Samwell Seed Well
Well-Known Member
you said bromance
hexane is harder to find and expensive..try a paint shop or paint supply cna also use Coleman fuel or "Naptha"fuck i spent like 2 hrs looking up different solvents type extractions like ethonol, and hexane and fuck my head hurts
I disagree ... this isn't the place for a detailed how&why ... if you're interested we can reconvene in Concentrates&Extracts ... cnhexane is harder to find and expensive..try a paint shop or paint supply cna also use Coleman fuel or "Naptha"
naptha works well...i used for about a comes out a lil darker than butane oil, but it tastes and smokes the sameya i read that, its seem very fairy tale oil, but i found some more sound ways with everclear and ether thats what i want to do, but ether hella hard to find too, i live in college town, the cutter is gonna have to find me a chemist
You wernt jelous of that lil rock hard ass? Id love to find that ass all over the intraweb!Kuroi, i didnt say what I said to shame you, Im just worried one day you'll try to get a wondeful job but they'll find your ass and such all over the internet. (its a nice ass though, im jealous, I got NO ASS). We all do things when we're hurting and vulnerable. Shit I'd problably still be showing off my chest in here but i get more flak than you do and well, I dont feel like showing off anymore.
Best wishes and never let life get you down, ok?
And such a pretty smile it is. Thank Kuroi
Pleasepleaseplease don't fight. I don't want to have to take sides.
Hey guys.
I'm a little calmer at the moment.
We had a little family emergency. I especially don't like Crack at this point in time.
Thankyou for the cuddles, support and advice.
Can I respectfully ask you guys to not yell at April for doing her job? She is right, and in an odd way I see her as a mother figure. I love you all, but don't attack her, please.
Pretty face? It seems guys like most ass or boobs, but it's harder to be sure if anyone really is interested in looking at your face. A face is so individua, if you really think your face is amazing out o 6 billion people it looks bad.. Well, over here no one really cares, but I will leave you guys with a smile (re post)
Back on the topic of clothes, I hope you liked the dungarees. I've always been a Steampunk fan, but since 'Hugo' came out, I've been wanting to return to that kind of aesthetic. Suggestions for what else to wear with it would be much appreciated. I have some Steampunk art I will post in Inspired art if you're at all interested.
I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused..
Even though they're the most golden of them all?I ain't puttin my McDonald's arches up on here.
I spent just about 14 years with a woman who played tennis and racquetball like mad. She also jogged and she was by far the best female water skier I have ever known in person. She could go through a course better than most guys, and I am talking guys that were very skilled. She was also a very talented slalom trick skier and she could barefoot with just about any guy other than a pro. When she clenched her butt cheeks, they were like stone.If I read "rock hard ass" again I'm going to... do nothing but continue reading the words "rock hard ass".
I really do not see anyone on this planet having a rock hard ass. Unless, they implanted hard rocks into their ass.
My ribs are already so fucked up, this site doesn't help.
I can't even take full breaths without it hurting, now I keep reading "dribble piss" and "rock hard ass" and it feels like my lungs are going to break out of my rib cage.
It hurts so good.