that are in the Larry og and this other chemdog I had from the club, this sour tires chem91 is something that you can find on phish lot all day long, it is such a designer high, and supreme for sure, but the capacity and legendary status of anything coming out of the grateful dead parking lot is going to be able to hold alot more high, the sour tires pheno is limited, as is the og kush from rp, that cut, both highly excellent for sure but its a different set of genetics as the chemdog high im after. The chem91 bud i was just given is ogkush land, and the sour is there all day long. This could be a skunk va cross with the tahoe og? The tahoe og has that goat flavor. Which to me is unpleasant, still really nice, but my preference, didnt CC use the tahoe og for all their og krosses? So its tahoe og female cut x afghani #1 pollen (sensi?) ....thats the og , CC uses is my guess. Theres a big difference in these chemdog genetics, im way interested now. Its all good, if the skunk va cut is original chemdog, Im thinking thats the original sour diesel, because its the 2006 version of chemdog, and sour D and og kush are children strains to the parent? Chemdog? Tat makes sense to me about the sour tires chemdog, chem91 it was called by the okie plumber, lol, but im saying thats just the real sour diesel, its sour and its diesel, I think if its the CC version than the tahoe og gives the rubber diesel part more of a goat blend, but on its own the chem91 is just sour and it has some deisel in it, but its not the pungent diesel like in the bud I recieved the other day. Next move? Unmelt my head, thats alot of info, all I can say is that someone gave me a party favor that you can probly find on dead lot, and on NYE, the larry I smoked all night, the larry never got old, thats cemdog genetics, in the larry and the club chemdog, but the sour tires is next generation , I wonder if wat im thinking about s the chem3 or chem 4 cut? i am thoroughly confused now, but it will all be sorted out. I hope in my lifetime, lol. ;)
And thats what I didnt like about my sour diesel clone n nov 2006, it was def sour, def the real deal, it was one of those jagged stem clones? It had a little bit of a diesely taste that rounded out the sour sativa, but still much to be desired if you want an herb that will fill your whole head, etc. its a desogner high, and superb no doubt, but I chose my super orange cali o from selfed seeds over that, I actually found a pic of my orange mom, and 120 ez cloner. That herb was magic, pysechedelic, for a supposed skunk cross, I think there was a cut going around cali in 2003 that had a haze in it that made it extra powerful, thas what this was, and stood out nite and day to a bunch of other cali o seedlings from the same batch, once I smelled the stem at 3 weeks it gave me an orange smell that sent me to the floor wen I was knelt down smelling them, sooooo dank for cali o so orange, and so back to the chemdog, the chemdog, I had from the club last year was really nothing like this chem91 bud I have, or my sour d clone from nov 2006, amd just to say theres people that love the dead that dont like phish, some vice versa , very few, but that template is the same thing as the genetics of 'chemdog' loke my godfather used to say , the herb always reflects the soul of the grower ,and if either of these two lines, the original chemdog, and the 2006 line sour tires etc. , came from either phish or grateful dead lot, it was done with 100% sincerity and knowledge. Thats 4 sure.
Well sorry for all the posts and thx for letting me share I love Roll it Up-good vibes. But thinking about the LA Affie, we know thats hashy, Does anyone know the la affie is not hashy raise your hand lol. But people talk about a psychedelic part, ? All im noticing is there is a big stretch between the second and third node and that has always been characteristic of og kush wen I grew it. ??? Whats so psychedelic that could offset a legendary hashplant? Chemdog ? Or like larry og, which I think is chemdog genetics, well at least its an s1 and not a hybrid cross like all the CC crosses? Its all still a major mystery to me.
The Larry og kush i just grew (will have pics wen computer comes back) was the lankier , diesel, really hard to grow, takes special nutrient blend, very weird plant and has the signature kush/lemon astringint smell, that I found on Larry clone and the same exact plant I got in 2000 from the brewer that said it was kush, and those are way different genetics than this og kush probly the Rp version, or is like some tahoe og I smoked from the club, very compact high, the Larry and old kush clone are diesel gross astringent taste, but heady dank power, keeps on giving, its a durty smell and taste. I am loving these strains for anti-nausea, and muscle relief, grate weed, medicinally. Dam dam I wish I would have kept the larry clone, I have lots of pics so you can see all Im trying to describe. Awesome stuff, would be weed you could find from a grunge person on hollywood blvd., rather than at a club from beverly hills, all the compact og's would proby be their thing. Just a weak stereotype, but all I know so far from a grower and smoker point of view, I dont think I have talked about anything I havent smoked myself, so, theres the desely OG, like larry og clone from norcal club, and kush clone from brewer in 2000, same plant, the larry might be a litte more lemony but that was me growing 13 years ago exactly, it was this time of year, and I had connections into the brewery, so it wasnt a run of the mill clone, even for the locals I knew that were hitting the indoors pretty hard, the ak47 ppl, the white wdow/trinity bud ppl, that ghosty atf seed that was a knockut, I didnt even see the semi that hit me lol, the white widow kush , same people, .........and then theres this chem91, bud that I got from the okie plumber, thats sour tires, and now I have a seed(germing), and that high, the capacity, is the same type of capacity high, as my sour d 2006 nov clone, I got it from a friend via Bay area club. And the chem91 reg from seed I have smellls the exact same as my sour D clone 2006, sour and green, thats it. Theres no citrus in it, just sour. Its not a pungent sour, like if mixed in with deisel , just sour and green. And then theres this chemdog from the club last year that only resembles the larry og in high, like the kush head part of the high, the instant high to the dome, the chemdog is three times what this larry og clne zi justbdid, it is/was the phamily jewels. Thats what im after and larry og for its anti-nausea, haha like my biker friend said, what did Larry have to dew with it? Good question, im wanting to know myself, I thought I tasted mango, once or twice, im thinking just personally, that its ogkush, I wonder if the ghost cut is more like the larry, but ogkush x mango, like 5% cross, very light just enough to give it a better yeild with something sweet and nice. .? Big guess
And just smoking some larry og now, it burns the hell put of my nose, my whole body has been feeling disgruntled (muscle cramps) from smoking the chem91 bud from he plumber lol, but the larry covers the whole everything, even tho the other strains aremore concentrated , the larry is more of a bud, and now I have been truly loving the burn, somedays I wo,uld just wxhale tru my nose, haha good stuff, it has a relaxxing medicated feel without sensing any other herb, in the Larry. The larry makes my body say ahhhhh like some good herb does,. Anyway, the og kush the plumber gave me had the nose burn, but it was a more concentrated high like the sour tires chem91 bud he gave me, the larry keeps on giving, even right now, just a glorious nose burn, that bud is almost invisible, even when I was super high on NYE, the Larry just seemed like kush, and kept on giving, I think it made the high I had all the more both, really clean specimens, the phamily 'party favor' ultra klean, and my organic indoor larry og club clone (which had banana leaves the first 3 weeks, it almost seemed like they were in there like doing cliff jumping or high dives, haha because they for sure tried to pollinate all the close branches, but didnt end up with a single seed pod, the pics tell alot, and I dont think anyone minds me expanding on og/chemdog, while growing the CC chem91, and now germed the chem91 seed from the plumber bud lol. I have read 55 pages on the internet about chemdog and og kush without really understanding a fkn thing, and I think I am on the smarter side of life. Im really excited about all this thx~JoeJoe
Hey all, heres the LA Affie, daaaaaaaaang the leaves are getting big, reminds me of an albatross bird, or b-52 bomber plane <3. *******sidenote, I dew like sampling the oil smells off the leaf stems, and ive been etting everything grow, leaf picking stunts the plants, but I just dew it for sampling, not as a veg technique lol. Sometimes its just better to tuck a leaf behind than remove it, but I took one of the chem91 fan leaves off, and dear god, there was a heavenly green sour smell, the sour is not citrus, its just more of a generic green smell, but top shelf, for sure, smelt just like the sour d clone from 06. Its a keeper for sure, male or female, if its a male, im going to find a jilly bean female from TGA, I know I said you cant cross the dog, but if this cem91 is the sour tires weed, than thats not the club chemdog genetics, or larry og. Just crossing those strains waters them down, you cant trump chemdog genetics. I am still only guessing here? But yea jilly beAn , romulan x c99, crossed with this chem91 (sour tires) male plant. Its always good to have plan B . Plan B ;) Everything about my mom room I love, so not interested in breeding, but that would give me an excuse to make a sick cross, and start breeding. Anything ive ever given out has always been loved, from time to time I get the fone call back with an extra thank you, and thats worth everything, the money is secondary, in the big picture. Even selfed strains ive done that close friends have grown who arent really growers, they are awesome people like chefs and artists, they get by ;) but two strains that happened to were both Bay Area clones, both 2004-2005, lemon lime ak47??(joey seeds ak47xc99?), sick shet, it was lemon lime like a soda, ak47, that weed got stolen more times than enjoyed lol, its funny now, and then a clone of c99, strait sativa, a little weird fruity citrus flavor, not a lot of flavor, instant up high, very high quality, reminded me of a pinapple kush, if there was one. Plants that show hermie traits arent trash plants, they just need to be re cared for again, I wont get into all that here, sometimes you just need to pick off the banana leaves the first 3 weeks of flowering with wet fingers, to eliminate any pollen, but most of what I talk about are awesome female plants that just suffering a bout of stress, dont just sit there like a victim lol. peace


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