Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member
Fine, hope this helps with your thread... you did ask. its a repostImg_01241.jpeg

now perk up!!!! i hate to see you sad... btw that bra has a black lacy overlay ;)
hopefully it improves your mood


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys..........................................

April, MedicalMaryJane, Sunni, Ganjulia, Urca, Morgan Lynn and all you other girls, keep this thread going with underwear or something before it gets any more depressing.
You had me till I got to the end... Clever...


Well-Known Member
Okay people, I feel a whole lot less depressed now :3 Yes I'm still sharing a bed with my crush AND his girlfriend but I can block it out. Well, I kind of have to...

Today's outfit



Well-Known Member
Okay people, I feel a whole lot less depressed now :3 Yes I'm still sharing a bed with my crush AND his girlfriend but I can block it out. Well, I kind of have to...

You share a bed with him and his girl? How does she feel about that? Have you ever woke up to them doing it? Is it a threeway type arrangement? Sorry, had to ask.
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Well-Known Member
You share a bed with him and his girl? How does she feel about that? Have you ever woke up to them doing it? Is it a threeway type arrangement? Sorry, had to ask.
He does have strong feelings for me but he keeps saying he's afrai if he actually dated me and it crashed and burned he would hate himself forever or he'd feel like he's using me, because he knows about what people have done to me on the past. She is one of my closest friends and we are always both included. They have their alone time but he tries to respect the fact I have been close to him far longer than she has. We housesit for him together, we always talk about how much WE love him. We threw his welcome home party together and refers to him as our man. Only I have to mind myself and not cross that delicate line. I do not have girlfriend status. It can get a bit awkward when she talks about how much she likes having sex with him and I have to pretend We didn't used to see be nudey around eachother alot before she came along because it would make her feel insecure. Rather than be a jealous bitch I just support her and stay in my place. She is attracted to me but far too paranoid about me stealing him for a threeway. Too much emotional crap... But yeah, she always goes and gets me because she knows I always slept in his bed whether she was there or not. It's my bed too, lol.


Well-Known Member
Sorry hun. It is only about 2m x 4m and accommodates a family of four. I do my best to keep the whole damn house clean, honestly. You don't like the outfit then? It's not pink this time...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Too much black, white lace is better :p I like those shoes though, very nice.

Try and justify it as you will, i think the real answer is that it's a woman's bathroom and not just that it accommodates 4 :p else my bathroom should be roughly half as messy, nope, it's a manly man bathroom, adventure books shaving foam and bog roll :p


Pickle Queen
Wow kuroi gotta say i like ur most recent pix, what a lovely outfit, but i must agree u need more skin ou another colour in the mix girl, damn such a tiny waist, u look great in this one sweety!!


Well-Known Member
Thankies April ^^

My natural waist is 21 inches, and 18 in a corset.

Yeah, too much black. I usually wear a White ruffled blouse under black dresses but it was too hot last night. But yeah it was definitely a bit too much black. I can't wait to show you my last photoshoot pictures, Red, black and white- playing cards themed and the colors of my country #^^#

April, can we see some of your outfits too? You're sooooo pretty x

Tip Top I promise you, all I use in there is the soap and all my toiletries fit in one makeup bag which goes in the same place every time. My parents are always working so It's just clean, clean, clean for me. My brother is a messy so and so and my mother... God she loves get beauty products. They're important, yes, but does one need 5 kinds of moisturizer???!? I really wish we had a bathroom that's bigger than the actual rub itself. A sunken bath would be nice... I 'd like to be able to fit some candles around the edge or something... Should have tidied before the photos I guess, sorry ^^;

Wanna see April in a pretty dress :3


Well-Known Member
Sorry hun. It is only about 2m x 4m and accommodates a family of four. I do my best to keep the whole damn house clean, honestly. You don't like the outfit then? It's not pink this time...
no need to tidy it up, i'm just a really clean person and my bathroom only accommodates me. i have this weird fascination with all of the girls i knows bedrooms, they all have clothes and all these other "girl items" scattered all over the place. on the floor on the bed on the dressers and nightstands, and they don't seem uncomfortable with it at all.. it makes me feel like i take shit too seriously with my cleaning habits lol.